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1/2 Strange Hand with QQ 1/2 Strange Hand with QQ

05-21-2012 , 05:24 PM
Was playing at Borgata late last night when this hand popped up and want opinions. My image is very snug as I have been soooooo card dead for about 3 hours.

This hand I am in BB. Very bad player opens to 10 and gets 3 callers. I raise to $50 with ~$400 stack and all opponents cover except opener. I get 4 callers. I will note that the opener is the mark in the game and is in for ~1500. (Pot ~200)

Flop 823dd. I have Qd. I lead $135 into $200. Opener now tanks. While he is doing this I am looking at other players. Young Asian Chick has looked at her hand 2 or 3 times while he is tanking. Finally opener and next player fold. She insta-bombs. I have $215 behind. WTF???

She has not played a ton of hands and doesn't seem incompetent. I think she would do this with an OP a lot but also obv with sets. Maybe AKdd but not sure about that. This is classic 1/2 table where players simply play their hands without a ton of regard for opponents hand ranges, etc.
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 05:28 PM
With a 5 way pot you need to 3bet bigger pre.

You're committed on the flop with the information you have. Snap call.
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
With a 5 way pot you need to 3bet bigger pre.

You're committed on the flop with the information you have. Snap call.
I don't think you're ever behind here. This is going to be a diamond draw with one or two overs the majority of the time. Maybe a steel wheel draw.
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
With a 5 way pot you need to 3bet bigger pre.

You're committed on the flop with the information you have. Snap call.
how much bigger? If there's 1 caller to the original raise I'd usually start with a 4x reraise, 2 callers 5x reraise, 3 callers 6x, etc.. and make it bigger if I think the players will call bigger. Is this correct?
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 09:30 PM
Even though you have invested ~45% of your stack, try to find a sickening fold.

The opponent seems competent, has not played a bunch of hands, yet called $40 more to a $400 effective raiser. You have a big diamond. AdKd is one hand. Do you think she calls $40 w/KdJd or Ad8d? I think a pp is more likely and you are facing a set.
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:09 PM
Given your image and your read on villain, I doubt she is doing this with naked FDs or overpairs 99-QQ. She probably would have raised KK+ PF. That leaves sets and strong combo flush draws like 54 or A8 which is around 25-30% equity. You have to call 2/3 pot so it's pretty close. I would only call if I had a read that she can do this with her entire FD range and/or overpairs. She doesn't seem like the type.
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
With a 5 way pot you need to 3bet bigger pre.
No he doesn't.

This is easy. Don't fear sets on this board. 2s and 3s are rarely seeing the flop for 25bb from a "tight" player. Of course 88 is possible but in general this is not a set-flop. Some players will flat with AA to the $10 raise, but once there is more money in from your 3bet it's more likely they will just jam pre and take it down. KK is def possible along with 88, but so is JJ, TT and AdJd, etc. You're getting a really good price. Call the raise and don't think much about it.
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:44 PM
^I would think that your typical 1/2 player is going to call with any pair in that spot especially since the mark just called the 3 bet and the pot will be multiway.
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mark L
No he doesn't.

This is easy. Don't fear sets on this board. 2s and 3s are rarely seeing the flop for 25bb from a "tight" player. Of course 88 is possible but in general this is not a set-flop. Some players will flat with AA to the $10 raise, but once there is more money in from your 3bet it's more likely they will just jam pre and take it down. KK is def possible along with 88, but so is JJ, TT and AdJd, etc. You're getting a really good price. Call the raise and don't think much about it.
Agree with all of this. First half your stack is in plus its 215 to win 685 so well over 3-1. I will say at the hard rock here these 1-2 players will call like this with 22 or 33 but not as likely. Could be 2 overs and fd or top pair with fd. My money is on TT or 99. I would sigh call
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by RM518
^I would think that your typical 1/2 player is going to call with any pair in that spot especially since the mark just called the 3 bet and the pot will be multiway.
You are wrong. I'm not saying it's not possible, and of course anyone can have any hand, but in general 1/2 players will not put in $50 with a pair of 2s. Especially with hero's read of villain being tight/competent. My point is simply that as far as set potential goes, this board is safer than most.
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 11:01 PM
snap call
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
05-21-2012 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Mark L
You are wrong. I'm not saying it's not possible, and of course anyone can have any hand, but in general 1/2 players will not put in $50 with a pair of 2s. Especially with hero's read of villain being tight/competent. My point is simply that as far as set potential goes, this board is safer than most.
I understand your point, but I have seen players at 1/2 who I perceived as tight call with hands such as 76s in this spot. If the fish did not call, you could probably discount low pockets. However, the fact that the pot will be multiway with the fish in the hand makes it more likely that all PPs are in her range.
1/2 Strange Hand with QQ Quote
