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1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? 1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what?

04-15-2012 , 03:14 AM
Preflop player in EP raise to 10 (100 behind) , I call with T7 of hearts in the cutoff (300 behind). 5 players to the flop.

Flop: AH Jx 6H. Preflop raiser bets 25 into 50. I call, and SB calls (300 behind).

Turn: AH Jx 6H 3H. Preflop raiser shoves 60-70 into 125. I shove all in, the other player insta-calls and shows Kh 6h.

notes: I just sat down at the table and only played about 10-15 hands. I have pulled two stone cold bluffs (one all in the other put in about 120) and showed both of them. The whole table is in bluff catching mood against me. I shoved because A. my perceived range is weak B. don't wanna see the board pair or another heart come out on the river. And I think there are a lot of worse hands that will call me, which I'm not sure on.

You can question the shove, but let's say if I called or raised and SB shoved, I don't think I was ever folding (which could be wrong but I don't know). If money didn't go in on turn and river came blank I don't think I can fold either.

What's your opinion? Am I a donk who's not good enough to fold or is the hand just a pure cooler?
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 03:25 AM
your mistake was calling preflop. against this villain you are 50bb effective. no need to call an early position raise with a purely speculative hand when you aren't deep.

once the flop is dealt, the hand plays itself.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:43 AM
Fold pre. The raiser only has 100 more and you are calling 5bb with a terrible drawing hand.

Flop is fine I guess. I don't love drawing to a 10 high flush with all of those people in the pot. But if you are going to call preflight with T7s, might as well call here.

On the turn I think shoving over the top is pretty bad. You had what, 200 more? I'd say call the shove and see what happens. If someone raises over the top of that you can fold. I think you had plenty of money behind to get away from this at some point.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:51 AM
fold pre even if all of you are 300 behind.

don't shove the turn. shoving the turn is pointless.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 05:12 AM
Calling an ep raise with T7h, and already pulled off two stone cold bluffs within your first 10-15 hands?

Dude, slow down.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 05:14 AM
This is not a "pure cooler" at all. You got the money in with the 2nd best hand in a 3-way AI pot and lost as you were supposed to.

And it happened because you made a big mistake earlier in the hand. As everyone stated, you should have folded pre. EP had 50 BBs and raised 10% of his stack. He rates to be pretty strong and committed OTF. You need deep stacks to profitably call with the T7s.

Also, when you have the T-high FD in a multiway pot and the action escalates when the flush card comes in, you rate to lose.

The common thinking that SCs play well multiway is not exactly true. I'd say SCs are better played in 3-way pots because you're less likely to be up against a bigger FD. Multiway, I'd much rather hold the NFD.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 08:59 AM
don't play SCs 50BB deep.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by masaraksh
don't play suited 2-gappers 50BB deep.
FYP (though it applies to SC's just the same)
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:32 PM
3 others already called after the EP raiser, and they are all deep
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:33 PM
Read first line...fold pre 50 bb effective
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:35 PM
BTW preflop raiser showed AK after he lost. For those of you whose say that the turn shove is terrible, do you mean that if he had a 9 high 8 high flush or a set he was folding there?? if so I think the correct answer is not slowing down with T7s, but 3 barrel every pot ... since there range is so exploitative.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by UserNamesAreWeird
Read first line...fold pre 50 bb effective
You should have read more. 2 players called before me as well as SB who called after me, 2 or all 3 of them are about 150bb deep.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 04:55 PM
if I just called turn, and he shoved, would you guys have folded to a shove? and if he just called turn and river comes a blank, are you guys bet folding or check folding? I just can imagine ever folding this hand here...
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by ulosefish
BTW preflop raiser showed AK after he lost. For those of you whose say that the turn shove is terrible, do you mean that if he had a 9 high 8 high flush or a set he was folding there?? if so I think the correct answer is not slowing down with T7s, but 3 barrel every pot ... since there range is so exploitative.
yes he is folding a set.

what 9-high / 8-high flushes does he have?

Let's say for argument sake, he has every flush if he calls.

Board: Ah Jc 6h 3h

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 35.471% 35.47% 00.00% 437 0.00 { Th7h }
Hand 1: 64.529% 64.53% 00.00% 795 0.00 { KhQh, KhJh, Kh9h, Kh8h, Kh5h, Kh4h, Kh2h, QhJh, Qh9h, Qh8h, Qh5h, Qh4h, Qh2h, Jh9h, Jh8h, Jh5h, Jh4h, Jh2h, 9h8h, 9h5h, 9h4h, 9h2h, 8h5h, 8h4h, 8h2h, 5h4h, 5h2h, 4h2h }

So you're hugely -EV on the shove.

Let's add in the "sets" you think he'd call with but not raise the flop with, also, why would he not re-raise pf with AA/JJ? (Okay, I can see JJ but not AA, so let's take out AA entirely and let's give you the benefit in that he has JJ/66 and he slowplayed it)

Board: Ah Jc 6h 3h

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 41.912% 41.91% 00.00% 627 0.00 { Th7h }
Hand 1: 58.088% 58.09% 00.00% 869 0.00 { JJ, 66, KhQh, KhJh, Kh9h, Kh8h, Kh5h, Kh4h, Kh2h, QhJh, Qh9h, Qh8h, Qh5h, Qh4h, Qh2h, Jh9h, Jh8h, Jh5h, Jh4h, Jh2h, 9h8h, 9h5h, 9h4h, 9h2h, 8h5h, 8h4h, 8h2h, 5h4h, 5h2h, 4h2h }

Still a -EV shove.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-15-2012 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by ulosefish
BTW preflop raiser showed AK after he lost. For those of you whose say that the turn shove is terrible, do you mean that if he had a 9 high 8 high flush or a set he was folding there?? if so I think the correct answer is not slowing down with T7s, but 3 barrel every pot ... since there range is so exploitative.
there is nothing about this villain's preflop action that would allow me to conclude that he even has the 8 or 9 high flush here.

unless he is a total fish, raising 10% of his stack in ep is almost always AK/AQ, TT+.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-16-2012 , 01:56 AM
Not that much of a cooler.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-16-2012 , 02:11 AM
Fold pre.

With a hand like 10/7 suited you want you and your opponent to be 200-300 bbs deep.

You need to be able to make 15-20 times what your opponent raised if you hit your hand.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-16-2012 , 02:12 AM
what did you put sb on?
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-17-2012 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by ulosefish
3 others already called after the EP raiser, and they are all deep

This doesn't really matter in this situation. T7h is junk....and has huge reverse implied odds to boot. Playing this hand in this situation is a huge're losing a lot of money over time.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-17-2012 , 07:51 PM
I agree with most. Big difference between limping with position and multiple callers (which I would do much of the time) and calling an early position raiser with this hand, regardless of stack sizes. The reverse implied odds come from a combination of hand strength and situation. In this situation too much chance somebody has bigger cards and the off chance they have bigger suited cards of same suit. Snap fold ore unless you OWN your villains mind and can easily get away from this if you hit your hand and face aggression. Clearly you did not have that luxury. Snap fold.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-17-2012 , 07:59 PM
Obviously not that important to the discussion, but am I the only worried about two 6H in the deck? On the flop and in the Kh6h villains hand?
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-17-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by CB3
Obviously not that important to the discussion, but am I the only worried about two 6H in the deck? On the flop and in the Kh6h villains hand?
Live poker is rigged obv.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by CB3
Obviously not that important to the discussion, but am I the only worried about two 6H in the deck? On the flop and in the Kh6h villains hand?
He's probably using a wild card.
1/2 NL line check. Pure cooler or what? Quote
