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1/2: TT outta my straddle 1/2: TT outta my straddle

03-11-2012 , 11:01 PM
Firstly before ya'll flame me for straddling, this was a crazy action table where pretty much everyone was straddling so me straddling isnt soo bad.

V1 (MP): He is a thirtysomething white guy. I think he works in the Oil Patch and just plays poker for fun when he is off. SUPER loose and semi passive. He calls down alot in spots where he shouldnt. I dont have indepth reads on him b/c he was not really my focus. He is sitting with $230.

V2 (BU): thirtysomething white guy. He is one of the tightest of the bunch and tends to play ABC poker but ofc has the common live leak of playing too many hands and not being so positionally aware. I wouldnt call him agressive but I think he would bet/raise his strong made hands both pre and post-flop. He commented earlier "I don't usually straddle, but at this table, I'd feel like a nit if I didn't." He is sitting with $600

V3 (BB): fortysomething white guy. Reads on him arent that important other than the fact if I raise my straddle, he is going to shove most of the time. Sitting with $42.

V4 (UTG): Sitting with $350. Insignificant to this hand for the most part.

Hero (Straddle for $5): by far the tightest and the youngest at the table. Anyone paying attention was that I immediatly took the seat to the left of the big table fish (who is taking a smoke break during this hand). The big fish has commented about how tight I am playing. The only hand of significance that I have played was I raised 4 straddle callers to $35 OTB, only the fish called and I double barreled a J829 board and showed my hand to loosen my image. I cover everyone in the hand.

Hero is dealt TT
6 limps to Hero (including all villains), Hero raises to $30, V4 calls, V1 calls, V2 calls, V3 shoves for $7 more, everyone calls

Flop is TTJ (pot=$195)
Hero leads for $45, V4 folds, V1 calls, V2 calls

Turn is a A (pot=$330)
Hero leads for $65, V1 calls, V2 calls

River is a 2 (pot=$525)
Hero ????

Comments on Sizing on all streets (obv too small looking back)
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-11-2012 , 11:04 PM
Its not that bad. The bloated pot preflop makes this perfect. I dont see how the sizing is that poor. Maybe $50-60 on flop, $80-100 ott, but thats about it. The pot is so big anything but betting too much or checking on any street is good.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-11-2012 , 11:18 PM
I think checking pre and set-mining is going to be more profitable over the long run in this situation. They can never put you on a set when you bink, and you're oop to the whole table. You lose $5 when you miss or a billion dollars when you hit. May even do it with JJ here....depends on table, number of limpers, stacks etc. I just hate inflating this pot oop. Some people may disagree here, but i believe it has tons of merit.

AP, bet some more on every street.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-11-2012 , 11:22 PM
I think pre can go either way. Pot is already $30 so you can earn a lot by donking 3/4 pot for 3 streets when we hit, and there are still times we win unimproved. I prefer raising since we beat their range though.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-12-2012 , 12:28 AM
$330 side pot. I imagine a $200 bet will get value from an A.
Could try for a $120ish bet hoping to get a reraise from straights and guarantee calls from an A but you're probably losing value.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-12-2012 , 02:40 AM
I would bet a little more pre if the straddle is to 5 with 6 limpers. Closer to 50. Otherwise just check and set mine. Your small raise just bloated the pot and lowered your SPR.

Turn... Once you get two calls on the flop I would bet a little more. Something like 120.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-12-2012 , 03:19 AM
bet big on the flop, 100+. Any flush draw or straight draw is coming along anyway. You can make the turn cheaper as compared to the pot (like just bet 100 again) to give the draws a chance to hit, and obviously ship the river. I mean, the river isnt really the question is it?
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-12-2012 , 06:34 AM
110 on the river so both will call. Not sure the shortie can fold and is really hard to get tons of value from the tight(ish) player as it is pretty obvious you cant be bluffing much due to betting patterns and that you are betting into two people, one of whom is short.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-12-2012 , 06:48 AM
Apart from open shoving pre for image, I probably wouldn't raise this pre at a super loose table. Sure, you probably have the best hand but you will end up having to play pretty straight forward post flop in a multiway pot.

I wouldn't bloat a pot pre if you have a bunch of guys who will Be willing to pay you post.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-12-2012 , 06:51 PM
I I ended up betting $205 OTR, V1 folded pretty quickly (even tho he had only $90 left). V2 folded 87s (straight and flush draw) faceup.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-12-2012 , 08:59 PM
Ah you got unlucky. They both had missed draws. I doubt it would've mattered if you had checked as seem so passive they will bith check behind anyway.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
03-12-2012 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by fun101
I I ended up betting $205 OTR, V1 folded pretty quickly (even tho he had only $90 left). V2 folded 87s (straight and flush draw) faceup.
this is why you needed to bet the flop big. Draws will call way bigger bets on the flop so you dont have to worry about them missing, as they did here. I wouldnt be too concerned about Jx folding the flop because of the extra value from all the draws.
1/2: TT outta my straddle Quote
