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1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. 1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on.

01-27-2014 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by trucdouf
I see where this is headed so I'll keep it simple.

OOP and standard raises have been 12-15.
OK that would be fine if that were your reasoning but then why did you say this:

Originally Posted by trucdouf

If you're at the end of a session. 20 minimum PF.
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
01-27-2014 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
OK that would be fine if that were your reasoning but then why did you say this:
That was my reasoning, put them together.
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
01-27-2014 , 02:43 PM
If I'm checking turn it's to check/shove to get max value from draws and try to get a queen to stack off thinking we're on a draw. Otherwise we should just bet. Check/calling is the worst option of the 3.

Obvious river call is obvious.
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
01-27-2014 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by trucdouf
That was my reasoning, put them together.
NVM troll not playing your dumb little games...I will continue to call out your terrible advice in this forum tho
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
01-27-2014 , 03:41 PM
You played the hand badly and got lucky the guy spazzed lol. Or you bitched and folded which is worse lol. Only way you lose the hand is if he has exactly 6xhh
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
01-27-2014 , 04:09 PM
As played, river is snap call and anything else is results oriented.

I'm betting that turn every time on draw-y board but CRAI is fine too.
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
01-27-2014 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
NVM troll not playing your dumb little games...I will continue to call out your terrible advice in this forum tho
I'm going to bite my tongue out of respect to Garrick.
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
01-27-2014 , 05:53 PM
OP I loved the way you played this hand.

On the flop your spr is 5.62--an spr I don't think we should be generally comfortable stacking off on in a 4 handed pot. However, by playing the hand the way you did, checking the turn against someone who likes to "attack sensed weakness", thus widening villain's range signficanly, that awkward spr on the flop now becomes a profitable stack off point. You played your opponent and the situation well, and assuming you called that wonderful blank river, you got all the money with villain having the widest range possible. VNH.
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
01-27-2014 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Buster65
People saying to bet the turn are ignoring this part of the read. Yeah, we want to blow him off his draws and only play against the stronger part of his range. Really?
Plus villain will probably bet his draws if we check. This guy likes to attack weakness. Betting the turn is a clear mistake in my mind vs this villain.
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
01-27-2014 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
OP I loved the way you played this hand.

On the flop your spr is 5.62--an spr I don't think we should be generally comfortable stacking off on in a 4 handed pot. However, by playing the hand the way you did, checking the turn against someone who likes to "attack sensed weakness", thus widening villain's range signficanly, that awkward spr on the flop now becomes a profitable stack off point. You played your opponent and the situation well, and assuming you called that wonderful blank river, you got all the money with villain having the widest range possible. VNH.
Finally, some sense in this thread, thank you!
1/2 NL AA near end (self imposed time limit) of session. Help from post flop on. Quote
