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1/2 spewd or gewd? 1/2 spewd or gewd?

12-06-2014 , 02:19 AM

Hero/300(btn) young 20 laggro pushing around OMCs making a fortune winning 8 dolla pots.

V/300(SB) young 20s seemingly reg guy, tight side.

3 limps hero 15 btn As9s

Bb 3b 30 folds to hero.

Hero calls because wdf sizing. Feel comfortable seeing flops IP and making moves feeling frisky.

Flop(68) Q57dd

V bets 35. Hero calls.

I call because more wdf sizing. I expect QQ+ to bet more for value. I feel like this is indicative of TT/JJ or AK. My plan is to call flop and evaluate turn looking to hammer most turn cards if V checks and raise or bet turn/river on diamond.

Turn(138) Q's

V checks.

Hero sees green light and bets 100.

1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-06-2014 , 02:22 AM
He's gonna check call with aa Kk or check raise you with aq. No reason to make plays here
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-06-2014 , 02:33 AM
His raise size pre seems most indicative of AA. In general folding to a raise pre but here I'll peel due to the great odds we are given (good pot odds plus implied odds).

Not sure why you think he would bet big vs you with an overpair on that flop. Don't like the float in a 3bet pot particularly with next to no equity vs a seemingly good player. Don't like trying to bluff 1/2 players off big hands. I don't even like the preflop raise to $15 with A9s which isn't a very good value hand.
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-06-2014 , 02:39 AM
W your image and the range you give him we're burning money here imo

But say we were tight id bet half pot ott, the least I need to get my bluff to work
Unless the table or the player says otherwise
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-06-2014 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by de4df1sh
Hero/300(btn) young 20 laggro pushing around OMCs making a fortune winning 8 dolla pots.
Losing a fortune trying to push fish off strong ranges.

If I have personally witnessed this villain tank-release to turn aggression, I don't mind floating and firing. I would only consider half-pot or shove OTT.

You're running into a wall often, so I hope you can afford gas for the ride. It's pretty sick that we were priced in, but there's no shame in folding the flop. It might even help your image.
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-06-2014 , 01:10 PM
Yeah hes not folding KK+ OTT, then he prays you check river, and if you don't he tanks and tanks and eventually sigh calls OTR cause he can't call an overpair
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-06-2014 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by de4df1sh

Hero/300(btn) young 20 laggro pushing around OMCs making a fortune winning 8 dolla pots.

V/300(SB) young 20s seemingly reg guy, tight side.

3 limps hero 15 btn As9s

Bb 3b 30 folds to hero.

Hero calls because wdf sizing. Feel comfortable seeing flops IP and making moves feeling frisky.
Major leak unless you can answer the following question imo : with what reads?
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-06-2014 , 03:12 PM
Flop call is 5 times worse then PF call.

As played your only chance to win is to shove all rivers. Good speed.
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-06-2014 , 05:21 PM
You're putting far too much faith in the fact that he wouldn't bet $35 on the flop for value. He already made a miniscule raise pre, so there's a good chance he just bets on the smaller side in general.

Calling one with the intention of floating is maybe not totally terrible (and I would say decent if our BDFD is there), but planning to raise on any diamond turn is just pure spew. When people make suspicious bet sizing, it's a mistake to just blast the **** out of them with any and every holding you could possibly have, and his line isn't so incredible that we can just take whatever line we want with any hand we want and expect nothing but folds. Our Ace doesn't do us much good against his range, and our BDSD is little more than a technicality.

Wait for a better read or a more playable hand or, at the very least, a more eyebrow raising line from villain before you go bananas like this.
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-06-2014 , 08:11 PM
I would define his hand by making it $48 pre. His min3bet is quite concerning.

AP-----betting 100 on turn was not necessary. He isnt folding KK and will fold all better Ax and TT for $65 easily. (Not to mention if he is sharp----prolly not but so sharp---but if so he should know the 100 is very bluffy here)
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-07-2014 , 12:10 AM
I prefer a raise to 17 pre. I feel it will create more HU pots than 15. AP when you have this image be careful trying to take away pots from players who are leading the betting.
Although I think the Q is a good card for you to bet when he checks, you FOS image will get too many crying calls ott+otr.
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-07-2014 , 12:25 AM
The only hands folding in this spot are folding for a lot less than 100. Even a nervous overpair is probably saying something along the lines of "I guess it's time to go home" and calling you. Your $100 bet looks so suspicious though, along with your image, that you might even get called by those TT,JJ hands.
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-07-2014 , 01:59 AM
Pre is fine. Fold flop. We are not deep enough to be floating. Also if deeper would prefer to float with JT backdoor FD type hands. As played to turn, maybe if we had $200ish more I might consider betting this turn and stuffing a lot of rivers.
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
12-07-2014 , 04:12 PM
What does stack depth have to do with floating air?
1/2 spewd or gewd? Quote
