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1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? 1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff?

01-27-2018 , 01:26 PM
1/2 NL. Full Ring. Two hours into session. Table is primarily tight passive.

Hero ($300, CO): TAG Image. 7 of 9 players at table are tight. Hero is generally a pretty tight player, but this table is exceptionally tight and generally really passive, so hero is probably the fourth loosest player at the table. Hero has won almost every hand that went to showdown, besides when he lost his first buy in when he called a loose player's 3 bet shove on a 99T board with QQ, and other player rivered a T with QT.

Villain ($300, MP1): Villain is LAG. Villain and hero have played together five times now over the course of 6 months. Villain and hero do see each other about twice a month at local card room, but usually are not at the same table. Villain seems to be a good, thinking opponent. Hero knows that villain usually plays $2/$5 at the local casino, but knows villain occasionally plays $1/$2 and $2/$5 and plays in a few bigger buy in tournaments a year. Villain has only been at table for 30 minutes now. However, villain has been playing loose. Villain raised his first hand $10 with no limpers from MP1 with K3s, c-bet and then hit runner runner two pair. None of villains other hands have gotten to showdown, but he has c-bet all five hands that he has raised with, regardless of heads up or 4 ways. However, villain has gotten away from hands after flop pretty easily, but have been in multiway pots.


With one limper villain raises to $10. Action is folded around to hero who looks up to A 10 and flats. Everyone else in the hand folds.

Flop ($25): 2 4 7.

Villain c bets $11. Board is very dry. Based on the four other times villain has raised pre flop, he has always c bet. Hero recognizes this, and thinks it's very unlikely that villain is very strong, especially with the board structure. Hero thinks at most villain could have a suited ace or king that hit a pair on the board, but doesn't think it's very likely villain has two pair or a set. With this thought out, hero raises to $30, with two overs and backdoor flush and runner runner straight draws. Villain tanks for 30 seconds-1 minute and calls.

Turn ($85): Q. Villain checks turn rather quickly, but not immediately. Hero doesn't think it's very likely that villain connected with the Q. Hero doesn't think that villain would ever raise it pre flop with Q7, Q4, or Q2, even if it were to be suited. QQ seems highly unlikely as well considering the tank call on the flop. Hero loses all possible draws, but doesn't think villain is very strong at all. Hero bets $50.

Up to this point, what do you guys think? I am posting this hand because I am very curious as to if I was playing with fire a lot, or if you agree with my line of thinking. I'm not a player that usually bluffs like this and I usually only bluff (besides c bets or when it's checked around to me on the flop) about once a session, IF that. I fully realize that villain was only at the table for a half hour and that while we have some history, it's not significant time, so I'm wondering - was this a bad time to bluff considering that? I am very curious as to what everyone has to say, and will use your responses to help me in the future (as always.) Thank you very much in advance for your responses and for reading/analyzing this hand!

Last edited by Garick; 01-27-2018 at 10:20 PM. Reason: corrected board
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 01:42 PM
with position against a LAG I 3 bet here with a10dd

that would obv change the entire dynamic of this hand

as played

I don't like the reraise on flop I prob just fold and wait for better spot when we have more equity or atleast blockers like Ah

after the reraise on the flop I like the turn barrel

I will be betting 100 - 120 on any non heart river

but I don't play this hand like this but as played that's my 2 cents

Last edited by Scooo13zzz; 01-27-2018 at 01:53 PM.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 02:10 PM
Raise flop with your ss combos not your dd
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Eholeing
Raise flop with your ss combos not your dd
Wow, I completely screwed up. The four was 4, not 4. Shoot! I hope people read this before replying. I wish there was a way to edit my post so that everyone could see that it was , not two s. Whoops!
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Scooo13zzz
with position against a LAG I 3 bet here with a10dd

that would obv change the entire dynamic of this hand

as played

I don't like the reraise on flop I prob just fold and wait for better spot when we have more equity or atleast blockers like Ah

after the reraise on the flop I like the turn barrel

I will be betting 100 - 120 on any non heart river

but I don't play this hand like this but as played that's my 2 cents
I screwed up in the post. The four was supposed to be 4, not 4. I apologize and can't believe I made such a foolish error.

Thinking about it, I realize I should've 3 bet pre flop as that was my first mistake. Thank you very much for your response though. Please let me know if anything changes in your mind, keeping in mind that I screwed it up the board texture .
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 03:21 PM
Mostly I would just fold this preflop. Against a LAG I would rather watch him for a while until I have some idea how to play against him then get into a leveling war.

