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1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? 1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do?

05-05-2015 , 08:19 PM
The game is 1/2 NLHE and hero has been playing a loose aggressive game with two villains. One in EP who has also been playing a loose aggressive game, and one to the right of hero in LP who has been playing a passive aggressive game.

Hero description:
In his 20s has been raising in position majority of time in LP or on Button, at least 1 raise every 2 rotations around the table. Defends BB and SB with calls sometimes depending on who is betting, 3 bet a couple times preflop with good hands to only bet on flop to take it down, and has not gone to showdown many times. Hands shown to table and won were A9 and K9 off suit.

Young Villain in EP
In his 20s and raises consistently to $15-20 dollars preflop from any position being EP,MP,LP. Has shown suited connectors like 67s. Wide range. Usually c-bets after a raise.

Note: Hero got into a hand with him before where he 3 bet hero preflop and cbet the flop. Hero check raised on flop and he insta folds. Board was 10 J 4.

Old Villain to the right of Hero in LP

In his 40s to 50s and has called a lot of raises preflop. Seen him try to steal 2 pots on the river with bets of 2/5th of pot and after he would say "I tried". He has pushed all in or re raised for a big amount a couple times and shown the nuts or close to the nuts. Hero's impression of him is that he will only bet big if he has something.

Note: Hero got into a hand with Old Villain where hero bets on flop turn and river on a board of K J 4 J 10 respectively, Old Villain check calls on flop and turn than check raises on river.

Now for the hand in question:

Young Villain (YVillain) in EP (Stack Size $600)

Old Villain (OVillain) in LP (Stack Size $700)

Hero on Button (Stack Size $600)

YVillain raises to $20
OVillain calls $20
Hero calls $20 with 25

Flop comes: Q 10 4 (pot $60)
YVillain checks
OVillain bets $35
Hero calls $35
YVillain calls $35

Turn comes: 8 (pot $165)
YVillain checks
OVillain bets $100


Also curious as to how some of you would play on the flop.

Look forward to your breakdowns!

Thanks in advance
1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-05-2015 , 08:26 PM
you are underrepped, but still dont like it.

as played, call turn. and call and non-spade river up to 200.
1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-06-2015 , 01:36 AM
Fold this hand pre. 4 ways, when the flop doesn't check around, I'd seriously consider folding as well.

I basically never see old guys bluffing into these pots, and they are generally just check/calling with their singular high spades. I don't advise buckling in with baby flushes unless you are heads up before the flop or backdoor them.

1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-06-2015 , 02:00 AM
fold pre - you're deep, but calling a 10x raise with the nut low suited double gapper is bad. you've flopped as good a hand as possible and you still don't know how to play it.

as played, raise flop. you are very likely to have the best hand but any spade crushes any additional value you can get from the hand and most likely puts you behind one of the two villains.

I'm raising the c bet to 140.

as played again, I think you have to raise turn. an off suit 8 didn't improve any of villain's range and he should have a lot of overpairs, sets and AsQx and As 10x in his range
1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-06-2015 , 02:14 AM
Fold pre. Raise flop ($105-120)

As played, raise turn $250. Awkward SPR but I believe this sizing allows worse to call while leaving us room to fold awful rivers (obviously V is never folding better, if it's flush over flush it's a cooler)
1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-06-2015 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
you are underrepped, but still dont like it.

as played, call turn. and call and non-spade river up to 200.
Thanks for your response. Do you mean I under represented my hand? If so, why?

I feel like my hand is the best hand with the flush against the Old Villain just didn't know if Young Villain might have higher flush. So I decided to call old villain on flop for two reasons: first, to see if young villain would check raise and two, to disguise my flush.

Originally Posted by Tiltbox5000
Fold this hand pre. 4 ways, when the flop doesn't check around, I'd seriously consider folding as well.

I basically never see old guys bluffing into these pots, and they are generally just check/calling with their singular high spades. I don't advise buckling in with baby flushes unless you are heads up before the flop or backdoor them.


