Originally Posted by tmckendry
Hey mates,
My names Rick and I'm from Australia. I'm 40, happily married and have 2 kids. I am in Cebu, Philippines on Vacation and decided to go to the casino and play some poker.
I've played poker at the crown a couple times a month for the last 2 years. I really like the game, its fun. To let you know a bit more about me, I tend to call heeps preflop. Gemme any suited or connected and I'll see a flop. I aint calling with trash like 73o. I may not be pro, but I know when to fold'em.
Also, I like to call a lot post flop. Especially if I have a decent hand and I'm playing a younger player. Those kids are always bluffing. Hell, I'll check call'em to the river with just one pair. Also, I ain't like an old grampa either. If I have a good hand, I'm raising the pot.
So I'm playing poker at the casino and I get involved with this young Canadian lad. Says hes in internet marketing and banging a bunch of broads in the Philippines. The guy seems cool enough, but he doesn't play a lot of hands. Actually, he keeps folding his SB, isn't that whack?
Anyways, my session is going good so far. I doubled up when this young kid with a hoodie had pocket kings and I had pocket aces. I bought in for $200 and I have almost $400 now.
So the Canadian lad raises to $10 on the button when I'm in the BB. I look down at 10d8d. I call to see a flop.
The flop comes Jd 4d 4h
I got the flush draw I check, Canadian bet $20, I call.
Turn comes Ac
Nothing yet, still got the flush draw. I check. Canadian guy bets $40, I call.
River comes 3d
YES! I hit my flush. Okay okay, I'll check because he bet twice and maybe he'll bet again.
The Canadian guy fell for it! He bet $40. I quickly take $100 and put a big bet in because I have a flush. Then he thinks for a little bit and Re-RAISES to $300!! It's $200 more to me.
Should I call? ITS $200! If I call this I lose all the money I made with the pocket aces.
This Canadian lad never plays any hands either, he probably has pocket aces, pocket jacks or ACE KING of diamonds. Actually, its very likely he has Ace king of diamonds. Everyone always has the Ace King.
I have a flush though!! ****!
The young guy in the hoodie keeps rolling his eyes and mumbling under his breath when I make a call on the river. I think he thinks I'm stupid. But the bets before were only $30 or $40. This one is $200.
I dont know, what do you guys think? Will I call?
I don't know how to say the following without sounding like a condescending prick (which is my super power), but you sound like an aggro fish who only wins because villains are just terribad at this level and luckily worse than you.
The problem arises whenever you run up against a thinking player who will just own you like a $20 Tijuana whore.
I get the sense that you aren't properly thinking in terms of ranges, equity, villain profiling, tendencies, etc. You're playing more or less Level I poker.
For instance, why are you calling heads up out of position pre with T8dd? Sure, if there were 2 or 3 other villains who already called then a call is fine, but heads up, this is seriously -EV.
Second, why are you chasing a flush on a paired board?
Third, you realize you are chasing a non-nut flush right?
Fourth, V didn't give you pot odds, each bet you are calling is mathematically incorrect (this is what fish do)
Fifth, you are drawing on an ugly board (i.e. a paired board) another thing that fish do, draw to inferior hands
Sixth, you are heads up out of position to an opponent that has the aggression and initiative-- another thing fish do
Seventh, you are drawing to an obvious draw that even Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles can see--another thing that fish do
Eighth, fish commit to a course of action with absolutely no incorporation of new information or data. In this case, you c/r river and V shoves over the top of your awesome c/r for an additional $200 and you are still going to call? What, if anything could V have done to make you fold this hand? What do you think V has? Do you think you are beat? If so, why are you calling?
This is just a horrible situation the whole way round, from every street including preflop.
The reason I'm being such a prick here is because we often don't see our own fishiness. Our egos let us delude ourselves into thinking that our awesome poker skills enable us to be an exception to the rules and thus we mistakenly believe that we can take a fishy line and turn it into an awesome line because we are just so awesome...
A fishy line is a fishy line.
Don't call heads up out of position with drawing hands without a plan other than to flop, turn, or river Gin.
Don't call bets that deny pot odds
Don't draw to inferior hands on troubled boards, (i.e. a flush draw on a paired board)
If you go for the awesome c/r when an obvious draw hits and then are re-raised, you seriously need to be folding unless you have serious history with villain bluffing in spots like this...
about once every other session I do something this donkaliscious and then berate myself for being an ubber donk.
Now the problem becomes if this is not just a one time occurrence, but rather your normal style of play. I seriously pray it isn't for all the reasons I listed above.
Fold pre, fold turn, as played, fold river...