Originally Posted by beauvanlaanen
Bet more ott.
River is a good spot for 1/2 pot value bet.
In villain's river checking range I put 115 combos, basically all pairs, diamond draws and gutters. I forgot to include the four KQ combos that chop so there are actually 119. My equity is 86% vs that range.
If I bet half pot ($81 or $82), I really think he folds everything that I beat except for KJ and maybe KT. That sizing looks super strong to a standard 1/2 villain who isn't keeping track of pot size. (To some it might also look super polarized b/c the flush draw missed and most 1/2 players will check back everything but T8, 85, KK and 99. So I guess it's possible that he realizes he has a bluffcatcher and calls?)
Of his river checking range, I can see betting $81 and getting called by: KQ, KJ most of the time, maybe KT half the time, K7s, K6s, K2s, 7d6d. That's 24 of 119 combos that call $81 (I beat 12, lose to 6, chop with 6).
EV= (81*12-81*6+ 0*6)/119 = $4.08
There are 67 combos in his range that have at least one pair on the river (48 that I beat, 13 I lose to, 6 that I chop with). I suspect that he would call a smaller bet with any pair, maybe something suspicious like saying "same bet" and betting $37 again.
EV= (37*48 - 37*13 - 0*6)/119 = $10.88
Less than $37 looks so strange that it may actually be clear to him that he has a pure bluffcatcher and he might call with any pair and maybe busted Ax of diamonds (another ~10 combos). Including those unpaired Adxd hands there are 75 combos. Say I bet $35:
EV=(35*56-35*13-0*6)/119 = $12.65