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1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop 1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop

11-22-2014 , 06:17 PM
Could have gone a PAHWM, but don't have the patience. Will try to move it forward quickly

1-2 Parx, Early afternoon Saturday. Game playing closer to 2-5. A few big stacks and action players. Nothing Too crazy.
Relavent read is Asian Loose Gambler to my right. Fairly aggressive (not nutty), calls very light. Likes to gamble. Stack 875
Guy to my left (Sb) aware play will squeeze, raise blinds, etc. Stack ~700
Hero: Involved in hands (had good hands) have not done anything out of ordinary. Raising bigger than most, so prob think Im aggro.
Stack 650

Anyway onto hand.

Asian on CU, Hero on BTN.
5 limps including asian
Hero Limps QT Kinda meh, but didn't want to hold the post there.
SB raises to 15, everyone calls to hero, who calls.
7 Players ~100 in pot post rake.
Flop T98
Checks to me?
Hero does what____
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-22-2014 , 07:14 PM
7 ways on that flop, I'd consider a check. That flop smashes limp-calling ranges, so you're unusually likely to get c/r'd. If you don't, you're apt to get a slew of callers, meaning any card other than a 2-5 or a jack (which could be very expensive for you if someone is in there with KQ) or T (again, potentially an expensive card if someone fills up) is likely to ruin your hand. You also have showdown value.

On the other hand, there are a ton of weaker pair + draw combos to get value from if we bet. That having been said, I'd rather pot control and see what develops on the turn. We can feel a lot safer going for value (and are more likely to be called by hands we beat) if it's checked to us again, and can get away from it cheaply if there are fireworks.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-22-2014 , 07:48 PM
checking isn't bad. No one is folding on this board relatively speaking(7 way action) It's going to turn multi way or your gonna get check/raised off your hand. Go ahead and check/evaluate turn, almost always calling one bet and seeing a river.

If the turn bricks and it checks to you again some how? then I'd certainly bet like $65.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-23-2014 , 12:06 AM
Yuck. I don't like this spot. I think we should check. J and T are the only cards we like on the turn so I don't really like betting the flop.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-23-2014 , 01:50 AM
Fold pre to avoid this exact scenario. As played bet $50 and hope at least four people fold.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-23-2014 , 02:05 AM
Seat change far far away from the squeezer's right.

Pre is absolutely fine. Anything other than an overlimp is bad, and we're certainly not folding after the raise given the price and absolute dream position.

OTF, bet like $35-42. Protection is paramount, and while a small bet might seem like it tempts fate against a x/r:

1) I'm really only very worried about the first few players to act x/r'ing and it's going to be very hard for them to do it with a worse hand than ours given how many players they'll have left to act behind them. This is why our relative position is so boss.

2) It doesn't tempt fate near as much as checking does. Even on a rainbow deuce, we're going to face bets with a capped range from indecipherable ranges on the turn.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-23-2014 , 05:17 AM
Bet 1/3 pot. Not so much worried about going to war, but it is a mistake not to bet when you probably have <50% against all the random As, Ks, Js and 7s out there. No free cards.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-23-2014 , 07:50 AM
Preflop: I don't mind seeing a cheap flop in position with unsuited one gappers, to see if I can flop a monster, however, once the raise comes in, I fold.

as played: I check, the main reason I got into this hand was to try and flop a monster so I might stack someone. However, TP is not a monster. I am not much on building a bigger pot with a weak hand.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-23-2014 , 08:11 PM
Sorry guys, was off internet:

1-2 Parx, Early afternoon Saturday. Game playing closer to 2-5. A few big stacks and action players. Nothing Too crazy.
Relavent read is Asian Loose Gambler to my right. Fairly aggressive (not nutty), calls very light. Likes to gamble. Stack 875
Guy to my left (Sb) aware play will squeeze, raise blinds, etc. Stack ~700
Hero: Involved in hands (had good hands) have not done anything out of ordinary. Raising bigger than most, so prob think Im aggro.
Stack 650

Anyway onto hand.

Asian on CU, Hero on BTN.
5 limps including asian
Hero Limps QT Kinda meh, but didn't want to hold the post there.
SB raises to 15, everyone calls to hero, who calls.
7 Players ~100 in pot post rake.
Flop T98
Checks to me?
Hero does what
I bet 40. Really thought in a 100 dollar pot a check was a crime. I'm not in love, but I have the best hand a good amount of time, with outs otherwise. I also want my J outs to be true and don't want KQ hanging around.
All fold except Asian to my right.
2 Players 180 in pot
Turn: Flop T982
Check to me.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-23-2014 , 08:45 PM
We mostly have the best hand, his range has a ton of outs to us, and our read is that he calls very light. Bet $80-$100.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-24-2014 , 03:42 PM
Turn kinda boring. Yea I bet 85 to get a second street of value
He calls
River Q. He checks.
Bet or check?
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-24-2014 , 10:36 PM
Meh, if he has two pair and decided against raising earlier in the hand, it's probably because he didn't want the pot to get too out of hand with the straights out there. Now that a 4-straight hit, I don't really think he's going to tilt call with 98 because he probably already thought it likely wasn't good. Now that the 4-straight hit, any vbet that's worth making is probably going to make him grateful that the board gave him an easy decision.

That might not fit our reads, and maybe he does *try* to pot control but ends up not following his own advice and gets stick anyway, but we're too easily beat for us to gamble on a vbet when we're not even sure he's going to call with the hand directly below ours.
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
11-25-2014 , 03:56 PM
Thanks. I checked behind, was good obvioisly
Seems like flop was the only close decision
1-2 Parx Deepish stacks Lots on Flop Quote
