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1/2 NL: Hero flops straight with 3 clubs on the board 1/2 NL: Hero flops straight with 3 clubs on the board

02-15-2012 , 06:08 AM
A new table has just started and 3-4 hands have been played so far. Villain is a black woman and I'd guess she is in her late 30s. She is wearing sunglasses. On the hand before she bet 5 dollars on the flop with top pair (queens with a jack kicker) after around 3-4 people limped in PF. She bet 5 dollars on the turn when an ace came, was raised, and she called down and showed a winner with one pair. On an earlier hand she made a couple of 5 dollar bets on the turn and river and didn't show her hand.

Hero has QT

Preflop: Villain limps, 1 player limps, SB completes, hero checks in the BB

Flop is J9K Pot is $8

SB checks, hero checks, villain bets $25, everyone folds, hero???

I'm a bit lost here. Villain made tiny bets in the other two hands she was in, and now she bets $25 on a very scary board. I didn't expect anyone to bet more than $10 so this bet really threw me off. I'm also wondering if it was a mistake to check.
1/2 NL: Hero flops straight with 3 clubs on the board Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:13 AM
Yeah just lead. Also, I'm calling this. The Tc is such a nice card that gives you some extra outs if you need it, and blockers to some of the "scared" flush hands that would bet so much. How deep are the effective stacks? If they are less than $100, I'm probably just raising here and trying to get it in.
1/2 NL: Hero flops straight with 3 clubs on the board Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by captZEEbo
Yeah just lead. Also, I'm calling this. The Tc is such a nice card that gives you some extra outs if you need it, and blockers to some of the "scared" flush hands that would bet so much. How deep are the effective stacks? If they are less than $100, I'm probably just raising here and trying to get it in.
I forgot to mention the stacks. She started with $200 and I'd say she has about $250 after winning the last hand. Hero has $300. So the effective stack sizes are about $250.
1/2 NL: Hero flops straight with 3 clubs on the board Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:38 AM
I would lead out for $10 here. Did she double check her hole cards when the flop came? I bet she probably has Axo.
1/2 NL: Hero flops straight with 3 clubs on the board Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:41 AM
Lead, also how deep are you?
1/2 NL: Hero flops straight with 3 clubs on the board Quote
