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1/3: AKo facing UTG limp/shove over raise and 3bet for a little more 1/3: AKo facing UTG limp/shove over raise and 3bet for a little more

04-07-2017 , 12:33 AM
Hero - BTN, $300, winning reg, first orbit

V - UTG, $160, thinking young rec/reg, saw him limp a small PP 2 hands ago and check/slowplay a flopped set and win the minimum


V limps, CO ($700, unknown young ME guy) raises to $20, Hero 3bets AKo to $60 OTB, V quickly announces all-in, CO folds, Hero ??

$200 and up, it's a clear fold vs a l/shove, but at this stack size, I'm torn...

Do 1/3 Vs do this often enough with worse than KK to justify folding for just $100 more in this spot?
1/3: AKo facing UTG limp/shove over raise and 3bet for a little more Quote
04-07-2017 , 02:01 AM
Very clear call, IMO, but I haven't played this stake in awhile. It's possible this is always KK+.

At 2|5 this can be other hands often enough. Even if his range is QQ+ you have equity to call.
1/3: AKo facing UTG limp/shove over raise and 3bet for a little more Quote
04-07-2017 , 08:56 AM
It's Kk+ a lot but if there's any QQ+ or AK in there at all you have to go for it. Even if it's KK+ it's only slightly -EV and you have blockers to those. Call it off and reload most of the time.
1/3: AKo facing UTG limp/shove over raise and 3bet for a little more Quote
04-07-2017 , 11:21 AM
I wouldn't hate a flat to the original raise (not much dead money in the pot, we're kinda ok with the limper coming along with a dominated Ace, etc.).

Looks like we're getting about 2.4:1, which means we need about 29% equity. If I've PokerStoved right (which I may have not, I always get confused whether it's taking into account my cards when assigning ranges to others), it's saying this is about QQ+. Add in AK/JJ and it's a trivial call.

Really comes down to how lightly this person can get in just a $160 stack in 1/3 NL with an UTG limp/shove. Against some opponents, this is a snap fistpump high five call. Against others, this is a pretty easy fold as it's only KK+.

Overall, I think it's probably a thin call.

1/3: AKo facing UTG limp/shove over raise and 3bet for a little more Quote
04-07-2017 , 11:26 AM
Mandatory call for 53bb. Young player is clearly not good and/or thinking much. Also, you are substantially above the equity required to call a range of QQ+/AK
1/3: AKo facing UTG limp/shove over raise and 3bet for a little more Quote
