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1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD 1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD

03-14-2017 , 03:02 AM
Hero ($250) - tables been tight, no much action, lots of folding including hero.

Villain ($600) - in CO position in this hand , 30s chinese loose aggro somewhat fish plays , his stack was up to 1k at point and dipped back down, has seen him overvalue TPGK and is capable of bluffing

Straddle on button, hero calls for 6 in BB w/ A4 folds to villain in HJ who calls, CO calls, straddle checks

Flop ($25) , Flop: A33

checks to villain who bet 12, 2 folds, i call

Tur3 ($49) , Turn: 2

Hero checks, villain bets 30, hero tank calls

River ($79), River: 7

Hero checks, villain bets 60, hero tanks forever... what should hero do, does he have enough bluffs in his range, not a raised pot, but i still lose to lots of combos of Ax hands, 45 is unlikely, 3 can have it if its like 34 or A3.. but i block the A...
1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD Quote
03-14-2017 , 03:38 AM
Fold pre. Save yourself the headache of exactly this kind of uncomfortable post-flop spot.
1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD Quote
03-14-2017 , 03:47 AM
You got to be capable of folding TP when you practically playing "one card hand".
I don't even consider playing A4s unless I'm in the big blind limped pot.

If you bet from OOP on that Ace high flop, three things could happen:
1.) opponent folds if he doesn't have an Ace. You win a small pot.
2.) opponent calls if he's got a better Ace. Pot get bigger.
3.) opponent raises you on the turn. You fold and lose a bigger pot.

You either win a small pot or lose a bigger pot. Where is the value of your A4?
Unless A4s in in c/o or btn with volume un-raised pot and deep stacks and a table full of morons the hand is worthless.
1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD Quote
03-14-2017 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by Autist
You got to be capable of folding TP when you practically playing "one card hand".
I don't even consider playing A4s unless I'm in the big blind limped pot.

If you bet from OOP on that Ace high flop, three things could happen:
1.) opponent folds if he doesn't have an Ace. You win a small pot.
2.) opponent calls if he's got a better Ace. Pot get bigger.
3.) opponent raises you on the turn. You fold and lose a bigger pot.

You either win a small pot or lose a bigger pot. Where is the value of your A4?
Unless A4s in in c/o or btn with volume un-raised pot and deep stacks and a table full of morons the hand is worthless.
4) u flop tpnk, u c/c all streets of opponent bets, he was bluffing with a busted draw and you take down a nice sizable pot.
1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD Quote
03-14-2017 , 11:00 AM
If we expect it to limp around a lot, I'm ok with preflop.

Makes a difference exactly where Villain is, but sounds like he was second last to act with only the Button behind him, and if he's bluffy he could be betting a lotta hands here. So I'm fine with the check/call for this small bet, although later streets might get difficult. I also think it's ok just to check/fold here.

I'd probably fold the turn. When we called the flop, it looks like we have an Ace or a slowplayed 3x, and yet Villain is continuing to bet on the turn. We only have a gutshot to a good hand, and that has poor IO (4-to-a-straight unlikely to get paid off) and poor RIO (we might already be drawing dead).

I'd fold river for same reasons I'd fold turn. Very few opponents 3 barrel air, especially on drawless boards (at least on a drawy board they might barrel a draw, but here there is none).

1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD Quote
03-14-2017 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by kenshi3
4) u flop tpnk, u c/c all streets of opponent bets, he was bluffing with a busted draw and you take down a nice sizable pot.
5) LOSE MORE and win LESS (much less) way way less

Yes, but he bluffs let's say only 25% when you call and win a sizable pot but the rest of 75% you lose the same sizable pot.
Who's doing the winning and losing here?
25 x $200 winning pots = $5000 winnings
75 x $200 losing pots = $15,000 losses

Balance - $10,000 accomplishment to be proud off LOL
1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD Quote
03-14-2017 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
Fold pre. Save yourself the headache of exactly this kind of uncomfortable post-flop spot.
Yeah! It's not the player who acts last that wins the most money, but rather the player who acts last most often.
1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD Quote
03-14-2017 , 08:56 PM
Pre is probably a fold unless straddles get limped around a lot. If we were deeper I'd be more inclined to limp.

I fold turn. V doesn't have initiative or position and bet into 3 people on flop, then lead them. That's a lot of strength unless he can overvalue a pocket pair here. This is a limped pot and he can definitely have a 3 here. The only sensible draw on the flop is 45 and that just binned.

As played, you tank called the turn. If he was bluffing he has to fire the river. By calling turn I think you're committed to calling blank rivers. 7 is a decent card for us because it means we chop w A5 and A6.
1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD Quote
03-15-2017 , 03:37 AM
Result : hero called and villain mucked a bluff, said nice call.
1/3 - A4cc flop TPNK - OTT SD Quote
