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1/2 NFD otf 1/2 NFD otf

06-08-2018 , 07:40 PM
Limp/call happy table
Hero 400
Villain utg+1 155

Hero 8€ utg with AQ, 3 caller, sb 3b to 25€ lol. Everybody calls, 5way ttf.

Flop (127€) K93
Sb checks, hero checks, villain 47€, everybody folds. Hero?

I dont know whats best here.
What do u guys do in a spot like this? Just call, lead flop, x/r gii?

P.s.: 8€ is my standard pfr in case somebody wants to write "bigger pre"
1/2 NFD otf Quote
06-08-2018 , 10:28 PM
Pretty close to a fold pre, SB usually not kidding in this spot and your relative position is bad.

With how short villain is OTF no option but to just rip it in and hope for the best.
1/2 NFD otf Quote
06-09-2018 , 12:28 AM
Why didn't you bet the flop when the 3bettor checked? You induce a lot of folds from better hands and get people to chase drawing slim with QJ, QT, JT with a heart.
1/2 NFD otf Quote
06-09-2018 , 04:40 AM
I'd turbo muck pre.

OTF, i'd bet something dumb like 1/4-1/3 pot. Shoving just helps opponents play more perfectly against us. At least if we bet 1/4-1/3 pot we can get some hands drawing almost dead (QhJx) to call a bet. If they have a K/flush/set, we're always getting the money in here regardless so it's prob more +EV to make a play where people can make more mistakes.

I dont really like checking; our hand is too strong and SPR is very low.

AP, snap jam.
1/2 NFD otf Quote
