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1/3 bottom set on monotone board 1/3 bottom set on monotone board

01-24-2022 , 10:33 AM
Hello again everyone! I'd like to get your input on a hand I played yesterday. This comes from a 1/3 table at the same casino as before, and this was towards the very end of my session. All comments are much appreciated, as always!

Table dynamics:
Everybody was playing pretty straightforward the entire session, my table was mostly MAWGs and OMCs. Also, the Bills-Chiefs game was on and my casino had a huge promo for it, so people would frequently stop mid hand and hold up the game while watching TV...

UTG+1 ($300): MAWG, literally just sat down this hand, zero reads

Hero ($1100): in for $600 this session right off the rip with AK vs AA, battled back to a breakeven and now winning session thanks to a nice little heater.

BB and HJ are irrelevant this hand.

Hero is on the button with 4h4c.

Preflop: Villain in +1 opens to 15, HJ calls, Hero calls, BB calls.

Flop ($61): T84, all spades.

Villain continues for 35, HJ fold, Hero raise to 100, BB fold.

Villain says, "well, here goes my first buy in", and moves all in.


The pot is $446, and it's $185 for me to call, little under 2.5:1 (I think I got it right this time lol).

I'd like to hear what you guys would do in this spot, but also if you agree with the flop raise/sizing. I can see how a raise could be incorrect in this spot, but I wasn't sure what to do in the moment.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Will post results after some discussion. Thank you all in advance!

Last edited by Leblanger; 01-24-2022 at 10:43 AM.
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-24-2022 , 01:08 PM
Don't raise the flop on a 3 spade board imo.
Flat and see a turn.
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-24-2022 , 01:22 PM
I'm also flatting preflop in a pot that is going multiway. Although I have been questioning the profitability of setmining with small pairs if the crowd has half a clue (which is why I no longer play them OOP), but even I'm not folding this on the Button after multiple callers.

The SPR is < 5 and we has a set. Not impossible for him to have a bigger one although it's not as if it is a AK4 board where it is a lot more possible. Also not impossible for him to have a flush but we have outs if he does. Still a very good chance he simply has overs or overpair + flush draw and we're in a great spot. So I also raise the flop to get things in by the turn, and just snap off the raise here and live with results.

ETA: In high SPR pots I would just flat the flop due to the possibility of the made flush and just evaluate how things go. However, in small SPR pots we're simply not going to be able to get away from our hand, and so I think we should just be getting it in ASAP before a scare card comes to kill the action / hand.

1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-25-2022 , 03:09 PM
Pre is fine. I flat the flop. As played I call. He could easily have the naked As, and if he has a flush, you have outs. If he has a set, so be it.
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-25-2022 , 03:18 PM
Not in love with the speech, but you're not far off on odds (you might even have them) assuming villain has just flushes and better sets. I suspect if you factor in a few naked As, you definitely have the odds.
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-25-2022 , 03:25 PM
Yep .. no reason to bloat the pot on the Flop .. you may get a free River or a chance to bet into them on a blank Turn.

AP .. With no reads this 'speech play' could be anything from the nuts to over-cards with a high spade. As indicated a set/set situation is pretty rare so I think we're inclined to call it off. Make sure you say 'you're probably good' before the Turn and River come out as this gives you a 40% better chance of winning (from my opponent's experience anyway). GL
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-25-2022 , 04:11 PM
I treat this hand as too strong to fold, not so strong we want to iso against flushes and better sets. I flat this flop. I call down, folding to bets if the board hits the four flush and raising somewhere if the board pairs.

AP I call it off but I guess he has the nut flush given the speech. You have outs though.
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-25-2022 , 05:20 PM
RE: flatting versus raising the flop

At what SPR are we simply forced to go with out hand and commit our stack to protect our equity? Obviously with just a 1/2 PSB left or a PSB left we'd obviously be going with it, right? SPR is 4.7 here... the pot is big enough relative to our stack and our hand strength good enough to commit ASAP, imo.

1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-25-2022 , 05:42 PM
I would call as played, but yeah don't raise monotone boards w/ sets or two pair.

It's a common mistake people often make thinking they need to protect their hand from another spade coming when all they do is narrow continuing ranges and bloat pots when they're behind.
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-25-2022 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
RE: flatting versus raising the flop

At what SPR are we simply forced to go with out hand and commit our stack to protect our equity? Obviously with just a 1/2 PSB left or a PSB left we'd obviously be going with it, right? SPR is 4.7 here... the pot is big enough relative to our stack and our hand strength good enough to commit ASAP, imo.
IME most villains will play pretty straightforward with a 3 flush on the board, they're unlikely to try to get it in here without the A or a better set. So I don't have a problem flatting and see what they do.
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-26-2022 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by WereBeer
IME most villains will play pretty straightforward with a 3 flush on the board, they're unlikely to try to get it in here without the A or a better set. So I don't have a problem flatting and see what they do.
Overpairs (without flush draw) are continuing a decent amount of the time at this stack depth (convincing themselves that we are pushing the A high flush draw), imo.

1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-26-2022 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Overpairs (without flush draw) are continuing a decent amount of the time at this stack depth (convincing themselves that we are pushing the A high flush draw), imo.
Yes, low stakes Players are convinced that Players bluff more often than they actually do .. and also included is failure to realize that even chronic bluffers bluff way less in these types of spots. GL

PS .. is it really a bluff with the Ace of flush?
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
01-27-2022 , 06:28 AM
On a multiway pot raising botom set on a monocolor flop is a bad play.

If it was HU it could be ok.

Call flop reevaluate next streets. We want to make pot small in this particular situation.

As played we have to call due dead money and pot odds call we still have a 30% to improve our hand to a full house or quad. You re committed plus he could have

AA KK with spades or Ak with one spadee or AT with one spade.

How i would play that hand? Call, call, reevaluate river
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
02-06-2022 , 03:02 PM
Hey everyone, sorry for the super late reply, I've been having really weird computer problems... I think it's fixed now?

Anyways, yeah raising the flop was bad, I see that now lol. No reason to bloat the pot when I can just see a turn and evaluate, and getting jammed on isn't really fun either.

So I ended up folding. He told me later after the hand he had an over pair with a spade... it is what it is.

Thank you all for the responses!!
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
02-06-2022 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
I would call as played, but yeah don't raise monotone boards w/ sets or two pair.

It's a common mistake people often make thinking they need to protect their hand from another spade coming when all they do is narrow continuing ranges and bloat pots when they're behind.
1/3 bottom set on monotone board Quote
