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1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! 1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r!

04-16-2019 , 06:03 PM
Hi all,

1/3. V is 30 y/o WG who is in for at least $800 after losing a big pot where he flopped middle/bottom against top two in a big pot. (He showed up with J8 and called a hefty raise with it too, so he is playing wider probably hoping to get unstuck.)

A couple limpers and hero overlimps MP A3ss. Two more limpers including SB/V.

Flop ($18): 3-3-2s. I bet $10, two callers, SB min c/r to $20. We all call.

Turn ($98): 4s. Now I have trips top kicker and a straight flush draw. SB checks, hero bets $40, all fold to SB who CRAI for hero's $200 effective. Isn't this always 22? Can't put him on any straights that would c/r a gutshot, and 3x is pretty unlikely given we have one.

Would you ever fold to this V? What about a nit?

1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-16-2019 , 06:09 PM
Not folding here at all. 0% chance. Definitely not always 22. Against an Uber nit maybe it’s a gold but nits wouldn’t check raise twice either.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-16-2019 , 06:26 PM
Lol quit being results oriented and gii, 3b flop and raise pre for the lord aboves sake.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-16-2019 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Whitemarbles
Lol quit being results oriented and gii, 3b flop and raise pre for the lord aboves sake.

Time for you to start putting more pressure and stacking off lighter. (I’m in a similar spot. Too nitty/folding and need to develop my game into more raising/pressure.)

Just make sure you don’t make the same mistakes twice, but you gotta be ok with losing in spots and learning.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-16-2019 , 10:52 PM
Snap call
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-16-2019 , 11:11 PM
You could easily be folding trips better kicker to trips, no kicker here.
Plus you have a redraw.
Obvious snap call.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 02:44 AM
Dumb spot because it's a limped pot but you only need K3 in V's range to make calling even money against all boat combos. I'm not folding here.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 05:46 AM
Snap. Reload if you're beat.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 07:44 AM
Bet flop bigger, bet turn bigger, now snapcall obviously.

You're probably also better off just moving down.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 11:02 AM
I'm ok with preflop (at tougher tables with lottsa raising behind us I think a fold is also ok from MP, but if the limpers are meh then I'm doing my best to see a cheap flop with them).

Postflop for me really boils down to not going broke in a limped pot. It's a little unclear exactly what we started with ($220? $260?). So I'm fine with the flop bet, but facing a minraise and 2 callers to boot I think I'm ok with just flatting. And when the check/raiser checks the turn (possibly now slowing down cuz he thinks his 3 is no good) I'm ok with betting on this drawy board. But when check/raised again against the world (when anyone could have easily turned a straight and it's obvious that at least one of his 3 opponents must have a 3), I then do think about folding. But I'm nitty like that in limped pots.

ETA: I totally missed the fact we picked up the flush draw on the turn, which makes things even weirder (I think you could even argue for a check on the turn if we're not looking to commit UI). I'm obviously in the minority (the only one?) but we're fricken 4ways to the turn on a raised flop; most players get super MUBSy at this point with any non nut naked 3x (and for good reason) and often start entering check/call mode, not check/ship it against the world (and ditto for anything else on paired boards). The only thing that is a little questionable is that he's jamming (a lotta players might not want to scare off the draws at this point with a boat), but it's really not that much of a jam into a $140 pot (and maybe he does get action, who knows).


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 04-17-2019 at 11:09 AM.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 11:14 AM
Not to pile on, but this difficult spot arose from H's failure to re-raise on the flop.

From your description of V, he tends to overplay his hands. I could see him playing 54 exactly this way - raising flop to build pot and x/r turn with straight re-draw and top two. The rarer 53 might take this same line.

Why would he check this turn board with 22? I can't imagine he is going to risk having his boat checked through and the river bricking some random action-killing overcard. Nobody showed any particular abnormal flop aggression so he would have every reason to fear turn would check through. For sure V has to expect the overcallers to just peel this wet turn.

When you led out turn he figured you for A2/A4 with gutter/flush redraw or worse yet what you actually have - A3 (you have no ridiculous 3x/4x in your MP limp range). Now he needs to jam you off your hand by repping a monster.

I find a call here getting 3-2 expecting to be ahead more often than not.

Last edited by Spanishmoon; 04-17-2019 at 11:22 AM.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 01:31 PM
Snap call.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Homey D. Clown
Bet flop bigger, bet turn bigger, now snapcall obviously.

You're probably also better off just moving down.
OK, I'll stick with my 0.25/0.5 home games. I'm clearly too MUBSy for 1/3. Thanks!
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
OK, I'll stick with my 0.25/0.5 home games. I'm clearly too MUBSy for 1/3. Thanks!
Sorry, thought this was 2/5 for some reason.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
OK, I'll stick with my 0.25/0.5 home games. I'm clearly too MUBSy for 1/3. Thanks!
Move down to playmoney, LDO. /s
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by browni3141
Move down to playmoney, LDO. /s
Lol. Don't worry, I eventually called. But I was pretty worried about 22.

I'm glad to see everyone else would call (except GG - nit!).
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Lol. Don't worry, I eventually called. But I was pretty worried about 22.

I'm glad to see everyone else would call (except GG - nit!).
C’mon man! Don’t leave us hanging.

What happened?
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 05:32 PM
Never folding because we can beat bands he has for value.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 05:36 PM
He showed up with J3o. I hold.
1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
04-17-2019 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
He showed up with J3o. I hold.
Good! Now put a dollar in the jar for not raising the flop.

1/3 A3ss on 3324 double c/r! Quote
