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1/2NL Live.   Major flaws in game? 1/2NL Live.   Major flaws in game?

05-24-2014 , 12:19 PM
V1 = LAG Calling station. Loose aggressive. Deep stack
V2 = TAG player. Small stack.
Position: V1 ...Hero ....V2 (then button)

I was dealt AK in 2nd to last position.
V2 raises to $25 pre-flop.
I call and so does V1.

Was this a HUGE mistake?
I know outcome doesn't matter, but this is what happened:

Flop comes 2 5 8.
V1 bets $20.
Hero folds. Was this a HUGE mistake?
05-24-2014 , 12:34 PM
edit: ignore post until we get clarification on positions from the OP

I think we are missing some key information such as stack depths but in general I like a 3-bet preflop for value.

Were we suited? Do we have any backdoor flush draw equity? In general, his flop bet is so small that we are technically getting the right price to call. With no backdoor equity a fold in this spot isn't that bad given our relative position, especially if we expect villain to fire the turn because most of the time we will miss. That being said, I think the optimal play is to raise in this spot with any 2 cards to blow villain off his hand which is likely just 1 small pair.

Last edited by GrindPokerAllDay; 05-24-2014 at 12:38 PM. Reason: OP is confusing
05-24-2014 , 12:34 PM
none of your post makes sense. if v2 has position on you how can you call his raise in position? did you raise and then V2 3 bet? if so then V1 would be calling the 25 before you did.
05-24-2014 , 12:37 PM
Yeah, I'm confused now as well. I was thinking that V2 had raised from OOP and V1 called from position. I had it all backwards or did I?
05-24-2014 , 12:41 PM
No, this was ok as long as we were pretty sure V1 would call also, AND that he is likely to pay at least 2 streets if we spike an A or K.

Note, however, that this is pretty bad if we are ending up HU vs V2 most of the time (small stack, TAG player, RIO situation). If V1 is folding most of the time, we should either fold or GII vs V2.
05-24-2014 , 12:46 PM
Rickaversion hand history containment thread in the beginners forum:
05-24-2014 , 12:59 PM
Hmmm, multiposting even in that thread. I got trolled, I haz the sadz....
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