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1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces 1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces

01-17-2018 , 12:00 PM
I would have raised the turn, but I think calling is fine as long as you were prepared to call every river.
1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces Quote
01-17-2018 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
I would have raised the turn, but I think calling is fine as long as you were prepared to call every river.
Yeah that's fair. The sizing seemed strange to me and I would have expected with his strong draws for him to bet $100 -- $125ish, which would have made a jam easy for me on the turn. With the smaller sizing, I thought he was saving a bigger bullet for the river and I got a little "greedy."
1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces Quote
01-17-2018 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Joey913
(1) False, as clearly explained in OP, I was targeting the bad loose splashier players, and this situation was not what I was targeting.

So your plan did not consider the toughest opponent at the table? Not good.

(2) Agree that there is not much room for creativity with low SPR, but that doesn't answer how to get the money in, which is going to be villain dependent. With most villains (who are tight/loose passive) you are correct that us betting is the way to get it in.

SPR is what matters more than villain. You can't outplay someone when SPR is less than 2. I told you how to get the money in. You just don't like the answer.

(3) Completely ignores Villain description and you provide no logic, just assertions. If he is wide pre and decent, by betting as strongly as you suggest we allow him to correctly fold the majority of his weak range. Read Ed Miller's "Playing the Player" LAG Section.

I suggest you read "Applications of No Limit Hold em" by Janda. Understand that math is all that matters when SPR is low.

(4) Again you provide no logic, just assertions. Your analysis seems desperate to WIN THE POT! versus making the most +EV play, like winning an even bigger pot. "We no longer care if he calls or folds. Doesn't matter." exemplifies how you are not thinking in terms of +EV but just taking down the pot.

That is the point. To win the pot. You are not considering when we take the same line with KTh, KJh, AQ, QQ, 78h, 56h, etc. You need to consider your range, not your hand.

(5) I think I played the hand precisely like KK through the turn and again I think you put him on way too strong a range. I think he has all the draws you suggest + most 1 pair (including PPs) options that sensed weakness on the flop and turn and thought there would be an opportunity for a successful bluff in addition to 2pair/trips draws.
Who the hell plays KK this way? You think he doesn't 4 bet KK pre? You think he bets the turn? On A Q 5 8, you think he is betting KK? That is insane. He has showdown value with KK and is checking 100%. He is betting poled bro. The top and the bottom. And his bottom still has some equity against your top. I can see him with a range of AK, AQ, 55, KJh, KTh, JTh, T9h, 78h, 65h, 45h.
1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces Quote
01-17-2018 , 12:51 PM
Oh D Lonnigan, please read a little more carefully. I said I (as in me, hero, etc.) played the hand like KK through the turn... and you're range is way too tight for a LAG especially with my weak action post-flop. You don't think he could have KJ or JT w/o hearts and plan to either hit is straight, bluff hearts, or attack general weakness?
1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces Quote
01-17-2018 , 12:57 PM
Nice hand OP. I'm glad it worked out for you. Let's not be too results oriented about the outcome of one hand. Also I do not play in your game but I am questioning whether V is a good LAG or a button clicker that has run well when you have played with him.
1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces Quote
01-17-2018 , 03:39 PM
I think the main mistake here is attributing too much skill to a 40-something dude sitting at a 1/2 table.

He seems like a bad lag to me.

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1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces Quote
01-17-2018 , 08:25 PM
I played more of a laggy style when I played less often and I did pretty well, though I think a lot of that was running good. I occasionally run into someone I view as a good lag at 1/2 or 1/3, but it's very uncommon.

Like I said, imo the key to that style is understanding that many players will respond by trying to trap you and not paying them off. I doubt his ev for the rest of the night can make up for dumping $300 into a set of aces.

Your preflop raise size to me, looked like pure value which was fine. If $45 is going in preflop when you have AA, it's almost impossible for the hand to be unprofitable. But a guy like this (even a pretty good one) will have a hard time folding.

Even with hands like AK and KK, I'd expect people to make bigger raises for the same kind of reason: they want to charge the lag to outplay them with position and now there are more bad flops. I'd def. expect them to raise more with bluffs. I'd think you have AQ and QQ more often than bluffs. So, if I am him, I think I am crushed on this flop most of the time. I also don't think you limp RRed AK vs me to fold when you hit the A. I also think your rare bluffs include a lot of As that also might not be folding to the likes of me.

Point being, I don't think this guy really adjusts to how people adjust to him. Or, perhaps he just screwed up on this one particular hand. He might be tough to play against in many other situations, but you've discovered that he can spew into the nuts because he's always trying to imagine some scenario where he can win the pot.

So just repeat this strategy of slowly building up big pots while giving him room to hang himself.

Even then, I feel like, unless this guy is just MUCH worse than you say, the turn action should really let him know it's time to give up. Trying to bluff hearts was just a desperation play, and a bad one. But can we assume he is giving up if no heart comes?

If so you only get the extra bet 25% of the time, assuming he always spews on a heart. Weighted against the times he actually has hearts, or gutshots that he only bets the river upon hitting, or has hands like 55.
1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces Quote
01-18-2018 , 06:23 AM
Nh. Well thought out and got the max.

I disagree with people saying the LAG played it terribly. The way the hand was played, it really does look like hero has exactly KK.

Whether this particular LAG is profitable long term is kind of irrelevant. If I'm going to play him out of position, I want to do so with a tight range.

Last edited by Nogyong; 01-18-2018 at 06:32 AM.
1/2 PAHWM: Need to Outlevel Solid LAG after I limp/reraise UTG and flop Set of Aces Quote
