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1/2NL Facing c/r top two 1/2NL Facing c/r top two

04-12-2011 , 08:39 PM
Had just sat down at this table, probably within 10 minutes, I had seen this villain c/r a flop and take it down. Other than this no reads.

Button Hero $200
MP Villain >$200

3 Limps, Hero KQ, raises to $10, Villain calls, rest fold.

Flop: KQJ

Villain checks, Hero bets $20, Villain raises to $60, Hero?
1/2NL Facing c/r top two Quote
04-12-2011 , 08:54 PM
If you are going to raise this hand, you should probably raise bigger after three limpers, at least to $15. Depending on how aggro this villain is, you would probably think that he would raise pre-flop with A-10 and JJ, so the most likely hand that he had that is beating you is 10-9. I think there are enough pair/draw combos and other two pairs that you have beat to shove. But if you don't have the BR to take a loss, just fold and wait fro a better spot.
1/2NL Facing c/r top two Quote
04-12-2011 , 09:00 PM
You either have to shove or fold.

I think I would fold without any more reads on villain (having seen him c/r once before isn't all that significant).

I think you see AT/9T here often enough that this is a fold. We're also often looking at combo draws, which we're not huge favorites against (and we could even be underdogs).

We're hoping for KJ/JQ, and I don't think we see those hands often enough to shove with so little invested.

Calling is the worst option by far, because there's so many cards that scare us on the turn and river.
1/2NL Facing c/r top two Quote
04-12-2011 , 11:02 PM
Apparently the pre flop raise is fine for this table. You got 1 caller. Had you gotten 5 callers I would say raise more, but for this apparently tight table, it is fine.

If 9T is in his range, so is pretty much any suited hand. Because of that, you are way ahead of his range. He wold play a flush draw or a straight draw like this. (QT, JT)Shove. If he is check raising twice in 10 min, some times they are semi bluffs. Shove.

If 9T is not in his range, and assuming he would have 3 bet AA, KK, or QQ, You are way ahead of the rest of his range AK, AQ, KJ, QJ, AJ, AT. Shove
1/2NL Facing c/r top two Quote
04-12-2011 , 11:09 PM
Yeah, this spot sucks. I am not sure if I am getting off top 2 here for 100 bbs on a 2-flush board. He either has a weaker 2 pair, a flush draw, or a straight, which I believe obligates you to either shove or call. Calling his its merits if you believe that you can bluff the villain off of a potential better hand if he slows down to a club, A, or T.

But if you can narrow the villain's holdings to a straight with near 100% probability, I can find a fold.

Last edited by IWearSportsJerseys; 04-12-2011 at 11:28 PM.
1/2NL Facing c/r top two Quote
04-12-2011 , 11:24 PM
He could easily have a hand like Kc Tc, which he is never laying down ... Do you want to gamble with him?
1/2NL Facing c/r top two Quote
04-13-2011 , 12:22 PM
I'm surprised a $10 raise after 3 limpers got this HU; I think at a typical table we'd usually have to raise a lot more. Anyhoo, it worked out just fine (i.e. HU in position with some dead money).

Being readless is a little difficult. But the fact that villain has recently check/raised a flop (i.e. seems a little unlikely that this guy is flopping the nuts every single time), plus the board is super drawy (villain could easily have flush draw, straight draw + pair, or worse two pair), plus it seems fairly unlikely to have a set (we're sucking up KK/QQ outs plus you think we woulda got more action preflop from those plus JJ) plus stack sizes, I think I shove.

1/2NL Facing c/r top two Quote
04-13-2011 , 07:26 PM
Given board texture and the fact we already saw the villian c/r once this is an easy shove. If we have some strong reads I might fold or call evaluate, but I think you crush his c/r range and still fair alright against his stacking range.
1/2NL Facing c/r top two Quote
