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<img /2 NL: KK Put to Test on Wet Flop <img /2 NL: KK Put to Test on Wet Flop

07-24-2014 , 11:51 PM
It really depends on what how likely we think Villain is to fold (or 3b) Jx to a raise. If we assume her range is AJ/KJ/QJ/JT/JJ/TT/44, that's 30 combos of Jx and 18 combos of 2 pair+. If she's always leading out with Jx and never folding it to a raise, we're 58% against her range; which is definitely value, but not fistpump-printing-wads-of-cash value. Even if we put a few Axd in her range, that doesn't improve our equity. I don't think this Villain has something like J8 here ever. (If you disagree, then raise away, and god speed.)

I think unlike a few other people itt, I'd discount Jx pretty substantially, since there's a good chance a random 1/2 Villain either checks to the raiser or donks something smaller to see where she's at (because lol information!). Once we start cutting the number of Jx combos in Villain's range, and considering the possibility that she might sometimes fold it to our raise, we get into value-owning territory very quickly. But if you're in a game where people are typically leading out 2/3 pot here with QJ and getting sticky with it, raising flop is fine.
<img /2 NL: KK Put to Test on Wet Flop Quote