Still, both raising and flatting preflop are OK. If villain is lagging it up you are ahead of his range but it's likely you are behind or coin flipping against his range for calling your raise. Your going to have to raise to $30/$35 and that makes SPR awkwardly small on the flop but also puts a lot more pressure on villain.

As played folding, raising or floating flop with the intent of taking it away later are all OK. You can't float or raise too often without becoming terminally unbalanced and easily beaten so you need to just fold a fair portion of the time. However if villain c-bets most or all flops heads up he has to miss this a lot also so rebluffing some of the time is called for.

You are flying without much information in this situation so a lot of options might be good. Which ones actually are depend on villain.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 03:34 PM
I think that this is playing with fire. I prefer at LLSNL to have a little more equity when I choose a multiple street bluff.

However, I agree that you are likely to get this one through. If you raise flop you need to be ready to barrel turn.

The main problem is that you are not representing anything other than a set very well. There are no reasonable draws Villain will put you on, and you are severely overplaying a small pp. I expect to win some small pots here and lose a lot when Villain calls you down with any of his pp's.

My advice: find a better spot.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 03:57 PM
This is a bad board to raise as the preflop caller in general, and obviously this hand isn't the finest choice.

If you put him on air, you can just call. A-high is ahead of a lot of things on a dry 7-high board and BDNFD likes to have a lot of money behind.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 04:29 PM
Villian has pfr 5 times in a half an hour. This was a 3! Pre imo. As played I think a raise on the flop is fine. So far he has a 100% cbet.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by QuadJ
Mostly I would just fold this preflop. Against a LAG I would rather watch him for a while until I have some idea how to play against him then get into a leveling war.

Still, both raising and flatting preflop are OK. If villain is lagging it up you are ahead of his range but it's likely you are behind or coin flipping against his range for calling your raise. Your going to have to raise to $30/$35 and that makes SPR awkwardly small on the flop but also puts a lot more pressure on villain.

As played folding, raising or floating flop with the intent of taking it away later are all OK. You can't float or raise too often without becoming terminally unbalanced and easily beaten so you need to just fold a fair portion of the time. However if villain c-bets most or all flops heads up he has to miss this a lot also so rebluffing some of the time is called for.

You are flying without much information in this situation so a lot of options might be good. Which ones actually are depend on villain.
I find the first part of this very interesing. You're folding A10s pre to a $10 raise in position? I fully understand that A10s is not a super premium hand, but I find folding puzzling. I do agree though that you should sit back and watch how LAG villain plays and pick up a strategy, I just think that A10s is too good of hand vs someone like him to be folding pre to a 5bb raise in position.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by TenHighCallDown
This is a bad board to raise as the preflop caller in general, and obviously this hand isn't the finest choice.

If you put him on air, you can just call. A-high is ahead of a lot of things on a dry 7-high board and BDNFD likes to have a lot of money behind.
This makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your insight.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by NutJob72
Villian has pfr 5 times in a half an hour. This was a 3! Pre imo. As played I think a raise on the flop is fine. So far he has a 100% cbet.
In hindsight I agree that is is a 3! preflop. Next time this situation arises I will surely do that.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 10:17 PM
Grunch from title alone: You're playing 1/2NL live, it's probably a bad time to bluff.

OK, off to read OP now.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-27-2018 , 10:29 PM
Post grunch: I prefer a float OTF to a raise. If you actually had a set on this board against this V would you raise it, or let him bet the air parts of his range one more time before raising? If you are going to raise, make it bigger. Pot is $47 with your call, and you made it only $29 more. V is getting 76:29 on his call, or 2.6:1. Plus you want to look like you are trying to set up playing for stacks and/or overcharge FDs.

AP, I think the barrel is fine.

Oh, and I fixed the suits on the board for you.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-28-2018 , 01:02 PM
Thank you, Garick. The questions you asked certainly made for good thinking points & I agree from the math that I should've raised it more, when raising. After seeing everyone's posts now, it looks like I didn't make the best decision.
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
01-28-2018 , 01:04 PM
Villain tanks for 1-2 minutes and says "Wow, I really don't know what you have,
but nice hand," and folds. This really makes hero think that villain had 88-JJ. Agree/disagree?
1/2 NL Good or Bad Time to Bluff? Quote
