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1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) 1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop)

01-19-2016 , 12:30 PM
Curious how others might have handled this:

9-handed, pretty straight forward play from table. Cards dealt. I'm 6th from button in seat 8.

UTG thru seat 7 limp ( not uncommon).

I have 9c8s and call. Everyone folds to BB, even SB.

BB makes it 12 to go. Not uncommon. Button calls. UTG folds. Player to my right calls. I'm last to act and call to see a flop.

24.5 BB in pot ($49)

Flop comes 10cJsQc

Gives me bottom straight.

Initial raiser bets half pot - $25

Next player thinks for awhile and min raises to $50.

Player to my right folds

Pot size is now $124.

I know the initial raiser's range is fairly tight at that spot: TT, KQ to AJ and above. So I know one of his hands could be AK. But it could also be AQ and he would have bet out with that or a flopped set as well.

The next player was most probably on a draw.

Long story shorter: I moved my stack ($139) to the middle. Initial raiser snap called and the next player called. They both were all in on the turn.

Initial raiser turned over AK for top straight.

Other player was on a flush draw. Initial raiser won the pot.

I could have folded PF. Actually considered it. But pot size and likelihood being out flopped seemed like an all in was best response.


1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:33 PM
Wrong forum. Strategy forum is >>>>>
1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
01-19-2016 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Rush17
Wrong forum. Strategy forum is >>>>>
This ... and ... this

0) How did the BB raise and then the B call before you did?
1) The shove/fold is pretty much a done deal, but ...
2) Who do you expect to call you down that you beat? You might get lucky if a set is deep enough to push the other player off his draw.
3) Beware the cold min-raise in a mulit-way limped pot.

This is a spot that we all find ourselves in from time to time and a good one to look at from a 'lose less' mentality and call it a win. Some spots are just meant not to be. GL
1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
01-19-2016 , 08:25 PM
Yeah, this belongs in Live Low Stake NLHE. Mabe a mod will shift it over.

As soon as the flop came out, your stack was going in. Nothing you can do there. Starting with only 60-70bb's, you just weren't deep enough to get away from a flopped straight. As you say, there're allot of 2pr, set, and pair/draw hands that'll pay you off. The hand played itself. That doesn't mean mistakes weren't made, but that was all pre...

Overlimping in MP is just ass (unless you're confident of a raise behind).Let the old man and noob's play limp pots. Had it just limped around, you'd have flopped a straight with a lousy 5-7 bbs in the middle (yeck).

If UTG+1 had opened 12, would you have called? If you don't have a hand worthy of playing a raised pot, toss it. Hand selection is crucial in the this game.
1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
01-19-2016 , 09:05 PM
Your OP needs to be cleaned up. Your position is unclear. You are six off the button in a nine-handed game, but there's action ahead of you? It doesn't add up. Also, stack sizes and reads are pretty important to include earlier in the post.

Anyway, it sounds like you're in UTG+2 (?) and should fold this junk hand pre-flop. The only times I play a hand like this are as an overlimp in BU/CO.

Fold to the raise the second time around because your hand is still junk.

As played this is a monster flop for your hand and you need to GII almost always.

Why would you think the min-raiser usually has a draw? If his min-raise is a tell you should include that information in your post. Min-raises aren't commonly drawing hands.
1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
01-20-2016 , 02:22 AM
you had enough info to fold on the flop. even though it looked like you may get decent odds of having the best hand. against two players your hand is weakened greatly by the possible draws.
1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
01-20-2016 , 06:02 AM
fold pre. HH is a mess. Someone raised pre? I'm not stacking off here.
1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
01-20-2016 , 08:45 AM
89o early/middle position???? Snap fold.

As played, fold. Please don't post results of the hand in your original post. It biases peoples opinions on what actions you should have taken.
1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
01-22-2016 , 07:34 PM
Just know your player if you describe the bb raiser as a knit then its definitely not wise to call in mid position with 98o, even if you do hit a miracle flop(such as this) he's not going to payoff too many worse hands. Even with a set he'll probably go into check call mode and if the turn and river are scary enough he may fold.

Take a hand like this vs a station that hates folding middle pair not vs the competent knit.
1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
01-22-2016 , 07:48 PM
Note: "6th from the button", so you are UTG+1 assuming a 10-handed game? But then you say, "UTG thru seat 7 limp", but if you are UTG+1 then only UTG limped so far. Description of position is quite confusing.

PF: I have no idea your position, so not sure what to say. And how does the button call the BB raise before UTG folds and you call. WTF?

F(49): What is the effective stack size? Impossible to give any opinion without knowing stack sizes. I guess you started the hand with $151; if so then I hate calling with off-suite connectors with that stack size. SPR is 3. Fold now.

1. Post hands per this thread:
2. Don't limp/call raises with off-suit connectors (or any speculative hand) with 75bb stacks.
1/2NL - WWYD? (bottom v top straight on flop) Quote
