1-2nl foxwoods five hands
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 179
I'll do em in chronological order
First hand happened around 11pm. I raise in MP to $6 with ATo and someone calls in late position and so does the button and an Asian calls from the BB. In case anybody knows who I am talking about he is a mid-aged pretty decent player and says he just moved to Chicago. We spoke a little bit about bigger games at foxwoods and I said something about a 10-25 uncapped NL game years ago where a friend crushed some donk in a huge pot and he said that the friend is his best friend. Hopefully the mods have removed enough info for nobody to recognize who I am talking about.
Flop is AJT (no flush draw)
checks to me I bet $24 - button calls - Asian raises to $82.
Effective stacks are about 550 to start the hand.
I have a lot of trouble in this spot and it occurs a decent amount of the time and whenever I end up putting in money vs a big check raise from the blinds on these boards I tend to be toast against a set (rare) or a straight (KQ). I tank for a while and say something along the lines of "I don't believe you." but eventually muck.
Button calls, turns a blank and Asian bets 100 gets shoved on by button and instacalls the rest.
I think preflop and flop bet is very standard so the only real question is how to re-act to his check raise. Putting in another bet here seems very spewy as all better hands call and all worse ones fold so the question is should I continue with top and bottom on this board when a decent amount of turns can come to slow me down and de-value my hand (4 to a straight or jack) when at that point I will have already been invested for roughly 50bb.
Second one of interest occurred around midnight or 1am last thursday night / friday morning at 1-2nl foxwoods. Villian is asian and he has about 600 to start the hand and I cover. He has been playing kinda splashy preflop with a decent amount of limping. He seems to love limp re-raises and I think he did it to me once and I folded reluctantly but I saw him play a big pot where he limped in EP and someone raised and got a bunch of callers and he shoved about 100 in pre which covered the initial raisers stack. The board came blanks and the initial raiser tables AJo high and wins. When the guy said "I Have ace high" Asian was about to muck so I figure he had like KQo which is kinda spewy LRR in live 1-2NL imo but thats besides the point. What I am pretty much trying to explain is that he is capable of showing up light in big pots and being pretty LAG preflop.
So some donkey straddles and villian opens to $15 in EP/MP and one other person calls in between and I look down at QsTs. I have been playing very very tight preflop over the past year or so to avoid variance and considered folding this here but figured that seeing a flop wouldn't be too bad for $15 bucks in position vs someone who may be capable of spewing some big bets post flop.
Anyways, 3 or 4 to the flop which comes
As Ks Qx(not spade)
Villian leads $50 and action is on me. I tanked for a while here and considered my options. I normally raise here like 99% of the time especially if I am playing 100BB with the plan of getting it all in here by calling a shove. Then again just shoving on his cbet isn't bad here either with about 150 to 200BB behind but that fact that we are each about 600$ deep here I figured that if I raise and he shoves or 3bets that I will probably be pot committed to playing a 600+bb pot with just a draw and that his range of shoving is wayyy ahead of my hand here (AA,KK,JT,QQ, AK maybe AQ and mayybe even worse but unlikely). idk if anyone can run the numbers vs that range of hands but I feel like I am a pretty big dog especially vs the set hands and JT and at best I am up against AK (hopefully not AQ cuz I don't have as many outs vs AQ as AK).
After a little bit of thinking I opt to call - thoughts??????
Turn is a brick - 5h or something
Villian leads $100
What do people think about calling vs raising here? I kind of shut down and wasn't sure which is best here. I don't think he is leading two streets too light especially vs me since I have been doing a LOT of folding at the table and my hand looks decent when I call a flop bet on that board. In terms of semi bluff raising on the turn I kind of don't like it as much as flop because only real raise size here is a shove or something that commits me to call a shove and now if I do end up getting it in vs a made hand here I am in more trouble than on the flop because I only have one chance to catchup on the river.
I call
River is another brick which doesn't pair the board. 7d I think
Villian asks me how much I have behind and when he sees I have about 500 left and cover him he decides to check using his hand with his hole cards in it.
Any thoughts on bluffing this river? I highly doubt he is betting two streets with a worse hand than queens so my showdown value is pretty low here only thing I really beat is a lower flush draw or a stonecold bluff.
I decide to check behind and hate the way this hand played out. I'd like to hear some thoughts on each street thanks.
Third hand is vs same villian and the only thing that I am questioning here is pretty much what size bet on river would be best to 'look bluffy' and get maximum value without scaring him off a likely pocketpair.
Asian limps in EP and so does another person or two I look down at black AA on the button and raise to 20 - Asian calls rest of em fold
6h62 (no flush draw)
Asian check-calls 45
turn is 8 of hearts (bringing backdoor flushdraw)
Asian check-calls 162
river is 3h
Asian checks
I wait about 10 seconds - count out $240 and bet
Did I get too greedy with 240 bet on river? What does his hand look like at this point and is the average 1-2NL player going to check-call on that board with 99,TT,JJ,QQ etc??
