1/3- 3b pre, bluff raised flop
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 327
1/3 6 handed friday night in the great state of WA. I just moved to the table with 750 villain #1 almost covers me, #2 360$, and #3 120$. I perceive #1 as being good and a regular. Seen him in a raised pot oop with kj and 4b all in on 722 flop. #2 i see as a regular, making multiple big bets on flop. seen him call a raise pre with 22 then called the re-raise to 28. Flop k2xdd villain #1 is in this pot also with AK and checks to villain #2 who raises all in around 120$ #1 calls. Just seen #3 call/fold, short stacked.
Hero AJo button (Ad Jh)
#1 utg raises $18, #2 and #3 call, and i raise 48$. #1 tank folds, #2 calls and #3 folds.
flop- 10 4 5dd
#2 bets 60 (60 is one stack and falls over before the line only around 40 makes it, he gathers the rest and puts it over the line. I chose not to call a string bet. Thoughts?) #3 folds. I think and ask #2 how much, he says he doesnt know and counts it for me, $60(what does this usually mean?). I raise to $120, #2 calls pretty quick.
Turn- 9o
#2 leads allin around 150$, i fold. #2 shows a 10.
Preflop i was hesitant and uneasy to get in a big pot with AJo agaisnt #1's utg range, i heavily considered calling and slightly folding.
Post flop i thoguht #2's range included all pocket pairs A10s/A10o and J10s and flush draws. I thought my raise represented an overpair or A high flush draw.
On the turn i considered he might do this with a missed flush draw, which his preflop call of the raise weighted him towards. I folded thinking im likely drawing dead even if my over cards hit.
Im a losing player, is this a reason why?
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 4,313
Did you raise to $48 total or $48 more on top of his raise?
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 5
most games don't allow u to bet except in increments of 5... so i'm going to post a semi-legitimate response notwithstanding my suspicions that this might be a troll post.
if he spilled 40 and put 20$ more in, it is clear he has a hand. i would just fold. you have no reason to represent a big hand.
it seems that #3 folded twice in your post, was he dealt 4 cards or just 2?
you might be the only losing player willing to admit this... i recommend applying for the Guinness world records
edit: whoops sorry I read this as 2/5 for some reason lol... i take back what i said about the troll post, and apologize for the trolling myself
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 327
48 total. 60 was the other consideration. I dont have a lot of experience 3 betting especially with 2 callers.