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1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river? 1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river?

04-30-2013 , 11:03 AM
1/3 at the Beau. Hero is at the end of a 10 hour session. Table is fairly passive. Full of nits and fish. Most of the players have been replaced throughout the session.

Hero(~1100): mid 20's Asian hyper tag. has been playing snug all session. folding alot pre, but has been aggressive pre and post flop with good hands. has overbet the nuts for value on a few occassions and has been paid off about half the time with showdown. about half the table may view him as a spewy aggro-Asian.

Villain(~900): late 30's/early 40's white male. looks pretty well off. maybe a golf player as well. just moved from a broken 2/5 game about 2 orbits ago. has been aggressive and spewy the moment he sat down. has 3bet pre/post flop light with air. has been caught bluffing a few times. pretty much trying to run over the 1/3 nits. assuming he is stuck from 2/5.

Folds to Hero in the HJ. Hero looks down at A Q and opens to 17.
Folds to Villain OTB who calls. Blinds fold.
Flop comes 10 4 3.

Normally Hero would obviously cbet here. Decides not to because he is OOP and both players are deep. Hero checks, as does Villain.

Turn A.

Hero feels he has the best hand. Good card to trap Villain and set up a good value bet OTR. Hero checks and Villain bets 25. Hero calls.

River 4.

Hero decides to value bet 40. Hoping to get called by Ax or small PP. Villain raises to 120.

Hero goes in to tank. Ask V how much he is playing behind. V quickly counts cash/chips and announces. Hero continuously stares down V. V is looking at TVs and casually talking on/off to the player to his right. Hero tanks for probably 2 min. Then apologizes to entire table to taking too much time. Hero's action?

Villain has taken an odd line, given his image and prior hands. How often does he have a flush or 4? Would a maniac raise Ax in this spot? Standard bet/fold or a Villain dependant spot?
1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river? Quote
04-30-2013 , 11:18 AM
i like the check otf against this opponent, but really hate the check ott.

ap, the way the hand played out i think your forced to call otr against this opponent. c/c the turn and leading small otr looks incredibly weak and could easily have induced a raise from an aggressive opponent. if your not willing to call a raise otr, you can't make plays that could possibly induce.
1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river? Quote
04-30-2013 , 11:21 AM
Given that you say he has been aggro, I think we can take flushes out of his range given the flop action. He would probably bet a flush draw after being checked to, yes? Same thing with AT (would bet flop) and AK (would 3b pre the way hes been playing). That leaves a random 4 and 3s full as the only hands that beat you. We have to call $80 into a pot of $240, seems like an easy call.

Last edited by sandler1860; 04-30-2013 at 11:23 AM. Reason: fixed my math
1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river? Quote
04-30-2013 , 11:31 AM
The time to b/f is when the villain has a wide range of hands he can call with that you beat, but also has a small part of his range that he'll raise that beats you. In this case, his calling range you beat is virtually a null set with flushes, FH and TPTK hands out there. Unless he thinks you can bet this river with A8 or A7, you were better off treating your hand as a bluff catcher, at best.
1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river? Quote
04-30-2013 , 11:41 AM
I would call. You line looks super weird and you really aren't repping any legit hands. If you say V came from 2/5 he is prolly a decent thinking player and could be picking up on your weird line. You also said the table views you as a loose aggro young player so he is most likely viewing this as a bluff IMO. I think you need to call flush is though for him to have with this line, a weaker ace is possible but I think you have him beat too often to fold
1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river? Quote
04-30-2013 , 02:28 PM
First, seat change. We don't want to be to the right of an aggro/floaty/bluffy deepstack. At least get across the table from him.

Preflop looks obvious.

I hate playing OOP postflop deepstacked cuz I suck at it. I really don't know what to do on the flop. I think I'm ok with a check/call plan, although things won't be getting much easier on the turn. I think I'd just to my standard bet/fold of 1/2 PSB and hope that works; otherwise, I just move on and quickly get that seat change.

I'm ok with the turn check/call. This guy is spewy, so let him spew, imo. For those into giving false tells, after he bets I'd quickly look at my cards as if to do a flush draw check, then snap call. We can then check the river when the flush draw busts and insta-bluffcatch.

I'd more for bluffcatching against a spewy guy on the river, but I don't hate a bet just in case he actually does have a showdownable hand.

Against the majority of players, river would be an easy fold to the raise. But against this guy, I think I call. I don't give him credit for a flush at all since he woulda probably bet the flop with it. With the flush draw on the flop I think he also woulda bet a good made hand to protect. No other draws completed. We've checked two streets postflop, so shown a lotta weakness, maybe he's trying to take advantage of that. Or maybe he's overvalueing a big (but smaller A). If he backed into trip 4s, I think I pay him his money.

1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river? Quote
04-30-2013 , 03:02 PM
If your c/c'ing turn you should be c/c'ing river.

Still call river. You have a strange line, but his is stranger. He should have bet sets/flush draws otf, at least he should have if he's aggro/competent as you describe.
1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river? Quote
04-30-2013 , 09:20 PM
His line makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever. He might have absolute air and used the Ace on the turn for a bluff card, or he has a flush and played it ridiculously.

I mean, in position, a regular at a 2-5 table that has been trying to bully a 1-3 would bet a flush draw OTF on a dry board. That's the standard play. He didn't.

He could also just of had a Ax and thought he had the best hand, but that makes no sense on the river raise because hero calls the bet on the turn.

More times than none, it complete air and was trying to take down a pot here. Some times it's a flush.

He also could of just called with AK and disguised it, although he HAS been 3-betting in position. I highly doubt it though.

A set of 3's or T's is possible, seeming how he checked the flop, and wanted you to fire off OTT in case you had a high ace.

I would of called here, but after some careful evaluating.

Last edited by Mickeypowell5; 04-30-2013 at 09:21 PM. Reason: typos....
1/3 AQo, standard bet/fold on river? Quote
