Originally Posted by Shai Hulud
Maybe. I do have some maniacal tendencies. I'm not expecting all immediate folds but we can barrel a lot of turns. To be clear though I meant we should raise more pre-flop and then C-bet this flop presumably with fewer callers. I wouldn't do it 5-way. Lots of players will peel once with a draw and give it up facing a large turn bet. We can also bomb most rivers if the turn was a good barreling card and we're down to one opponent.
Whether I'd do this in practice depends on tendencies of villains who called. If one or more is a station then I just check behind.
This is what I meant as well, if you read my original post. Cbetting here into 5 opponents, yes, is crazy. But heads up or 3ways in position, and I think it's actually a good board to cbet flop/barrel turns when we pick up equity. A lot of weak villians in my game will peel the turn with hands like Jx or 9x (putting us on a draw) and then fold when a Q or T turns and we barrel. These are both scare cards, and give us additional equity. I'm also considering barreling any diamond. One thing we have going for us, that I look for in my cbet/barrel situations is that our backdoor straight and flush draws are both nutted.
Everyone's competition is different, but this kind of play prints money against the more weak/passive villians in my game, and I'm not taking this line against the more stationy ones.
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