This hand happened way later on, sometime in the morning. I have spewed a couple hundred back into the game at this point but I think I still may cover the table. Couple limpers and I raise the cutoff with AsQx to 17 and get one caller in the BB and one of the limpers calls.
BB leads $30 - limper folds I call
turn Kx
BB leads $60
I think the flop call is pretty standard vs almost every villian but the turn lead looks super strong here but I opt to call again (leak??)
river is 3s
Villian thinks a little while and checks
I check behind.
Final hand!!
5 limpers and I wake up in the BB with red KK and I raise to $21 and only one person (EP limper old man who has been limping a lot but don't have much of a read on him other than that and he has been quiet not talking much at all).
Flop 9 J T rainbow
I lead $41 and villian announces "100 on top) and then puts his chips in.
I just bought in for 300 to start the hand and he has me covered.
This seems like a really gross spot as there are a TON of hands that have me crushed here and even the combo draw type of hands QJ, QT etc etc aren't even in too bad shape vs me.
If I were playing 100BB i think i just reluctantly get it in and try to spike a Queen if I am behind but given that we are 150BB deep I think it makes this spot a little more questionable.
I ended up folding - thoughts?
Last edited by venice10; 10-08-2013 at 09:17 PM.
Reason: No identifying non-famous people in this forum
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 234
Imho Hand 1: how to react to his flop c/r depends on you reads of V. I'd fold.
Other hands TL;DR (post one hand/thread)
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Way too many hands for one post. Try to just post one hand.
First hand, raise more pre, or just fold. What is the point of raising to $6? Would you ever raise a premium to $6? Probably not; you raised AA to $20...
As played, nice fold on the flop.
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Hand 1: raise more preflop, like the above person said. As played, tough spot, I probably fold as well.
Hand 2: As played I probably check back river, but I am definitely raising the flop. You have 12 clean outs to the nuts. getting it in here is not bad, even 300 BBs deep. I raise to $150 and call if he shoves. On the turn, as played, I'm probably still delay-semi-bluffing. A turn raise looks insanely strong and you still have a ton of fold equity in a big pot, and 10-12 clean outs. I shove the turn as played.
hand 3: turn bet of 162 seems huge? otherwise, nice hand.
Hand 4: Nice hand
Hand 5: nice hand
Join Date: Jun 2006
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p.s. You have pretty good reads and concise insight, and these are reasonably interesting hands to discuss. However, you won't get many responses putting 5 hands in one post. Post each hand individually and you will get much better/more responses and discussion.
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Too many hands. Very few people will go through all this. Repost them separately, and you'll get more, and more in depth responses.
Since the guy above me did hand one, I'll do #2:
Why are you hiding the stack sizes in a wall of text????
I raise flop and happily call a shove. We are 42.5% against his 2P+ range, and he's likely got some air in him too.
AP, I don't hate a semi-bluff raise OTT, because FE goes way up on turn bets, even though our pot equity goes down.
AP, check back river. Betting here reps pretty much nothing, and any halfway decent LAG knows it.
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 126
I'll also reiterate, that its just way to confusing and too much info. With that said here's your hand #3 analysis.
Pre: Good.
Flop: Good.
Turn: Why the over-bet into a pot with a paired board? You are turning your hand face up here, and I'm not sure that's such a good thing. He was continuing with any pp, possibly floating you with broadway cards. However, I think you have to consider that he hit the 6 with a sc.
I say bet more like $85-100 and don't polarize your range so much.
River: Honestly at this point, I don't see us getting called by anything worse except QQ/KK and most of those would have already made their move. However you've polarized your range, so he might look you up with a spazzy 77-99 type hand.
Frankly I hate playing this huge pot with a face up hand. I don't think that it is +EV. BTW this is advice in a vacuum if you had reads on villains I didn't read the Great Wall of China sized text previously.
Those are my thoughts FWIW.
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 127
I would repost this in a cleaner format with less hands. Hand 1 I think is an interesting spot, and looks like a call without further info. Also, can you describe his tendencies rather than just who he is? 99% of people who read this aren't familiar with said reg at a casino they do not play at, we need reads on his playing ability/bet sizing, not a thinly veiled description of who said player is.
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Don't double post threads and don't identify non-famous people in a thread.
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"So some donkey straddles and villian opens to $15 in EP/MP and one other person calls in between and I look down at QsTs. I have been playing very very tight preflop over the past year or so to avoid variance and considered folding this here but figured that seeing a flop wouldn't be too bad for $15 bucks in position vs someone who may be capable of spewing some big bets post flop."
So why not raise here to isolate the fish?
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 179