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1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove 1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove

04-14-2017 , 05:41 AM
New table started up, have no reads on any of these players.
Sitting at about $150 in a 300 max game.

Dealt AQs in Utg+1
UTG raises to 15 - pretty standard strong raise size in these games
(Hero) - Flats AQs
Utg + 2 Flats
SB - Flats

Flop: Q98 rainbow

SB: Leads 25
UTG: Tanks and grabs enough chips for a call, then decides to shove his 120~ dollar stack.

1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 05:53 AM
Fold, what's he jamming over a bet with that you beat? Seems like KQ and not much else.

Last edited by WereBeer; 04-14-2017 at 05:54 AM. Reason: H
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 06:17 AM
Fold pre.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by momo_uk
Fold pre.
Really? Why would I do this at 1/3? Do you really narrow down random 1/3 players utg range as AK, 10-10 +?
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 07:37 AM
haha at fold pre but def. fold flop.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by MK7749
haha at fold pre but def. fold flop.
Yes fair enough, I did fold. However, I told the player who shoved what I folded and he literally laughed in my face along with a majority of the table and made me question myself.

Had QJ apparently, the sb also folded.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 08:09 AM
^^^^ **** them.

if there is a call here its due to his flop sizing. But the main opened UTG then bet into 3 players. Im ok letting TP go here.

Also dont tell them what you had or anyone. learn to lie and say a BS hand fast.

Also **** them for laughing at you

also you are on the right track. learning to fold is the biggest hurdle at low stakes.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by momo_uk
Fold pre.
+1. The remaining advice will likely be results oriented gibberish...
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 09:23 AM
How many handed is it? If 5-handed just threebet preflop and get it in vs a 4-bet. If 9 handed, flat is fine, flop is annoying but you have to fold.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 09:28 AM
Folding pre is way too nitty. AQs is very fine to flat pre.

As played, good fold. If you closed action, it's a diff conversation, but you have a few ppl behind you still to act. You only beat KQ or some weird bluff. You have enough stronger hands in your range here that you can push on:

99, 88, JTs, and maybe QQ if you decided not to 3b that pre.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by timmay28
+1. The remaining advice will likely be results oriented gibberish...
Can you explain this at all?
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
How many handed is it? If 5-handed just threebet preflop and get it in vs a 4-bet. If 9 handed, flat is fine, flop is annoying but you have to fold.
It's 9 handed at the crown. If I were in later position I would have just raised, but from the UTG raise I thought a flat would be fine.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by MK7749
^^^^ **** them.

if there is a call here its due to his flop sizing. But the main opened UTG then bet into 3 players. Im ok letting TP go here.

Also dont tell them what you had or anyone. learn to lie and say a BS hand fast.

Also **** them for laughing at you

also you are on the right track. learning to fold is the biggest hurdle at low stakes.
Haha thank you. The laughing wasn't so much of mocking me (I think), just more so disbelief that I folded AQ. Thanks for the advise, although I'm really not understanding the fol-pre responses. Who open folds AQs at the low limits to a standard open?
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Tilltard
Can you explain this at all?
You have a 50 blind stack and UTG is opening 5x. What range do you put him on and how well do you think AQs does against that range? Flatting this early leaves you exposed to getting squeezed, to which are you going to fold or are you going to shove if that were to happen?

I would imagine the argument for folding pre is due to your limited stack size and lack of position.

edit: Also, those people laughing are doing so to make themselves feel better about how terrible their own game is. You made a great fold, and a disciplined one at that. Pat yourself on the back for playing it well and move on. Use this as a lesson though to never divulge your hand when you make a disciplined fold.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by PokerFiend4LYFE
You have a 50 blind stack and UTG is opening 5x. What range do you put him on and how well do you think AQs does against that range? Flatting this early leaves you exposed to getting squeezed, to which are you going to fold or are you going to shove if that were to happen?

I would imagine the argument for folding pre is due to your limited stack size and lack of position.

edit: Also, those people laughing are doing so to make themselves feel better about how terrible their own game is. You made a great fold, and a disciplined one at that. Pat yourself on the back for playing it well and move on. Use this as a lesson though to never divulge your hand when you make a disciplined fold.
At this type of game, I would put his range as A8s+, all broadway and probably 77+. If re-raised, while I do have 10% of my stack invested I can still easily lay it down. Fortunately, these games do not play aggressive enough to even see a squeeze bet to often from a player who isn't nutted (AK, 10s+).
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-14-2017 , 12:54 PM
Just for the sake of discussion, how does everyone feel about the VILLAIN'S play assuming he had QJo?

