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1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD 1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD

01-19-2012 , 02:03 AM
Villain is a competent player, but can be VERY spewey. Only seen him play a few times, and from what I remember, fairly aggressive, both pre-flop and post. Has been playing a lot of pots, haven't seen him 3bet yet, only been a few orbits.

Effective stacks are $400, Villain is up big this session. In a previous hand, he three barreled into, and was called down by Hero's TPTK on 3 streets (he had air presumably).

Hero: Image is competent, fairly TAG, ABC player, won't get out of line too often.

Hero opens to 8$ in middle position with AK, gets one caller and Villain 3bets to 30$ from the BB. Hero calls the 30$ (should I 4b in this spot?) and initial callers calls as well. (90$ in pot). I'm putting him on a wide range here. Haven't played with him much, and I'm not sure of his 3bet tendencies, but I'm guessing 99+ or AK, and rags as well.

Flop K Q 6. Villain leads out for 45$, Hero flats. 3rd guy folds. (this is fairly standard, right? no reason for a raise).

Turn: K, villain leads out for 75$. Hero flats. Is this the right play with top trips top kicker and the NFD? I flatted because I felt there was no way he would call without a K, and QQ was definitely in his range. Slight chance of KQ as well. Moreover, I figured if a hit on the river, villain could fire a third bullet if he had air, hoping I didn't have a .

River: 10. Villain leads out for 100$ into a $330 pot. Hero?

Hero calls Villain flips over pocket 10s

Note: longtime lurker, first post. Feel free to give me contructive criticism of how I explained the hand, and what details I should include in future posts to get better feedback!
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 03:07 AM
Obviously never folding so its raise all in or call. first ask yourself if I raise will I ever be called by worse? If the answer is no just call the river. I cant really think of any hands that would call a raise that you can beat. His range at this point when he bets the river should be QQ, AK, maybe JJ with the J of diamonds. AA is a possibility as well given the fact that he can be spewy. Kind of strange that he would bet the K on the turn if he had AA. Since you have the A of diamonds we know AdAx isnt possible. TT is now a possibilty as well although unlikely. I like a call of the river bet since his calling range if you shove has you crushed. And of course you are calling an expecting to see air/hand he turned into a bluff a certain percentage of the time, given the playing history
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 03:51 AM
I'm making it like $200 on the turn, and would be happy to get it in.

Edit: Raise flop too in a 3bet pot imo
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 04:03 AM
i like calling the flop flop as he will continue with all of his range after this. i prob raise turn but idk if thats the best play... i guess we pay off QQ/KQ there if we r/r and they shove. river i prob just shove but I can see flatting... idk if he calls w/ worse though so might be awful play maybe JxJd or AxKx but that might be too thin really comes down to how spewy he is and how light he will call
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 04:04 AM
His bet sizing is weak, so I'm probably raising either flop or turn. But against a three barrel bluffer I guess you've played OK.
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 04:37 AM
The reasoning to raise is that his cbet% will be big at this board whatever he has, so if we asume he cbets his whole range:

Hero's hand: K A | Board: Q 6 K
If we take a wider Range: AK, 99+, AQs, KQs.
Overall Odds:
Win: 57.0%
Tie: 16.7%
Lose: 26.3%

If we take tighter Range: AK, TT+
Overall Odds:
Win: 46.4%
Tie: 23.2%
Lose: 30.3%

We are ahead of his range & his 1/2 PSB doesn't look strong and we don't want him or the second V (who is still in the hand atm) to outdraw us for cheap we can raise. But given his tendencies, call is OK, I guess.

Hero's hand: K A | Board: K Q 6 K

Tight Range: AK, TT+
Overall Odds:
Win: 73.6%
Tie: 11.4%
Lose: 15.0%

Wide Range: AK, 99+, AQs, KQs.
Overall Odds:
Win: 57.0%
Tie: 16.7%
Lose: 26.3%

We are now crushing his range, mostly because Kd is removed from his range, there is no hand we are drawing dead against, and his smallish bet really, really looks as weak. I'm probably raising small here to $150-175. I think we do lose value here by not raising.

As played you are probably correct calling here he is unlikely to call with worse.
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by timjcarroll81
Obviously never folding so its raise all in or call. first ask yourself if I raise will I ever be called by worse? If the answer is no just call the river. I cant really think of any hands that would call a raise that you can beat.

^ T H I S ^
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:28 AM
^people are incapable of folding to a minraise imo, might be a nice thing to do to get some more value instead of letting him set the price of showdown
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by elcebro
The reasoning to raise is that his cbet% will be big at this board whatever he has, so if we asume he cbets his whole range:

We are now crushing his range, mostly because Kd is removed from his range, there is no hand we are drawing dead against, and his smallish bet really, really looks as weak. I'm probably raising small here to $150-175. I think we do lose value here by not raising.

As played you are probably correct calling here he is unlikely to call with worse.
What you fail to consider is although we may be way ahead of his range, we're not monstrously crushing his range THAT CALLS OUR RAISE.

If he has AK and TT+ he's folding TT and JJ. So when he calls, he has AK, AA, KK, or QQ, 3 of which crush us. We're taking away an ace and a king which tilts it a little more towards hands that crush us alsol

If he has a wider range, it depends on whether we think he calls our raise with a hand like KJ. It's probably unlikely. So once again, it doesn't matter that we're ahead of his range. We can probably make more money by calling flop.

OTT if we raise any king is probably calling us, and we could randomly get called by something with a diamond that doesn't believe us for some reason. It's also unlikely villain 3 barrels air.
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:02 PM
Thanks for the input.

What is V shoves river instead of betting only 100$? Is there any way to get away?

Knowing that he had pocket 10s, is the turn call is the correct play, right?
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
01-19-2012 , 10:12 PM
Although your hand may be behind on the turn (to flush, full house, etc) I think you have to raise for value on the turn. Top trips Top Kicker with a redraw to the flush is a great hand. If you are behind, you should have several outs to a flush and / or Ace / King for a full boat, or the board may pair.

Although raising on the turn looks strong, I think villain will call enough to make it worthwhile, or if he reraises, get it in. Then you can decide how to play on the river.
1/2 NL: AK turn trips + NFD Quote
