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<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player <img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player

01-03-2015 , 01:27 PM
I like the line I took throughout this hand, but really want to see others insight and how other's view the hand/what action you would take.

Hero: $477, cutoff (taggy image at most, had good hands at each showdown, none of my bluffs ever failed or were shown yet)
Villain: has me covered, directly to my right (has played 90% of hands, raised around 40% of them, has called down smallish-med size pots with mediocre hands with mixed results)

Preflop: -4 limpers before action gets to villain, villain makes it $17
-Hero calls with 53 (expecting a few others to call, and plan to just hit or miss the flop, and have really big implied odds from my reads)
-2 others call, go into flop 4handed

Flop: A88
-Checks around to hero, hero bets $40
-2 fold, villain Calls

Turn: 5
-Villain checks
-Hero bets $100
-Villain calls (all of his actions are probably in the 15-25 second range)

River: 7 (pot= $360)
-Villain checks
-Hero goes all-in for $320.

Will post results after some replies.

The way I'm viewing things:

Preflop: No one 3bets at this table, I called only cause I'm somewhat deepstacked against another deepstack, and there's going to be a few other callers giving me pretty good implied odds.

Flop: I know the other two callers are weak, villain can have a rather large range here that would fold

Turn: Me firing a 2nd shot after the flush pops up, makes me feel as though I'm representing a flush, an 8, or fullhouse.

River: From my experience, when it comes to deepstack big pots, people play them really nitty and don't like anything less than the nuts. I feel as though my appropriate sized all-in 3rd barrel makes it appear as if I have a monster, and that I know that he's strong but trying to get as much value as I can out of him. I feel like the way I played each street would make it look as if I have a full-house, or at minimum a flush. I don't see how the villain could put me on air from the line I took.

I think he folds more of his range in this spot than he calls, resulting it in being a profitable play. Thoughts?

Last edited by Gallows; 01-03-2015 at 01:51 PM.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-03-2015 , 01:42 PM
In before "fold pre".

Pre is fine, but against this type of player we want to make a hand and value bet the hell out of it. Bluffing in this spot is a recipe for disaster.

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<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-03-2015 , 01:50 PM
What is this Villain's continuing range to a flop bet? What hands in that range does he call the turn bet with? Is our image bluffy at all? Is he a level 1 or 2 player? Has he taken call/call/fold lines before?

I don't know that I necessarily disagree with OP's line (except pre), but triple barreling without thinking through the answers to those questions is little more than button clicking, imo.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-03-2015 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Jay S
What is this Villain's continuing range to a flop bet? What hands in that range does he call the turn bet with? Is our image bluffy at all? Is he a level 1 or 2 player? Has he taken call/call/fold lines before?

I don't know that I necessarily disagree with OP's line (except pre), but triple barreling without thinking through the answers to those questions is little more than button clicking, imo.
My bad, I forgot to include it in the post but I meant to. Sorry, first hand I posted.

I had a taggy image at most, had good hands at each showdown, none of my bluffs ever failed or were shown yet.

After he called the flop bet, I had him on 8x, Ax, 99+, and then maybe any two s

After he called turn: I have him on 8x, Ax, KK/QQ/flush. Villain is a level 2 thinking player.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-03-2015 , 02:13 PM
on the turn he probably has a weak ace or kk/qq-tt problem is I don't know if those hands are continuing on the turn without a so I don't know if I would bet on the river. he may also have aa and decide to slow play it
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-03-2015 , 02:22 PM

I'm probably one of many who will tell you to fold this pre flop.

As played, If i was you're opponent, my thinking on the turn would be:

1) doubtful he was on a flush draw as he raised the flop and he most likely would have called with the FD to keep the other limpers in the pot to increase his odds.

2) I don't put him on a full house for the same reason. With a nutted hand, who would he raise out potential FDs who would be drawing dead if they hit their diamond?

I guess that leaves an A, an 8 or air. With the Ad already on the board as well as the 8d, i probably call the shove with almost any diamond.

Just my thought process, i'm sure it's off base somewhere though.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-03-2015 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgalosk

I'm probably one of many who will tell you to fold this pre flop.

As played, If i was you're opponent, my thinking on the turn would be:

1) doubtful he was on a flush draw as he raised the flop and he most likely would have called with the FD to keep the other limpers in the pot to increase his odds.

2) I don't put him on a full house for the same reason. With a nutted hand, who would he raise out potential FDs who would be drawing dead if they hit their diamond?

