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1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board 1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board

02-29-2016 , 07:06 PM

v1: 35ish yo Asian guy sits down and buys in full ($400) with 300 in green and 1 black so I assume he was gambling in the pits. Not very active though, it's his second orbit. ~400
v2: mid 50s white guy who is a fit or fold nitty abc guy, but seems to not believe me very much. ~200

Hero is sitting on ~800. Image doesn't really matter because the V in this hand hasn't seen me play a hand yet.

v1 limps to my direct right, hero raise 12 w/ A6 in MP, v2 on BTN calls, v1 calls
(~35) A99
v1 checks, hero checks because I want to keep the pot small, and I think v2 could look me up light after checking the flop given our history, and I plan on folding if he bets the flop because he's never betting less than Ax otf, v2 checks
(~35) J
v1 checks, hero bets 25, v2 folds, v1 makes it 60, hero?

The J makes the board very drawy, but I think this is a pretty interesting spot, because if we call the turn I'm pretty sure we're comitting to calling a reasonable sized bet on any river given that even if one of the draws hits there will still be a couple that miss. Any and all thoughts appreciated.
1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board Quote
02-29-2016 , 07:16 PM
Safe to say he probably doesn't have an ace. Range is therefore likely to be draws and 9s.

I prefer betting flop here, info is valuable. Check not too bad though to mix in some non c-betting with hit flops.

Any reads on V1? Will he definitely barrel?
1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board Quote
02-29-2016 , 07:28 PM
if he hasn't been too active and seems relatively tight/appears to play his hand face up i think i can release my hand here

if i had a read/tell on him that i'm confident about that says he doesn't always have a 9 here i think i call

it does seem a little bluffy

like andy said i would probably bet flop
1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board Quote
02-29-2016 , 10:30 PM
If you check the flop you kind of have to call the c/r after v2 folds. Your line looks really weak. Villain could very well bluff with air, semibluff, or bet Ax/Jx for value. You could also obviously be crushed by 9x. Your kicker doesn't play and it's safe to think v1 doesn't have AK/AQ or he would have opened pre. Call and evaluate the river. I'd call most river bets.

I'd rather cbet the flop. Most villains should correctly give you credit for an ace. This is a decent flop for Axs three way. A6 isn't strong enough to give a card. I'm not a fan of a delay cbet against two opponents, oop on one. I'd be happy to take it down now.
1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board Quote
03-01-2016 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by Nice_Guy_Eddie
If you check the flop you kind of have to call the c/r after v2 folds. Your line looks really weak.
Exactly. You look like way less than an Ace here. I'll throw my hat in the bet flop (1/2ish pot) ring too, then probably checking back on the turn for pot control. As played, I call the turn C/R and reevaluate the river. Without any reads, my river decision is going to be based on Villain's sizing.
1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board Quote
03-01-2016 , 10:42 AM
I don't like cbetting this flop, because it's tough for us to get called by anything worse and also anything worse is usually drawing pretty thin (except hearts) and I obv don't mind if someone catches up to second best. So I checked to keep the pot small and induce light calls/bluffs on later streets.

So the turn makes the board very wet. So I stuck to the plan and called the turn with the intention of calling pretty much all rivers for a reasonable price.

(~155) River Q
v1 leads 105, hero calls and v1 shows JJ for the boat.
1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board Quote
03-01-2016 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by water69
I don't like cbetting this flop, because it's tough for us to get called by anything worse and also anything worse is usually drawing pretty thin (except hearts) and I obv don't mind if someone catches up to second best. So I checked to keep the pot small and induce light calls/bluffs on later streets.

So the turn makes the board very wet. So I stuck to the plan and called the turn with the intention of calling pretty much all rivers for a reasonable price.

(~155) River Q
v1 leads 105, hero calls and v1 shows JJ for the boat.
Pocket pairs (like his jacks) may call the flop bet
So will the flush draws

In a multiway pot like this you have to cbet

You can check turn for pot control but don't do it on the flop here

Edit: also would you check KQ/pocket pairs here?
1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board Quote
03-01-2016 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by water69
I don't like cbetting this flop, because it's tough for us to get called by anything worse and also anything worse is usually drawing pretty thin (except hearts) and I obv don't mind if someone catches up to second best. So I checked to keep the pot small and induce light calls/bluffs on later streets.

So the turn makes the board very wet. So I stuck to the plan and called the turn with the intention of calling pretty much all rivers for a reasonable price.

(~155) River Q
v1 leads 105, hero calls and v1 shows JJ for the boat.
Unlucky. Yes it is hard for worse to call, but you need find out right now if you're ahead of behind. I'd consider a check against one villain in position on a A99r board. I think you need to bet against two villains (oop against v2) on a two flush A99 board.
1/2 Turn spot with TP on a wet board Quote
