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1/2 villain leads river  into 140 1/2 villain leads river  into 140

02-11-2012 , 08:49 AM
Image - winning . Aggressive & all winners to showdown , no bluffs have been shown but I've been fairly active

Villian - was half asleep for a while , played tight during that time but has been more active past hour or so since he caught his second wind but no meaningful showdowns. We did get ai earlier in the night my broadway gutter + nut fd vs his tp+fd where he called k5ss for 16$ oop , it went in on the flop

Prior hand I raised pre on his bb and he said he was tired of me raising his blind and he called hu and I decided to just play it passive and folded to his turn lead after ck ck on a wet flop

Hero $600

Villain $200ish


Folds to hero in hj with a2cc raises 10 folds to sb who calls , hu to the flop

Pot $22

Flop 679 2 clubs

Villain leads $10 , hero raises $35 villain calls

Pot 92

Turn 10 blank suit

Sb leads 25 I call

River blank 5

Pot 140$
Villain bets $15. Hero really wants to raise?

Last edited by th1986; 02-11-2012 at 08:58 AM.
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
02-11-2012 , 08:58 AM
The guy straight up told you he wasn't going to let you push him around anymore, and yet you tried to semibluff you draw on the flop. Why? One of the great things about bad live players is that they'll tell you all sorts of things about how they play inbetween hands, and very few of them are lying.

If you want to raise the river and get your bluff snapped off, go ahead. This guy has already TOLD you he's not backing down. He's probably not going anywhere. Just be grateful that his ridiculous bet sizing on the turn gave you favorable odds to draw.
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
02-11-2012 , 09:13 AM
Live to see another hand.
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
02-11-2012 , 09:55 AM
just fold. and read the recent thread on trying to bluff at these stakes
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:23 AM
ya im up in the air with regards to the flop raise. prob just call is good given situation , i guess my thinking was there are a ton of 1pair hands in his leading range that aren't going to be able to stand much heat and if checked to i can fire lots of turns (5/10/J/Q/K , prob go for a check back if i bink an ace since i have SD value+big draw)

Turn he leads 25 and in my head im basically giving up on the hand on the river unless i hit my flush

Than the river lead of $15 made me spazz out , and i really thought his most likely holding was a 2 pair hand that didn't want to c/call a huge bet & clearly im not repping much with a river raise but i didn't really think that was relevant vs this player , i guess i should of heeded the advice i was given that for the most part when low stakes live players bet the river they are bet/calling not bet/folding. Was about 5 hours into a 2 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. session so I guess my only excuse is i wasn't as sharp as i should have been but didn't want to leave the game because half the table was falling asleep.

That & a few things he said earlier in the night (he lead TPGK on the turn after it checked through and my buddy tanked and counted a bunch of chips but ended up folding and dude said he would have folded had he raised , after he showed KQ for TPGK on a fairly dry board)

Another hand my buddy iso'd a super loose passive player with 77 otb (guy had to be playing 90/0 , the only time he showed prelfop agression was limp/raising , and he did this only once , mostly limp/call , limp/fold pre). Anyways buddy flops an over pair on a 235 2 diamond board and gets it in with the limper after he c/shoves buddy's cbet (villian in that hand was playing short and i agreed with buddy's play in the hand tbh) but villian from hand above said my buddy overplayed his 77 there

That and another hand had recently taken place where he also claimed he would have made the same fold (though i think he was lieing on this one) I iso a habitual limp/folder to $12 with J8ss on the button and tight older man who i was being fairly friendly/chatty with and played straightforward 3bets $26 , limper folds and i call for $14 more , about 100bb deep. Flop KK9 he checks i fire about 2/3 pot and he folds AA face up after saying "man this was a good bad beat jackpot hand too"

I went with it and told him nice fold , and that i had KQ , and the villian from this hand said it was a good yeah i was being levelled i think but i guess that played a part in my decision also.

So yeah just adding all this now that im at home , since i typed the op while still in game on my iphone but figured i should give as much more detail as to what was playing back in my head during my river decision , not claiming it changes anything tho.

Thanks for the reply and i do agree when he tells me he's sick of my preflop raising that i should take the sign and just play passive vs him , which is what i did the very hand before this and i guess i wasn't ready to do it 2 hands in a row but clearly he wasn't lieing about being fed up with me and i should have believed him.

Last edited by th1986; 02-11-2012 at 10:39 AM.
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:40 AM
River is not as important as the way you got there.

$25 lead turn is really weak, if you just call here, you are right to fold if you don't flush. I however would advice raising here, as there is 4 straight ott and bet looks weak.
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
02-11-2012 , 04:17 PM
U know this is a fold man. The only reason to call is because u wanna see his cards for info.
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
02-11-2012 , 06:02 PM
I wouldn't fold in that spot for $15. You are getting 10 to 1 on your money. He can't bluff 10% here with a flush draw that missed? When you are right, this is the sort of hand that will put opponent on mega-tilt. I would add a smart-ass remark and watch as he proceeds to dump a couple buy ins on the table.
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
02-11-2012 , 06:08 PM
I might just call to get to see his hand tbh. I love to know what they donk call, donk with.

Edit: I also wouldn't raise this flop cause I expect a fold about 0% of the time on this board texture.
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
02-12-2012 , 09:13 PM
well good thing is i did see his hand , Q8o , but it cost me $85 more than what i could of payed.

I don't think we can call because we think mathmatically we showdown a winner enough of the time but def can agree for information purposes it's a great price.

I agree flop line is over playing my FD on such board.

If we flat and he leads weak say $10-15 into $40 , same 10 turn , raise there?

Because i also agree with elecbro in the sense that if i do try and make a play the turn is the best spot since the threat of a big all in bet on the river gives us more fold (fear) equity ,

basically misplayed the whole hand , glad i posted it
1/2 villain leads river  into 140 Quote
