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1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws 1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws

02-05-2019 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
Well sometimes you do run the nuts, or can leverage your stack more effectively on the big bet streets. You don't have to stack off all the time either, that's not the plan when you play deep. It's more about the fact they always tell you what they have when there is a lot of money behind. Check calls w pairs or smaller bets and lines that close action are super frequent. You can really make things hell when they start checking and the majority of their range is TPGK. Not saying I want to go about trying to bluff 1/2 players off of top pair, but it becomes a much more realistic part of your overall strategy compared to playing shallow. Anyways, he was still the PFC and I just don't go about playing against the top 2% of Vs ranges when so much money can be made against the rest. I mean, you probably flat KQs pre, bet flop, I call, then you ckf this turn even though I rarely rep a better hand on an Ax turn. So many ways to win.
This may be true at 5/10 and higher, but it is really dubious at lower levels at least where I play. Overall at levels 2/5 and below, I think trying to leverage our stack size to fold out TPGK versus all but the nittiest players is -EV.
1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
02-05-2019 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by SwolyswoND
Um, what? How? Not every flop bet is a set, GG.
I'm not saying he's always flopped a set. I'm saying most of the time here we're an 8.5:1 dog, and some of the time we're much worse. And all our improving cards are scary (poor IO), there are few scare cards to rep (that don't actually hit us) and some of those times "improving" will cost us huge (unless he's a complete idiot, if we "improve" and get our huge stacks in, we mostly lose, right?).

1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
02-05-2019 , 04:19 PM
And how exactly are we a 8.5:1 dog against anything except AK? It’s disingenuous to say we’re that much of a dog most of the time when I explicitly laid out the combinatorics above showing far otherwise.

Also, we don’t have to make the best hand here to win. If I posted this hand as V and I led flop with KQs, got flatted by V in CO, then the turn was like a 4,6,7 or 9 and I bet 1/2 pot and got raised by CO, the entire world would be shouting FOLD. And rightfully so.
1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
02-05-2019 , 04:23 PM
Stop answering gobbledy. Like debating a flat earther of poker.
1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
02-05-2019 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by SwolyswoND
And how exactly are we a 8.5:1 dog against anything except AK? It’s disingenuous to say we’re that much of a dog most of the time when I explicitly laid out the combinatorics above showing far otherwise.
You realize we're on a 5 outer to move ahead of any Kx (or any pair bigger than an 8) on the turn (if our outs are clean), right? That's an 8.5:1 dog to move ahead by the turn. And yes, sometimes he'll check the turn, so we're like closer to a ~4:1 dog to move ahead by the river (but this has to be offset by the times someone else gets involved on the flop, the time we "hit" and are no good, the times he simply keeps betting on the turn, etc.).

FWIW, this is a super good example of why PSBing the flop with top set into the world is typically a great idea in this case (where half the respondents in a poker forum think continuing on the flop here is fine, let alone what most of the typical players at a typical table would do).

1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
02-05-2019 , 05:35 PM
We’re not only continuing on the turn when we hit one of our 5 “outs,” though, so that analysis is inapplicable.
1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
02-05-2019 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by SwolyswoND
We’re not only continuing on the turn when we hit one of our 5 “outs,” though, so that analysis is inapplicable.
I feel that just cuz we're *sometimes* continuing on the turn without one of these 5 outs (and, FWIW, the flop action doesn't always end on our call) as justification for thinking that's going to make up for all the other times when we can't (plus all the bad things that can happen when we do hit).

In this case here, we basically nutted up on the turn if against an inferior hand and yet made up hardly anything if we didn't bet the river. If that's the best we can do in more-or-less the best case scenario, I'm not exactly convinced we're crushing it in the other scenarios.

1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
02-05-2019 , 06:54 PM
Except its not the best case scenario (which would've been a blank river or running clubs), and your analysis is grounded on always needing to make the best hand to win, which we most certainly do not need when we have position this deep and V will almost always cap himself to one pair hands.
1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
02-10-2019 , 04:09 AM
River seems like a clear bet.
1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
02-10-2019 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I'm not saying he's always flopped a set. I'm saying most of the time here we're an 8.5:1 dog, and some of the time we're much worse. And all our improving cards are scary (poor IO), there are few scare cards to rep (that don't actually hit us) and some of those times "improving" will cost us huge (unless he's a complete idiot, if we "improve" and get our huge stacks in, we mostly lose, right?).

Who, except you, said anything about "getting stacks in"? With you everything always comes down to "getting stacks in" lol.
1/3, 200 bb deep: Disguised turned two pair, but river brings in lots of backdoor draws Quote
