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1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. 1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs.

01-13-2014 , 09:35 PM
Hero ($400): Late 20's reg, LAG image, raised pre 4 or 5 times the previous orbit, but shouldn't really matter to V since he has played with me many times before and is familiar with my game.

V ($380): Reg in his 60's or 70's but not your typical OMC, can play very aggressively. Have played a lot of big pots against each other in the past. Few hands of note that I can remember:

Hand 1 - hero straddles UTG, V limps UTG+1, someone raises to $12, three callers, hero squeezes to $66 with random garbage, V snap shoves $300, everyone folds, I fold, he shows 33.

Hand 2- he limps UTG, I raise to $10 with AJ, two callers. Flop J53, he leads $10, I raise to $40, he quickly calls. Turn 8, he checks I check back, river J, he leads $60, I raise to $170, he shoves $400 total, I tank forever and fold, he doesn't show but pretty sure he's got a boat on this one.

Hand 3 - he raises to $10 or 12 in EP, two callers, I call with 89dd on button, flop comes something like T64ddd, he leads $35, folds to me and I raise to $115, he snap shoves about $350, I call, board bricks and my hand is good.

On to the hand...

Hero is dealt AK UTG and raises to $14, V calls UTG+1, two other players in late position call

Flop ($59): Q57

Hero leads $30, V quickly calls, other two players fold

Turn ($119): 6

Hero? Pot it? Lead small and hope for a raise? Standard 2/3 or 3/4 pot?
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-13-2014 , 09:40 PM
I'd bet $80ish and bet like $180 into $280 on river
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-13-2014 , 09:42 PM
I bet $90, simply because $100+ looks scary, and we want him to think we might be bluffing.

I'd ship all river cards. Sounds like villain is willing to look us up light; we have a good image to shove for value.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-13-2014 , 09:51 PM
$85 ott, I wouldn't want to deviate to much from what I'd be doing w/ AQ/KQ, betting on the bigger side but looks like you still could be bet/folding while making it tough for him to pull the trigger.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-13-2014 , 10:19 PM

Do you have any specif history with this V of over betting with the nuts, or with bluffs in spots like this? Or in general? If you've ever over bet to get folds in spots like this with buff type hands then we can easily pot for value.
If not, I would try and bet small and hope to induce. He seems to be pretty aggressive in hands against you, and has no problem getting money in with you.

$45 seems about right for an induce. If we're value betting I'd go something around the $120 mark. Leaves us with $215 into $350 one the river. Sounds like a good amount.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-13-2014 , 11:14 PM
If you have done a little bit of triple barrel bluffing and V has witnessed this in the past, I am with the first two replies, bet slightly less than $100 OTT (85-90 feels right) with the intention of shipping any river card. This is a spot where your LAG image wins you the most money possible.

If you don't think V buys into your ability to triple barrel this kind or board, then I'd bet $50 OTT as he seems to be willing to raise you often viewing your betting range as pretty wide on the turn and willing to fold to his heat.

I think scenario 1 is the easiest/most likely to play for stacks in this hand
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-13-2014 , 11:34 PM
I don't want to make it look like a blocker, because his raise will be all you get. If you lead for ~$40 and 3bet when it gets back to you, V probably puts it together and gets out unless its a cooler. I think 3/4 pot keeps it concealed while getting solid value. And if that gets raised it's just awesome.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 12:16 AM
Lags get paid

Bet $80 on turn (small enough for him to raise)
Over bet ship River. Hope a club doesn't fall.

Easy game
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by wj94
Hero? Pot it? Lead small and hope for a raise? Standard 2/3 or 3/4 pot?
I would have been far more likely to pot the flop than the turn. You led small on the flop and didn't get a raise, so I wouldn't try that again on the turn.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 02:47 AM
$80 and shove river.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 03:18 AM
Bet $75ish on turn and fire $125-$175 on river depending on how he reacts to turn bet.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 10:57 AM
I just insta-shove the river, rather than cutting out a value bet. It looks bluffier, and it gets us max value.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 11:43 AM
Is 1/2 pot your std flop c-bet sizing 4?ways?
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by wj94
V ($380): ... can play very aggressively ... V snap shoves $300 ... he shoves $400 total, I tank forever and fold ... he snap shoves about $350, I call ...
Hero? Pot it? Lead small and hope for a raise? Standard 2/3 or 3/4 pot?
Does V know where the fold button is? I say lead for whatever your second barrel would normally be, probably $85-90 (as others have said). Leaves you a good river shove.

To me, the interesting question is what hero does if a 4th falls on the river. I'm thinking a shove will fold out everything but the Q, and may even fold that. Do we check and let V bluff off his stack?
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by bigmatt24
To me, the interesting question is what hero does if a 4th falls on the river. I'm thinking a shove will fold out everything but the Q, and may even fold that. Do we check and let V bluff off his stack?
I'd making a blocking bet then, better chance at inducing a raise otr than a check imo.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Is 1/2 pot your std flop c-bet sizing 4?ways?
I don't have a standard cbet size, depends on the board, my hand, position, who is in the hand, and stack sizes.

So I decide to bet small again, figuring he either has a flush and could raise, or has Qx and may try to push me off the hand with a raise on the scare card. He would raise a set on the flop 100% of the time here.

I lead for $60 and he just calls again pretty quickly. Now I am reasonably sure he has a flush since he can't really have any QxXc hands plus the speed of his call.

River ($239): A

Hero jams, puts out a tiny bet ($15?) to induce a raise, or check/shoves?
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 02:31 PM
Bet small, $40-$50. If he has a flush, he raises and commits himself with only a PSB eff remaining anyway. If he doesn't have a flush he can't call a 2/3 PSB of ~$160 imo. And the small bet on occasion induces random bluffs.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 03:10 PM
Just insta-ship it. He's playing fast; he's probably gonna snap you off.

He didn't turbo-call the first two streets to fold a flush to you on the river.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 03:38 PM
Bet 90-100. Can get action from much worse with your image.

Also, sorry for the noob question but what does "OMC" stand for? Thanks
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 05:02 PM
OMC = Old Man Coffee = typical LLSNL Old Nit.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Dubey
OMC = Old Man Coffee = typical LLSNL Old Nit.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 05:22 PM
if you want to get better you would post the first two hands instead of the one you have the nuts on

Hand 1: If low stakes players are slamming 33 on your straddle re-raises, you are becoming way too predictable.

Hand 2: why did you check the turn? you are probably perceived as a loose cannon and expected to have a wide double barrel range. why would you all of a sudden check when you've set it up for worse to call?
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 05:24 PM
^ Just because you have the nuts (OP actually has the 4th nuts) doesn't mean those are the hands you can easily extract the most.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 05:28 PM
^^how to play the nuts threads are gay and you know it

lots of fundamental mistakes in hand 2 imo, probably should post that hand, for one thing, it's the thinnest you can raise for value and for another thing, the position at the table is critical, it's probably a super interesting hand because you are close to zero even on every street

Last edited by attentionnoone; 01-14-2014 at 05:34 PM.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
01-14-2014 , 05:34 PM
You're right. Fold the first 500 hands of the session, wait for the nf, and you're guaranteed to stack someone. Easy game.
1/2NL: AKs turns a flush 180bb deep.  Let's try to take all the BBs. Quote
