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1/2 planet hollywood bloated pot preflop vs shortstack. 1/2 planet hollywood bloated pot preflop vs shortstack.

12-07-2012 , 10:56 PM
Guy hadnt played many hands at all. When he calls he's got mostly broadway and pocket pairs.
5 limpers
Sb completes
Hero bb with AsKc raises to 22
Fold to Co calls (98 eff.) Has beem pretty tight.
Flop (54) Q84
Hero? Villain has 76 behind? Just jam?

Last edited by GoBlue11; 12-07-2012 at 11:24 PM.
1/2 planet hollywood bloated pot preflop vs shortstack. Quote
12-07-2012 , 11:10 PM
Please Learn to past hands properly.
What did you raise to?
I don't like jamming.
Bet $25. Shut down if he calls.
1/2 planet hollywood bloated pot preflop vs shortstack. Quote
12-07-2012 , 11:24 PM
Sorry. Didn't realize I left that out.
1/2 planet hollywood bloated pot preflop vs shortstack. Quote
12-08-2012 , 04:33 AM
kind of an awkward stack size.

It stinks because he's calling with any pair on this board, and we don't have enough to barrel him off on the turn.

I think I'd bet/fold like $25.

I don't expect him to raise here very often. Any hand that continues is probably just flatting.

Seems like a good spot to barrel if we're deep. But unfortunately, we're quite shallow, so we should probably just give up on turn when called.
1/2 planet hollywood bloated pot preflop vs shortstack. Quote
12-08-2012 , 02:31 PM
I don't think he folds much of his pairs for 25 dollars. I really think jamming here is best. He will fold a bunch of pairs and can really only call with stronger made hands.
1/2 planet hollywood bloated pot preflop vs shortstack. Quote