Thank you for your resoonse.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
fold pre - you're deep, but calling a 10x raise with the nut low suited double gapper is bad. you've flopped as good a hand as possible and you still don't know how to play it.

as played, raise flop. you are very likely to have the best hand but any spade crushes any additional value you can get from the hand and most likely puts you behind one of the two villains.

I'm raising the c bet to 140.

as played again, I think you have to raise turn. an off suit 8 didn't improve any of villain's range and he should have a lot of overpairs, sets and AsQx and As 10x in his range

Thanks for your response. The 10x raise preflop is standard at the casino I play at. People tend to raise 12-25 dollars preflop. So to see a hand, you need to pay.

Why not smooth call and bet/raise/check on turn or river? Since I have a flush and if both of them have a spade draw. That leaves only six spades left in the deck. That's only a ~24% chance from flop and ~12% chance it hits from the turn.

Originally Posted by Floppinmynutsonyou
Fold pre. Raise flop ($105-120)

As played, raise turn $250. Awkward SPR but I believe this sizing allows worse to call while leaving us room to fold awful rivers (obviously V is never folding better, if it's flush over flush it's a cooler)
Thank you for your response. This is the exact amount I raised for on the turn.

Hand goes like this:
Young villain check
Old villain bet $100
Hero raises to $250
Both villains fold

After pondering the hand, I think I should have just called because young villain was obviously just calling to spike the fourth spade and old villain was betting his top pair or two pair. As I watched old villain bet 100 I saw young villain also getting 100 ready, I'm about 90% confident he would have called behind me if I just flat called. Obviously the fourth spade is a risk or pairing the queen, but I think if it blanked again old villains going to bet again or be more likely to call a bet from me on the river.

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1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-06-2015 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Int3nseGrind

Thank you for your response. This is the exact amount I raised for on the turn.

Hand goes like this:
Young villain check
Old villain bet $100
Hero raises to $250
Both villains fold

After pondering the hand, I think I should have just called because young villain was obviously just calling to spike the fourth spade and old villain was betting his top pair or two pair. As I watched old villain bet 100 I saw young villain also getting 100 ready, I'm about 90% confident he would have called behind me if I just flat called. Obviously the fourth spade is a risk or pairing the queen, but I think if it blanked again old villains going to bet again or be more likely to call a bet from me on the river.

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The reason you play this hand aggressively is because you are ahead a majority of the time, but often getting called with worse. It's obviously V dependent here, but many live players look at top or second pair with a nut flush draw in their hand like it's the made nuts and will call that $250 raise on the turn. You're a 2:1 favorite if they didn't flop a flush. I will get my stack in every day of the week as a 2:1 favorite. By only calling, you allow V to set his price to draw.
1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-06-2015 , 05:00 PM
So you called pre with about the worst possible suited cards. OK. What was the best you could have possibly expected to happen? Flop straight/oesd, or flop a flush. One of those two things happened. That's great. Why are you getting cold feet now?

Any time I see low suited connectors or similar hands that could flop like this, I ask myself "Am I going to hesitate to gii if I smash the flop?" If the answer is "yes," I fold and don't think twice about. Calling a raise with these cards pre and then not going with it when you hit is burning money.

And I know a thing or two about burning money.
1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-06-2015 , 05:04 PM
If you read my response earlier, I was calling to raise on turn or river. Not because I was afraid to play this hand.

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1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-06-2015 , 05:16 PM
Obvious fold pre is obvious. Don't be a LAGfish.

Also what is the point of playing that hand pre if you're not willing to raise that flop or turn? You have a miracle, shovel the monies in.

There's really no reason to not raise this flop if you are truly "LAG." A "LAG" doesn't slow play when they make miracle hands, they extract maximum value on every street. This is one of the two ways LAGs make money - you value bet the **** out of them when you make hidden monsters
1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
05-06-2015 , 07:39 PM
Read my earlier response. I revealed my hand and how//why I played it.

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1/2NLHE Flop Five High Flush What to Do? Quote
