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1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house 1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house

09-15-2013 , 01:04 PM
game theory question here:

Playing a $1/$2 NLH

I play pocket 66 from the BB, UTG 2 raises to $8, two other player call around the table and I call from the BB.

Flop comes 6JJ

Action gets checked around

On the turn an 8 comes

Board now looks like this: 6jj8

I check and UTG2 raises 18, players behind fold back to me. I mini raise it to $36 and UTG2 calls

River brings a 10

Board now shows: 6jj810

I'm first to act and bet out $60, UTG2 re-raises me all in $175. I thought he might have been slow playing AJ and called without much hesitation.

UTG2 shows pocket 1010 and wins with a higher full house.

In this situation A) is there any way I can fold to the re-raise on river?
B) any suggestions on an alternative way to play the hand would be appreciated.
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-15-2013 , 03:35 PM
Stop reading after u minraise...
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-16-2013 , 11:23 AM
Don't know much about table dynamics or players since wasn't given but....

There's $50 in the pot after he bets $18 on the turn. I like a raise to $60 setting up a shove on the played, you got coolered when he had 4 outs (any 10 or any J).
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-16-2013 , 01:12 PM
Preflop OK, there are not many situations where I'm either raising or folding here. Flop, bet most of the time with the occasional check/raise if there is a really aggressive player after. Pot looks like $25 on flop so $15/$20 on flop looks good. Under boats like this should be played very aggressive. You will win more then lose but anybody willing to stick around is probably drawing to beat you and it is generally impossible to tell when they do. If effective stacks are not deep you should be looking to bet flop and then shove turn.

Turn, bet every time after flop checks around. Once you do check, check/raise big. Most low stakes players should just remove min-raises from their play book entirely. They have some utility in tournament play when blinds get so big that even small bets risk pot commitment, but cash doesn't work the same way.

In any case, on river it depends on villain. However, your play has so under represented your hand that folding at that point would be very hard. Villain would have to be a major nit who never raises without a boat here.
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-17-2013 , 08:00 AM
Underfull is highly overated by most people. You need to protect this hand by raising bigger.
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-17-2013 , 08:15 AM
bet turn. (cases can be made for betting flop, but you're probably not aggressive enough to do it).
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-17-2013 , 02:04 PM
Im betting out the flop. Leading the flop builds a pot quicker. Too many people look to slowplay in 1/2, and getting fancy in 1/2 just doesnt work. Leading out the flop doesnt look overly strong, you wont scare away hands that you would get anything out of anyway. Any high PP is going to call or raise, and Jx is going to call or raise. If he has AK or AQ, what does slowplaying do? If he pairs an A on the river, the pot will be too small to get anything out of him anyway. By slowplaying the flop, you are setting up a situation where later in the hand you either get very little value from your opponnet because the pot is to small, or the pot only builds because your opponett got there, which he did in this case.

Never min raise the turn. Checking the flop, checking the turn, then min raising the turn again either A) builds the pot to slowly or B) gives away the strength of your hand. Any decent villian in this spot is going to be scared of that min raise, he will likely call it, but if he doesnt connect on the river, he is likely getting away from any bet. Either lead the turn, or raise bigger on the turn.

As played, there is no way you can fold the river. You got coolered. But if he hadnt hit that T, that line you took would of cost you value on the river. Like I said, the pot only builds at that point if he connects, and if he didnt connect, he likely would of folded to any bet due to that line.
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-17-2013 , 02:12 PM
lead on the flop, lead on the turn.

everyone in 1/2 wants to slowplay everything. then they complain when they win a 6 dollar pot with a nut flush
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-17-2013 , 02:38 PM
bet/bet/jam get some value bruh
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-17-2013 , 11:04 PM
I don't like the way you played this hand.

I would check the flop against aggressive players, but with a pot of this size, i'd probably be inclined to fire a small bet to induce a 3b unless I really thought someone was going to bet. With this many people, there is a high chance someone has a jack.

The turn bet should be large. You should basically be potting the turn to get someone with a jack to commit here. If you think someone is folding AJ here, you are crazy.

Once the river hits, you are getting stacked if the guy didn't get the memo. I think if you made a flop bet and potted the turn, he might have folded. If not, you just chalk it up to a cooler.

TLDR: You probably were getting a cooler here, but you could have played a better line.
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-17-2013 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by 2outS1SneakS
bet/bet/jam get some value bruh

There are two J's on the flop. Nobody is folding a J if they have it. Put some money in!
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-17-2013 , 11:56 PM
You didn't flop the nuts
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-18-2013 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by QuadJ
Preflop OK, there are not many situations where I'm either raising or folding here. Flop, bet most of the time with the occasional check/raise if there is a really aggressive player after. Pot looks like $25 on flop so $15/$20 on flop looks good. Under boats like this should be played very aggressive. You will win more then lose but anybody willing to stick around is probably drawing to beat you and it is generally impossible to tell when they do. If effective stacks are not deep you should be looking to bet flop and then shove turn.

Turn, bet every time after flop checks around. Once you do check, check/raise big. Most low stakes players should just remove min-raises from their play book entirely. They have some utility in tournament play when blinds get so big that even small bets risk pot commitment, but cash doesn't work the same way.

In any case, on river it depends on villain. However, your play has so under represented your hand that folding at that point would be very hard. Villain would have to be a major nit who never raises without a boat here.
Just read what this kid said 5 times and learn as much as you can about the concepts
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-18-2013 , 12:07 AM
Slowplaying otf is insane. You can get a ton of value here from Jx by barreling flop, turn, and river. If there's an ocean, you should bet that too if you have any chips left. If anyone has 77+, giving them free cards is like punching yourself in the crotch. And if they have whiffed overs, do you really think they're ever putting in any more than a single bet even if they hit?
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
09-18-2013 , 01:08 AM
At 1/2, you have to build the pot ASAP and try to get it in by the river, or you're losing a TON of value against 1. JX, 2. Medium PP, 3. A6-56 type of hands
1/2 NLH how to play flopped full house Quote