I guess that leaves an A, an 8 or air. With the Ad already on the board as well as the 8d, i probably call the shove with almost any diamond.

Just my thought process, i'm sure it's off base somewhere though.
I was last to act on the flop, and it checked around to me when I bet $40.

Is that what you're referring to when you say raise? I may be misunderstanding you

If someone bet before me and I did have a flush draw, yes, I would just call. But if I folded around to me and I have a flush draw, I'm likely betting the same amount.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-03-2015 , 03:07 PM
Sorry, yes. I meant bet, not raise. I would not advise betting into 3 others with a hand like this. What are you hoping to accomplish with the bet? Is it for value? Is it to fold out better hands? I'm just not sure what the plan is when we bet into 3 other people with a flush draw or repping a flush draw. If it were heads up, in position, that's a different story.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-04-2015 , 03:07 AM
Pre is a fold due to the sizing. Especially don't like it if villains range is wide open it's hard to get paid when we hit nuts because we depend on him hitting something as well.

Flop is a check. In general don't like taking these bluffy lines at this level. 3-barrels are normally horrible but you did get the perfect runout to take such a line. So I'm not going to say that turn and river bets were necessarily bad but in general don't put yourself in spots like this.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-04-2015 , 03:42 AM
This a text-book "how to spew a buy-in" hand.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-04-2015 , 08:38 AM
I appreciate everyone's view on the hand.

Villain tanks for 30 seconds and calls with AA, 2nd nuts.

I feel that his preflop raise was too high to call with 53s. Don't like what I did on the flop too much. After putting myself in that situation, I do still like my turn and river bets.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-04-2015 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
This a text-book "how to spew a buy-in" hand.
^^~ 2.5 BI -- this is even worse if max buy-in is only $200/$300 w villain covering, you in position and him playing 90% of hands = catbird seat.

lol @ folding preflop. Perfect spot to play this hand (assuming of course you can control the urge to spew)

Last edited by YouCanCallMeAl; 01-04-2015 at 09:29 AM.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-04-2015 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by YouCanCallMeAl

lol @ folding preflop. Perfect spot to play this hand (assuming of course you can control the urge to spew)
Definitely not a perfect spot. We have direct position on villain 8 out of every 9 hands. He raises 40% of his hands meaning both that we get to play a lot of hands (porentially 60%) vs him for cheap (with initiative if we desire) and his raising range is really wide which is not good if we are calling with a speculative hand.

Villain just 8x'ed it giving us an effective stack:call amount ratio of 28:1 which sounds like a lot but really isn't considering our holdings (small suited one gapper) and his holdings (very wide range).
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-04-2015 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgalosk
Sorry, yes. I meant bet, not raise. I would not advise betting into 3 others with a hand like this. What are you hoping to accomplish with the bet? Is it for value? Is it to fold out better hands? I'm just not sure what the plan is when we bet into 3 other people with a flush draw or repping a flush draw. If it were heads up, in position, that's a different story.
Correct me if I am wrong OP; but I imagine that hero is attempting to fold out better hands as, all hands are better than his at this point.

Also, I think that you might have misinterpreted the action in this hand, Gorg.
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
01-09-2015 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by NeverLosesAtPoker
Definitely not a perfect spot. We have direct position on villain 8 out of every 9 hands. He raises 40% of his hands meaning both that we get to play a lot of hands (porentially 60%) vs him for cheap (with initiative if we desire) and his raising range is really wide which is not good if we are calling with a speculative hand.

Villain just 8x'ed it giving us an effective stack:call amount ratio of 28:1 which sounds like a lot but really isn't considering our holdings (small suited one gapper) and his holdings (very wide range).
I like playing this hand bc in this scenario we can win the pot a lot of ways ither than 2 pair+. The key being our image is good.
- we have position on everyone so we have a good chance of winning pot on flop when it checks through (shut it down if called OP )
- we can raise villain's cbet when we flop a draw and take the pot down a lot. (Bet + raise action helps ensure other villains fold dominating FDs). Obv need to feel we have good instincts on whether villain will call/fold a turn ship.

Plan would also be to show when taking the pot down on a semibluff to dirty my image. He is gonna keep playing 90/40 and eventually give them away so I'd rather he start calling me as we fall back to normal TAG style.

Just my $0.02- you can certainly TAG it up
<img /2NL, 3-Barrel against loose player Quote
