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1/2 PAWM JJ deep 1/2 PAWM JJ deep

08-01-2015 , 07:10 AM
Its 5am ppl are tired, looser than usual (some weird plays pre and post, here and there) and action is 7handed.

Hero(800$) white early 20s kiddo, is new to the table, as previous one broke, one random guy is from previous table, but in just 2 orbits hero scooped a big pot in a rivered fullhouse against V, in said hand hero raised pre OTB w/ Q9s, flopped top 2, V led out, flop,turn,riv, hero raised riv and V called. He then whined like he had trips or something.

V (600$) mid 20s black. Snapback, earphones cliché. Seems decent lag. Directly to my left.


Random guy limps in MP, Hero in CO has JcJd,
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 07:34 AM
You have 400bb in front of you and it is 5am - perfect time to undo hours of good grinding I'd be looking to leave the table and get some sleep ASAP. Id also be concerned with the possibly tilted LAG to my left wanting to do what LAGs do and try to push me out of some pots. In these situations I like to just shut down and avoid building big pots vs the IP LAG. If I weren't leaving soon I'd look to switch seats.

With JJ in this particular situation I'd do one of 2 things:

1) Raise the limper a significant amount - enough to put the LAG off making a move against me. If LAG 3bets pre I fold. If LAG calls pre and plays back postflop I'd be very cautious with only a pair of Jacks since I announced to the LAG I have a big pair or AK preflop.

2) Limp behind limper and only get heavily involved in the hand if I flop a set. If it gets raised big behind me i will call to setmine with good implied odds. Raised and reraised behind and I'm gone.

I know this sounds timid but I've lost so many pots to IP LAGs I just shudder at the thought of risking 300bb at 5am!
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 07:57 AM
Raise to 12.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 08:58 AM
Yup. Raise to $12 - $15 depending on what sort of raise size at the table has been getting 1 - 2 callers.
Calling a 3bet assuming size isn't huge.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Yup. Raise to $12 - $15 depending on what sort of raise size at the table has been getting 1 - 2 callers.
Calling a 3bet assuming size isn't huge.

yep. this^^^^
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 10:23 AM
Hero raises to 12$, V quickly makes it 24$ total. Folds to hero who calls.

Flop - 48$

Hero checks, V bets 26$.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 10:30 AM
I call instantly! Villain is lag, meaning he has a huge 3b range and 3b is only 12 more so you're getting great odds for a call and you are very likely ahead at this time!

If you're there to play poker then play, if it's 5 am and you want to preserve your wins then you shouldn't have started the hand!
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 11:03 AM
I'd really like to fold out the Button's Ax/Kx/Qx. Whatever size raise you think it takes to get the kinda' K9s hand otb to fold. If he calls, that will entice 1/2 blinds to call and now you could find yourself up against 3/4 Vs with 3 possible overcards coming on the flop a decent amount of the time, along with you losing position.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 11:03 AM
if you want to do a play a hand with me, then please wait 24 hours before each new hero action/decision
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 11:14 AM
Pre raise/call looks good.

Now check/call.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 11:51 AM
IMO, Vs preflop min-raise is either an indication of a weaker hand [KQs/QJs] trying to take the initiative, or the guy doesn't know how to size his bets.

I don't know of any bad players who would bet this much otf with QQ+ & if he flopped a set/2pr, wouldn't he be chargin' more on this wet board?

Do you see c/r here >Ev over a c/c? If the turn comes with a flush draw for V, will he continue to barrel? Will he continue to barrel with air? Would he do it often enough to make calling a 1/2 size pot bet ott +Ev?
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by NickTheNit
Hero raises to 12$, V quickly makes it 24$ total. Folds to hero who calls.

Flop - 48$

Hero checks, V bets 26$.
easiest call in the world against this V.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 12:13 PM
Pre i think its obv V is doing this to iso hero. His range is not that wide im thinking 99+, some SC, one-gappers sooted, AXs

That being said flop is def not a fold. What does a c/r accomplishes? I think c/r for value here is not good here because I don't want to bloat the pot on this board, but if we call we don't really know where were at and theres many cards that can hit Vs range.

This V is def capable of barreling flop, turn, river im not sure
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 01:59 PM

I'd like to know the limpers style and stack sizes for him and the blinds.

Pre, I raise a minimum of $15. Probably more like $20 or $25 given table as described. For pure value. I want callers.

For SPR purposes I can see raising less, since the LAG is going to look for an excuse to play, and three way to the flop for $20 each gives us a SPR of 10ish against LAG, HU against him like 15ish. That is not really my style I make it $20.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by NickTheNit
Pre i think its obv V is doing this to iso hero. His range is not that wide im thinking 99+, some SC, one-gappers sooted, AXs

That being said flop is def not a fold. What does a c/r accomplishes? I think c/r for value here is not good here because I don't want to bloat the pot on this board, but if we call we don't really know where were at and theres many cards that can hit Vs range.

This V is def capable of barreling flop, turn, river im not sure
If he's a LAG and in position, he's opening a lot wider than you think. I would think it' more like 22+, 89s+, BW,Axs and maybe A8 or 9 and even some Kxs. You are MILES ahead of his range IMO.

No reason to c/r here if V is willing to barrel air. Plenty turn cards you wouldn't mind seeing. Just off the top of my head, Q, 8, or K are not that bad as far as turns go. Anything that pairs the board and 5> cards are just fine for you.