Has anyone said how many people were at the table? Because if it were 6- or 7-handed I don't think opening QJo is horrible - 9- or 10-handed and I think it's an easy fold - if I want to open my early position raising range so people won't put me exclusively on big pairs and AK I'd rather raise hands like 76s than QJo. 76s is much easier to play postflop than QJo.

As played, I gotta say I like the villain's play postflop. SB's weak donk makes me think he has a weak queen, a 9 or an 8. UTG is clearly going to raise top pair over that range to avoid giving everybody free/cheap cards ($25 is peanuts to draw to a gutshot in that pot). What's he going to do, raise to $75 and have $45 back? He has only one play there - arrrrrrrr in. If one of the two villains behind flopped a set, straight or two pair, that's poker - it's hard to make those hands so you can't be afraid of them every time you make top pair.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-15-2017 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by DalTXColtsFan
Just for the sake of discussion, how does everyone feel about the VILLAIN'S play assuming he had QJo?

Has anyone said how many people were at the table? Because if it were 6- or 7-handed I don't think opening QJo is horrible - 9- or 10-handed and I think it's an easy fold - if I want to open my early position raising range so people won't put me exclusively on big pairs and AK I'd rather raise hands like 76s than QJo. 76s is much easier to play postflop than QJo.

As played, I gotta say I like the villain's play postflop. SB's weak donk makes me think he has a weak queen, a 9 or an 8. UTG is clearly going to raise top pair over that range to avoid giving everybody free/cheap cards ($25 is peanuts to draw to a gutshot in that pot). What's he going to do, raise to $75 and have $45 back? He has only one play there - arrrrrrrr in. If one of the two villains behind flopped a set, straight or two pair, that's poker - it's hard to make those hands so you can't be afraid of them every time you make top pair.
9 handed. While I think you are on the right track with opening a wider utg range in these games, this is most defiantly not what the V was going for in this specific spot. It's true that the only options he really had are to shove or fold, but I think his overall play in this hand is quite weak with 3 other players in the hand, regardless of the results.

A few hands later he open raised to 18$ and called a 60bb shove pre with A10o.

Last edited by Tilltard; 04-15-2017 at 01:35 AM.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-15-2017 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by Tilltard
Yes fair enough, I did fold. However, I told the player who shoved what I folded and he literally laughed in my face along with a majority of the table and made me question myself.

Had QJ apparently, the sb also folded.
You deserve to be laughed at. Not for folding, but for telling people what you folded.

BTW people who've never folded the better hand are called 'fish'. Your fold is correct, the fact you folded against the absolute dog**** ends of their combined range is just poker.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-15-2017 , 02:19 AM
You have TPTK and less than 50 bbs. Easy call.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-15-2017 , 02:24 AM
fold pre is right for 50bb poker UTG+1 facing a 5x open from UTG. ive ran the streets.
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-15-2017 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by Redskins 47
You have TPTK and less than 50 bbs. Easy call.
So the fact that I have 50bb means I should just be giving it away to a player whos repping the top of his range with two people still to act?
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-18-2017 , 02:31 PM
Probably a bunch of things we could do preflop. Overall, with no reads, I probably just sigh fold until I have a better handle on what is going on.

I probably sigh fold the flop as played.

My default read on players until they prove otherwise is that an EP raise is TT+/AK. So AQ (suited or unsuited) sucks vs that range (poor IO against hands we outflop, poor RIO when we flop "well" but are beat). Using that default range, we're not beating anything a reasonable player would shove this flop multiway to a donk.

Gbasically,IplayprettynittyuntilIhaveabetterideaof whatisgoingonG
1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
04-18-2017 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Tilltard
At this type of game, I would put his range as A8s+, all broadway and probably 77+.
What do you mean "at this type of game"? I thought this was a brand new table and you had no reads on anyone?

FWIW, an UTG raising range of A8s+/allbroadway/77+ is not an average raising range, it's pretty aggro. Not for a second saying there aren't people that don't have this range (or even much wider), but this is *way* too wide a default at an unknown table. If we've played a few orbits and seen some hands that suggest otherwise, then we can adjust our default accordingly.

1/3 - AQs, UTG+1 Facing Flop Shove Quote
