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1-2 postflop planning 1-2 postflop planning

07-09-2016 , 11:09 AM
I'm trying to work on my postflop planning, so I wrote up analysis of five hands from recent sessions. Four of them are cbet decisions, and one is facing a donk bet with only overcards.

I'd love to hear everybody's thoughts!
1-2 postflop planning Quote
07-09-2016 , 02:05 PM
Hand 1: Looks OK. I wouldn't always c-bet this against multiple opponents. Knowing something about BB would also heavily adjust my chance of c-betting. If I suspect that BB is likely to check/shove I would check behind.

Hand 2: Plan is fine. Don't pin villains on a straight 30% all in equity range. Villains are going to fold their K4s/Q9o type hands and call with more suited connectors preflop. Gut shot draws unlikely but possible on this board.

Hand 3: Your probably over estimating your fold equity here. Villains tend to get sticky on paired boards because they expect you to c-bet everything. With 3 opponents I would just check and hope to improve.

Hand 4: Anything you know about villain makes a huge difference here. Villain can be setting a price with a flush draw on this board, which makes trying to float risky. Against a total unknown that has put a significant part of their stack in I'm likely to give this up. Once I have some idea what he donks I might fold, call or put him all in on the flop.

Hand 5: Fine
1-2 postflop planning Quote
