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1/3 88 PAHWM 1/3 88 PAHWM

08-15-2019 , 06:41 PM
$150-200 on the turn. Turn was a brick and V likely has diamonds with overs (V was priced in on the flop), so time to make V overpay to see the river or fold.
1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
08-15-2019 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
So we're repping big pairs to get better (exactly JJ/TT?) to fold?

I think the best reason to barrel the turn is to simply protect our equity if we're ahead.

But there's also a good reason to check the turn to widen up the range we end up showing down against (if we're planning on showing down).

1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
08-15-2019 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
So we're repping big pairs to get better (exactly JJ/TT?) to fold?

I think the best reason to barrel the turn is to simply protect our equity if we're ahead.

But there's also a good reason to check the turn to widen up the range we end up showing down against (if we're planning on showing down).

You stated a good reason to barrel and so did I.

My main point was that if we’ve raised pre and led the flop, it’s fishy to check this brick with an uncapped hand. The decision point is the flop, not the turn. I have no problem xc all the way down if you want.

But AP, we’ve led and checking a brick having led is absurd.
1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
08-16-2019 , 08:46 AM
Once you've bet the flop, I usually agree with betting again, too, especially since flop was a little on the small side. However, OP states this guy likes to bet when checked to, so let him bet -- as long as you are willing to call and/or raise.
1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
08-16-2019 , 09:23 AM
With BB folding to Hero bet, likely have the best hand now. Can go either way OTT, but I'd go $90 for value. This hand is at best a 2-streeter, so I think betting turn => check back on a blank river.

X/C is fine also, given what you heard about the opponent.
1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
08-16-2019 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by samo
so I think betting turn => check back on a blank river.
Unfortunately we're OOP, so setting up a river checkback isn't an option.

1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
08-16-2019 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Unfortunately we're OOP, so setting up a river checkback isn't an option.

I know gg. I think our betting the turn might prompt the opponent to check back the river when we check to him.
1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
08-16-2019 , 12:28 PM
Ah, I see.

1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
08-20-2019 , 05:38 PM
V (utg+1) late 20s/30s asian guy. Someone made a comment earlier about when playing with this guy he bets when checked to very often.

Preflop 4 limps to hero in the sb raises to 30 with 88

Bb, v ,+2 call

Flop 7 9 9 (120)

I 50 only V calls

Turn 4 (220) hero checks villain bets 90 call

I decided to check because of the read that he bets very often when checked to. However, I think posters make good points that its probably just better to proceed as another bet once I have checked flop.

We are going to be in trouble facing a bet bet line and that is exactly what happens

River 4 (400) I have about 350 behind max bet is 300

I check? (Don't think there is any other option after check calling turn)

He bets 200

1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
08-21-2019 , 08:31 AM
Gross river. His turn bet is so small it might be worth raising considering your read. It's as if he's setting his price.

I hate it that a diamond came. It might have been worth a bet/fold of $100 to set your price, especially since you know he'll bet when checked to regardless.

I might just let it go, though. He went from $90 to $200 probably knowing you only have $150 behind after that. Soul-read and make a decision.
1/3 88 PAHWM Quote