I think the main problem here is that the flop hit enough of Vs range that you can't really do a whole lot OOP other than take c/c line unless you catch the nuts.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by kookiemonster

I'd like to know the limpers style and stack sizes for him and the blinds.

Pre, I raise a minimum of $15. Probably more like $20 or $25 given table as described. For pure value. I want callers.

For SPR purposes I can see raising less, since the LAG is going to look for an excuse to play, and three way to the flop for $20 each gives us a SPR of 10ish against LAG, HU against him like 15ish. That is not really my style I make it $20.
V has 600$
Limper has 75$ fish limps/call pre fit/fold post
SB 225$ seems very tight
BB 150$ loose pre on his second BI

For 25$ pre no one is calling. 20$ is a lot too. action is 7handed and only fish SS MP limped.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by crow27
If he's a LAG and in position, he's opening a lot wider than you think. I would think it' more like 22+, 89s+, BW,Axs and maybe A8 or 9 and even some Kxs. You are MILES ahead of his range IMO.

No reason to c/r here if V is willing to barrel air. Plenty turn cards you wouldn't mind seeing. Just off the top of my head, Q, 8, or K are not that bad as far as turns go. Anything that pairs the board and 5> cards are just fine for you.

I think the main problem here is that the flop hit enough of Vs range that you can't really do a whole lot OOP other than take c/c line unless you catch the nuts.
OK. This V isnt capable of 3betting 22+ I am 90% sure of that. Maybe I wrongly put him as a LAG then??
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by NickTheNit
OK. This V isnt capable of 3betting 22+ I am 90% sure of that. Maybe I wrongly put him as a LAG then??

So, do you have an idea of his 3 bet range or not?
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 03:28 PM
His range is not that wide im thinking 99+, BW, some SC, one-gappers sooted, AXs
added BW
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 03:37 PM
In my experience of 1/2 live 3bets are rare and usually TT+ AK. Tilted LAG could go wider HU but I think he'd call wide IP vs you and the mid stacked fish rather than try to make the fish fold preflop. Therefore I think his 3bet range is quite value heavy despite the tiny raise size. Maybe he even picked a small 3bet with KK+ in the hope the fish would call and drag deepstacked hero into an inflated pot... I put villain 3bet in this spot as 99+ AQ+ and a handful of bluffs with Axs and SC.

The 3bet is tiny and stacks are deep so you can call to setmine quite happily but I would be pretty cautious with only a pair OOP. (If he'd gone for a proper sized 3bet I would fold)

After flopping marginal over pair and gut shot x/c looks fine vs his flop cbet size. I'd be thinking of taking control of the hand by leading out on the turn though. I'm not happy just x/c this down to the river, particularly if he starts betting bigger and bigger. Therefore I'd lead out on 6 or lower plus any J, Q, K or 8 and I'd lead for around half the pot. I'd x/f if turn is an Ace and he bets it with any conviction. If the board paired I'd x/c turn as I don't want to look like I might be trying to bluff at trips which is surely an unlikely holding for hero here. If I lead turn and get raised while still only holding pair plus gutshot I most likely fold. If villain calls I will see what comes on the river and reevaluate.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by NickTheNit
His range is not that wide im thinking 99+, BW, some SC, one-gappers sooted, AXs
added BW

Ok, so against that range, you have 64.5% equity PREFLOP. That's not too bad.

POSTFLOP---10d9s7c======= Your equity actually IMPROVES to a tick under 69%.

75% of V's range consists of top pair, A high, or worse. Does that give you some idea of how well you were sitting in this spot?
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 03:49 PM
I put villain 3bet in this spot as 99+ AQ+ and a handful of bluffs with Axs and SC.
Even against this tighter range pre we have 59% equity and post we still have just under 65%. We are still sitting good.
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by NickTheNit
V has 600$
Limper has 75$ fish limps/call pre fit/fold post
SB 225$ seems very tight
BB 150$ loose pre on his second BI

For 25$ pre no one is calling. 20$ is a lot too. action is 7handed and only fish SS MP limped.
$15 is a standard raise for me after a limper or two that gets snapped off by loose players. Games are all different though. Given everyone else is not that deep $20plus might be a lot. I definitely don´t want to push people out with a big hand and nice positon. There is really not that much difference between $12 and $15. So...yadda yadda yadda. $12 is good.

Originally Posted by NickTheNit
His range is not that wide im thinking 99+, BW, some SC, one-gappers sooted, AXs
added BW
Can you be more specific? Stuff like JTo,T8s,A2s are in there? This range seems super wide to me.

Edit: RageQs' ''99+ AQ+ and a handful of bluffs with Axs and SC'' seems more reasonable
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-01-2015 , 11:36 PM
Yeah You are right his range his actually wide, but his sizing is more weighted towards value than FE. Ive only been at the table for 30mins so not that much reads on him other than previous hand where I was preflop raiser and he led out flop, turn, river and called my raise on river when i had the nuts. So he is aggressive and sticky. His sizing in said hand was also small/value-weighted (1/3pot to 1/2pot) it was also 3way hand to river
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
08-02-2015 , 01:38 AM
(1/3pot to 1/2pot)
I could be wrong, but 1/3 PSB on the river are just blocker/thin value bets.

1/2 PSB would be the smallest I consider value bets.

Was he betting this way all the time?
1/2 PAWM JJ deep Quote
