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1/2 overpair stack off 1/2 overpair stack off

12-22-2012 , 03:31 AM
I think this is pretty standard, but since I took two weeks off to work on not stacking off light, I thought I'd be sure.

Table dynamic can be deduced from this post earlier in the night:
heads up?
2 limps. Hero makes it $25 in HJ with A9o. 5 callers. Hero whiffs and c/f.

Hero will now make it $30+ for the rest of the night.

Lesson- dont believe they won't call insane amounts preflop. They can't all have AK.

Villain has been pretty loose. Raises his broadway hands to $10. Will call almost ANY raise size. Has been predictably up and down all night since he's playing bingo. He plays his draws aggressively. I saw him call a $20 raise preflop with K3s, float a 1/2 PSB on a queen high board and get it in when a K hit the turn. He stacked me earlier in the night by spiking an ace vs my KK with an SPR of 1. He looks like a slightly darker version of Gus Fring of Los Pollos Hermanos.
Stack $154.

Hero- been very tight since I've been super card dead and the table is impossibly stationy so there's no sense in betting lightly as it's going to go 8 ways and I'll have to c/f usually.

Preflop- Hero is UTG with TsTh and makes it $30. Folds to Gus on Btn who calls. HU to flop.

Flop: 6c 5d 3c ($63)

Gus checks even though he's on the button. Hero makes it $40. Gus raises to $80. Hero shoves for $74 more. Gus calls.

Side note- He had slit a man's throat with a box cutter earlier in the night when he lost. I'm not sure where that fits into EV calcs.

My range for him would be 22-QQ. JJ, QQ discounted. Ax, JT+ pre.
Flop-33-QQ, JTcc+.
1/2 overpair stack off Quote
12-22-2012 , 07:01 AM
the slit of the throat actually decreases your equity slightly to make this -ev.

if you were mistaken and he just gave the guy a paper cut, then you easily have enough equity to make this shove against this particular opponent.
1/2 overpair stack off Quote
