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1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. 1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position.

06-19-2015 , 10:13 AM
1-2 game deep into teh night hero is up about 600 or so and covers. Tight image, solid and hasnt been caught bluffing. made good value bets and picked the right spots. got to showdown with the nut flush and with aces on a flop shove against QQ and was good.

Villian is a loose sticky and aggressive player, doesnt like giving up on pots. bluffed hero 3 hands ago when hero had JJ and cbet on a flop of 5 6 10, turn came 4, hero check called, river 7 hero check folded to a bet villian flashed a Ten. claims he thought hero has a lower pair. I dont know what was the other card.

i and villian got some history and dynamics, I stacked him 2 weeks ago and he knows Im capable and usually right with my moves, he thinks im the best player at the table.

to the hand:
late in the evening, hero is about 800 just doubled up with the nut flush over the 2nd nut flush and is winning. dealt TT on MP 7 handed, effective is about 500 hero covers all. open raise to 12 (standart) gets 2 callers from CO and B (VIllian) SB also calls.

Pot: 50 flop comes:
5 6 9 rainbow. Hero cbets 37, CO folds, Villian calls, SB folds.

Pot: 124 Turn:
3 I dont remember if it had a flush draw with it. I assume not.

on this stage, I like betting to get value from 10-9\J9\Q9 etc or even weaker nines as villian might think im barreling. I bet 75, villian tanks a little an makes it 150 ... I check how much he has behind and its about 220.

now I have to pay 75 into 350 and probably face a shove on the river. Its a shove or fold spot, what do we do? I tried getting reads but when I asked if he wants me to pay he said "Do whatever you think is good" or some type of that answer, I never know if im good here.

any takes?
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 10:15 AM
These boards suck.

Obviously he's threatening stacks if you call so it's decision time. I'm okay folding here
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 11:06 AM
I would base this decision entirely on the info exchange on the JJ hand 3 hands earlier. Actually regardless of whether you told him you folded JJ, which we probably shouldn't be doing because it lets him range us much more accurately, I would call turn and look to call river big. The primary cards I'd worry about in the river would be 9-7 everything else I probably pay a pretty big bet. Vil sounds like an agg fish who is well capable of overplayimg top pair
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 11:19 AM
You probably have to fold, I don't see him reraising so small with a hand you're beatting often... He also saw you raise preflop and bet the flop+turn. So he's probably aware you have an overpair and is giving you good odds that is also probably commiting you to the pot.

1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 11:43 AM
IMO, this is all player dependent.
V is playing a flopped set, 78s & 65s the same I would have played it. I would be assuming you don't have any of that board, unless, you flopped a set of 9s.
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 12:04 PM
I think you can check/call turn here instead of lead against a V like this who bets a wide range
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
I think you can check/call turn here instead of lead against a V like this who bets a wide range
We have position with the TT
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 12:20 PM
You have 2 outs to a set of Ts which is really the only thing you're going to feel good about calling off your stack with.

TT on this turn is really a vulnerable and weak hand, I think if you're going to bet this it should be a bet-fold. If you can't read this opponent, I'm favoring pot control on the turn.

Against this Vil, the small raise is so painful because the odds are good, but your hand probably isn't.

Last edited by MirrorMirror; 06-19-2015 at 12:26 PM. Reason: ? - your title says in position, but villain is on button?
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by sheled007
We have position with the TT
You're in MP and V is on button? You don't show him checking first on the flop or turn in your write-up

If you want good responses, you need to write the OP more clearly. Show all actions.
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
You're in MP and V is on button? You don't show him checking first on the flop or turn in your write-up

If you want good responses, you need to write the OP more clearly. Show all actions.
On the 2nd hand we are in position and V called from SB
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
You're in MP and V is on button? You don't show him checking first on the flop or turn in your write-up

If you want good responses, you need to write the OP more clearly. Show all actions.
Youre clearly right i wrote it wrong.
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 01:42 PM
So now that you have position not as originally written, is action that V min-c/r on the flop and donked the turn?

If so, folding looks pretty good here.
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 02:55 PM
These late night games get really crazy , I'm most likely finding a fold here , that board sucks and if he only has top pair he probably has a draw to go along with it.
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Raeed561
These late night games get really crazy , I'm most likely finding a fold here , that board sucks and if he only has top pair he probably has a draw to go along with it.
As I wrote its a shove/fold question is what hands can villian play like this? This is what is bothering me
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-19-2015 , 04:12 PM
He's playing sets, two pairs, flipped straights , he is setting you up for stacks here , even in a best case scenario like a top pair and a gut shot, he still has plenty of equity against you , these wet boards are rough even with the over pair
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-24-2015 , 08:54 PM
Tough board, think its a fold and wait for a better spot though
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
06-24-2015 , 09:14 PM
Hero folded villain shows 7 3 suited for a pair of 3s bluff
1-2 tough spot with TT on the turn in position. Quote
