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1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player 1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player

10-06-2010 , 11:28 AM
Two nights in a row I played against a super LAG player. His stack fluctuated both nights between 300-900 and he was playing just about every single pot. I picked up one tell on him, when he had AA, and saw him run the same play 3 times in two nights.

The problem I'm running into against him and that I've seen with other LAG players is that they are catching / making hands on the turn and river, and rarely fold on the flop, regardless if they have a made hand, or however big the bet / raise to them is. This one player seems to really like the action and is solid, but can't seem to catch a break with him.

One hand I played against him I was UTG and raised to $7 with KK, a few callers and he re-raised to $15 from the button. I re-raised to $45 and the table folds to him and he calls with AQ off.

I hit a K on the flop for top set, no flush draw and no real straight draw. I bet $30 with $17 more behind me, I should have just shipped it then. He calls my $30 and now there is a possible flush and straight. I push my last $17 and we flip, he's on straight & nut flush draw, I'm sitting with top set and K high flush draw. He hit his flush on the river (going runner runner) and I was felted.

Now, that's poker, and I don't feel had I shipped it on the flop he would have folded then, but does anyone have strategy for playing better against LAGs who are relatively deep stacked?
1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player Quote
10-06-2010 , 11:42 AM
You described a bad LAG, not a good one. So, my suggestion would be to:
  1. Top your stack off
  2. Open your range up
  3. Play them OOP
  4. Make hands
  5. Let them value-town themselves
1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player Quote
10-06-2010 , 11:47 AM
How open though? I was playing off-suited connectors (67, 89, etc.) and even suited skipped connectors (Q10, K9), but after 8-10 hands of calling pre-flop bets of $6-11 and not hitting, it's either cold cards to me or I'm simply getting out-played while my stack starts to dwindle away.
1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player Quote
10-06-2010 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Panic
How open though? I was playing off-suited connectors (67, 89, etc.) and even suited skipped connectors (Q10, K9), but after 8-10 hands of calling pre-flop bets of $6-11 and not hitting, it's either cold cards to me or I'm simply getting out-played while my stack starts to dwindle away.
You have far more to worry about than the super LAG player; you should be more worried about your game in general, IMO. Calling raises preflop with a speculative hand and a shortstack simply isn't a winning recipe.
1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player Quote
10-06-2010 , 12:20 PM
If I'm buying in for max (300) and folding 2-3 orits after I sit to get a feel for the table, and after watching a few LAGs in every single pot, decide to open my game up to play along with them, how is that short stack playing?
1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player Quote
10-06-2010 , 12:42 PM
Read Professional No Limit Holdem by Matt Flynn and sunny Mehta and it explains why, it's all in the math of stack sizes and stack to pot ratios
understanding this stuff alone will give you an edge against people who don't.
It becomes really clear after a while.

LAG plyrs: What is the goal of a good LAG?

To get you to call them down light when they have the goods
to get you off your game, to get you to play badly against them
they are willing to play bloated pots with little value, but the initiative in the hand, usually IP, in order to get you to make the wrong adjustments. Once you get what they are up to, it's relatively easy to counteract their strategy. Lagging it up in a full ring game is suicide if you are not paying them off. Beat up on them by winning the small pots when they are spewwing. If they seem willing to play a big pot, put on the brakes, they likely have it this time. I LOVE having a LAG or two in the game, as it can get solid plyrs to start playing bad, and you can bushwack everyone in an overly juiced up pot

as for the KK hand, it's a cooler, villian is never folding at any point, so you got the $ in good, what else can you do in poker?
1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player Quote
10-06-2010 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Panic
If I'm buying in for max (300) and folding 2-3 orits after I sit to get a feel for the table, and after watching a few LAGs in every single pot, decide to open my game up to play along with them, how is that short stack playing?
In your OP example you're playing with a fairly shortish stack of $92 (at least short enough that at that point I don't think you can make calls to preflop raises with speculative hands).
1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player Quote
10-06-2010 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by stampler
Read Professional No Limit Holdem by Matt Flynn and sunny Mehta and it explains why, it's all in the math of stack sizes and stack to pot ratios
understanding this stuff alone will give you an edge against people who don't.
It becomes really clear after a while.

LAG plyrs: What is the goal of a good LAG?

To get you to call them down light when they have the goods
to get you off your game, to get you to play badly against them
they are willing to play bloated pots with little value, but the initiative in the hand, usually IP, in order to get you to make the wrong adjustments. Once you get what they are up to, it's relatively easy to counteract their strategy. Lagging it up in a full ring game is suicide if you are not paying them off. Beat up on them by winning the small pots when they are spewwing. If they seem willing to play a big pot, put on the brakes, they likely have it this time. I LOVE having a LAG or two in the game, as it can get solid plyrs to start playing bad, and you can bushwack everyone in an overly juiced up pot

as for the KK hand, it's a cooler, villian is never folding at any point, so you got the $ in good, what else can you do in poker?

LAGs are great for live games. Much harder to make any money with 9 TAGs/nits sitting at the table.

Honestly, when there's a super LAG at my table I have a few different things I try to do: #1, move directly to his left as soon as a seat opens. 3 bet him in position with or without the goods and play him out OOP with the goods. OOP, check to him and let him overbet/hang himself.

Situation from last night:

3/5 live game, effective stacks $300. I'm UTG with 77, and I limp as LAG is on the button. 3 more limpers and villain makes it $60 to go. I call (which should be a warning sign to him but he's obviously not paying attention). Flop comes 9-5-4, I check, he shoves. I snap him off and he flips A-7 and immediately starts berating me for the snap call.

As far as your KK hand is concerned - yeah, it's just a cooler. Rebuy for max and stack him off next chance you get.
1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player Quote
10-06-2010 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by stampler
Read Professional No Limit Holdem by Matt Flynn and sunny Mehta and it explains why, it's all in the math of stack sizes and stack to pot ratios
understanding this stuff alone will give you an edge against people who don't.
It becomes really clear after a while.

LAG plyrs: What is the goal of a good LAG?

To get you to call them down light when they have the goods
to get you off your game, to get you to play badly against them
they are willing to play bloated pots with little value, but the initiative in the hand, usually IP, in order to get you to make the wrong adjustments. Once you get what they are up to, it's relatively easy to counteract their strategy. Lagging it up in a full ring game is suicide if you are not paying them off. Beat up on them by winning the small pots when they are spewwing. If they seem willing to play a big pot, put on the brakes, they likely have it this time. I LOVE having a LAG or two in the game, as it can get solid plyrs to start playing bad, and you can bushwack everyone in an overly juiced up pot

as for the KK hand, it's a cooler, villian is never folding at any point, so you got the $ in good, what else can you do in poker?

Pretty much this. The only other thing I'd add is to eliminate off-suited connectors altogether, and play suited connectors/gappers in position aggressively. Instead of calling otb with 79,810,kj suited just start selectively 3-betting. Essentially just get them out of their comfort zone the way they're getting you out of yours.
1/2NL - how to play against super LAG player Quote
