This is a tough spot. YOu mentioned you've seen him squeeze with AQ and JJ, however, I would hazard a guess that he squeezed in bloated pots in which weakness was shown.
That is not necessarily the same as 3betting a dry pot in which you raised $15 and he made it $45...
QQ sucks because it is the perfect Reverse Implied Odds hand, too high in value to fold, not high enough to call...
so what the hell do you do?
Well, this is where higher level thinking comes into play. You said
I was playing TAG earlier in the session but my image has turned nitty due to folding everything
So, if your image is nitty then Villain has to put you on AK, JJ-AA as a minimum So if he is 3-betting you, his range is KK, AA, AK.
QQ sucks vs this range. So you can actually fold pre.
I know, sucks right.
Now, if your image was different and V could give you a wide range of hands, then absolutely we can go to war with QQ (and i'm all for going to war
) Similarly, if V was aggro, a donk, or a maniac, then again, we can go to war.
But based on what you've said, your read, and your perceived image, this is a fold. A tough fold, but a fold nonetheless.
As played, once you bet 40% of your stack, you can't fold.