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1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG 1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG

04-06-2015 , 10:33 AM
Hello, I aprreciate any commetns on this hand. I will post the result after.

8 players, I have +/- 140€ (i have started with 80€). I got QQ in MP3

UTG call
MP1 fold
MP2 call
Hero raises to 9€
CO fold
BU fold
SB fold
BB fold
UTG and MP2 call

Flop - 8h/5c/2d (pot=30€, 3 players)

UTG bet 10€, MP2 call, Hero raises to 45€, UTH call, MP2 fold.

Turn - 5d (pot= 130€, 2 players)

UTG goes all in (+400€), Hero calls.

Is this a good call? Is the hand well played from the beginning?

The raise pre-flop is standart I think. The raise at the flop I think it is good, and with the call from the V I put in in Over pair (99), set (88/55/22), Two pairs and OESD.

With AA, KK, QQ, JJ, 1010 I think we would re-raise pre-flop. The same with AK, AQ, AJ, KQ, KJ and QJ.

With the 5d, I beat the two pairs, nothing changes in the OESD, maybe we could have two diamonds and got a flush draw. I still lose to the set. When he announces all in (+450€) looked like an overbet.

What is your opinion?

Best Regards,
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
04-06-2015 , 10:55 AM
Raise to at least 15 pre-flop
Don't raise flop: Not getting called by worse with your stack size.
Fold turn. YOu have a bluff catcher only
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
04-06-2015 , 11:24 AM
Raise more PF .. was that 'standard' .. pretty low

Flop .. flat or raise more IMO. Don't blame you for going for value, but you turn your hand face up here as well. Really no flushes or straights out there (not knowing the calling ranges) I agree we only get calls from 'trouble' here so flatting is probably better.

Turn .. worst card .. Not really expecting 82 in there, so any 2 pair hand already included a 5 (52 or 85). Could be a full house and now A5 got there as well.

This is a small stakes game .. when players donk and follow through on the next street (after calling a raise) it pretty much means we are crushed. Unless you can really put them on 99-JJ this is a good place to fold.

Granted it's harder to fold if you only flat the Flop, but at least you get to see the River for the same price and that gives you 2 chances to over-set or get to showdown.

With your stack size I might've checked through the Turn and been ready to c/c River at a decent price as well. GL
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
04-06-2015 , 11:35 AM
I'm not folding an overpair as big as QQ on this board at any point after flop with this SPR unless I have some amazing read on villain. I think it was played fine.
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
04-06-2015 , 11:37 AM
I think its fine from top to bottom except I would make it 14 pre, he should never be donk shoving a boat into your hand so I expect to see 67 or worse overpair more often than a boat. Sometimes he will have trips on turn and got too excited and shoved but he should probably be checking or leading smaller with that hand most of the time.
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
04-06-2015 , 04:19 PM
Thank you all by your opinion.

Why should I raise to 14/15 pre-flop? To isolate?

I am having always the same problem playing live when I get AA, KK, QQ, AK. I raise to 3bb + 1BB for each limp and a lot of people come. But when I 3bet , usually 3*bet, I only have one or two players and almos 90% of the time with good hands. Is the solution to raise more? Like 5BB + 1 BB for each limp?

The V had 10d 8d and won with another 8 on the river.

It was a 80-20 situation. I never thought he would have this kind of hand.
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
04-06-2015 , 07:58 PM
Very recently I have adjusted my raises live from my standard online raise of 3bb+1 to 5bb+1 as an experiment after reading another live players thoughts on it. It makes life just so much easier as it cuts down the field significantly and creates a shallower SPR with hands that play better with shallow SPRs. I still occasionally raise smaller pre in games where I know players won't pick up on it with hands that play better multiway with deeper SPRs (pocket pairs, suited connectors). This strategy has seriously made my live play so much easier as it simplifies your decisions and let's you correctly get it in easily with strong one pair type hands.
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
04-06-2015 , 09:10 PM
In live low stakes, 3xbb+bb per limper isn't typically enough to get action HU or three way. 5xbb + bb per limper is probably a better place to start.
UTG I probably raise 4xbb bc I am less interested in bloating the pot OOP.
In this case, with two limpers, you make it 14/15 preflop, that's 10% of your stack so you're starting to build a pot with a SPR where you're likely to stack off.
As played, V makes a PSB on turn. With no reads and having started hand with under 75bb, and with Qq on this board, easy call. If he outplayed you with Aa or KK or flopped a set, bad luck. As played, he flopped top pair and picked up a flush draw on the turn. You got it in as a big favorite.
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
04-06-2015 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by SaFrias
Thank you all by your opinion.

Why should I raise to 14/15 pre-flop? To isolate?

It was a 80-20 situation. I never thought he would have this kind of hand.
Every table is different and you need to find the raise size that will get you HU (3-way max) each time you play. This will also depend on position and how many limpers there were up to your action. It is not a formula .. during the day with nits/OMC regs you can limit your exposure and open smaller, but at night when the crazies come out that is the time for adjustment/increase.

Your other issue may be your opening range. If regs know your 'raise range' then they can play wider and pick their spots against you when you open OOP.

Typically from EP or LP (with multiple limpers) you need to raise bigger to thin the field. From EP you are charging them for their position PF. From LP you are picking up the dead money or gaining information on their raise calling range so you can punish them OTF and OTT.

Use your 'spidy sense' and find out what each table can handle that day and push it to the limit for HU play. Especially at 1-2 with short stacks it can take the thinking out of the hand by the River, if not the Turn. GL
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
04-07-2015 , 10:42 AM
Thank you all!!!

I will start to use a bigger opening bet.
My range OOP is just TT+, AJs+ and AQo+. Is it to tight?
1/2 - QQ in MP3 agains UTG Quote
