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11-24-2015 , 11:34 PM
1/2 full ring 9max. Everyone's been at the table since it opened about 2 hours ago. They all seem to just be there for the 1k high hands so everyone is just limp calling. I'm sitting on about 400ish from just betting TPGK type hands the majority of the night. Haven't really got into a big hand. I started to raise almost ever hand from mp+ for about 2 orbits to try and get the game to loosen up a bit.

OTTH: Hero looks down at AK♠️ on the btn. 3 limpers to me I make it 20. Sb calls and everyone else folds. Villian(250$) views me as some sort of
Maniac looking to gamble. He's a 60yr old vet who won't shut up about a damn high hand and is very pissed because he hasn't been able to see to many flops for cheap lol. He has made sure to let hero know that he I'sent pleased with my antics.
Anyways flop comes- K♣️10♠️6♦️
Villian donks into me 25$. I reraise to 65. He jams almost before I can get my 65 into the pot. Villian has been playing really straight forward all night and not once have I seen him get out of line.

Last edited by TiltenFish93; 11-24-2015 at 11:39 PM.
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-24-2015 , 11:40 PM
Given villain description, it seems unlikely that you are good against his range often enough to make this call.
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-24-2015 , 11:48 PM
Thanks pooh-bah for the reply... My thought process was that he may be spazzing with Kx type of hands because of my image. However I think it is a bit more Likely that I am indeed behind when he jams OTF. Given my equity with all my backdoor combos and the possibility that TPTK might be good is it worth making the call??!

Last edited by TiltenFish93; 11-24-2015 at 11:54 PM.
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-25-2015 , 12:51 AM
In general, when they are older, whining and play back that fast, they are going to punish you for whatever infraction they think you are committing. I typed this with a mouthful of marbles.
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-25-2015 , 12:56 AM
Do you remember what the current high hand was? In my experience these players never fast play their sets during high hand promotions because they want to see turn & river to try and make quads.
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-25-2015 , 02:00 AM
Try not to get ovely nauseated as you fold.

This guy is not going to go broke lightly. I dont think top pair is good here.
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-25-2015 , 04:58 AM
feels like KT/66 but that is my gut feeling,
if by let you know about your antics her gave the "speech" then I am folding
Am I happy about it, no not really I guess he could have AK here a fair bit of the time but overall I think you are behind more often than not
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-25-2015 , 09:32 AM
I guess fold. OMC probably has you beat. But if he does think you are a raise monkey, he might think KQ is the nuts.
Not sure why you raise flop. Why not let him eff himself with a weaker king? I'd call flop, raise turn.

Eff stacks $250. You opened for 20, then raised to 65 OTF, so it's 170 or so to call, getting less than 2 to 1? It's close. Would he really jam a set? KT feels like his most likely hand.
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-25-2015 , 10:10 AM
uh. definately consider calling. you are going to be chopping it a huge part of the time.

the only hands that you are going to be losing to are AA and TT. everything else is out of his range.

but, then the only hands that you are beating are his KQ and KJ hands, which are not that many of. and also something that he would not donk into you with, or shove over the top.

so this is another spot where you are most likely chopping, or there is a small part of his range that you are losing to, and almost nothing you are beating.

but with 170 in dead money, 165 to call, and getting 2:1 on my money, I would probably call.

but can't really fault a fold either.
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-25-2015 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
uh. definately consider calling. you are going to be chopping it a huge part of the time.

the only hands that you are going to be losing to are AA and TT. everything else is out of his range.

but, then the only hands that you are beating are his KQ and KJ hands, which are not that many of. and also something that he would not donk into you with, or shove over the top.

so this is another spot where you are most likely chopping, or there is a small part of his range that you are losing to, and almost nothing you are beating.

but with 170 in dead money, 165 to call, and getting 2:1 on my money, I would probably call.

but can't really fault a fold either.
I disagree entirely. This is almost certainly one of those "OMG I hit a hand! I'll jam it and show this punk kid!" moments. OMC's hardly ever got KQ or KJ here and while chopping with AK is possible, it's only about half or a little less of his range. (KT, TT, 66, even KK).

Also I totally read it as T6 and thought ship it in?
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
11-25-2015 , 07:57 PM
I like pre flop. Once this villain calls 20 from the small blind alarm bells are going off. I would range him very tight. As for the flop raise I really don't like it. Especially since you didn't have a plan if you were reraised. I think flatting flop is best. As played I may sigh fold because of how strong villans line is. I'm assuming to be up against a range of AK, 10s and KK and AA some times. In reality I only raise flop if I planed on getting stacks in.
1/2 TPTK OTF Quote
