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1/2 Multiway set sizing help 1/2 Multiway set sizing help

08-29-2019 , 03:11 AM
10-handed. $170. Everyone has hero covered. UTG+2 plays loose passive pre but sometimes just decides he wants to gamble. MP is loose and kind of randomly clicking buttons post. BB is really loose, got the gamble. Others seem ABC or good.

My image is likely TAG, players have commented that I 3-bet pre a lot. "Oh there he goes" etc.

Hero gets 4d4h in the HJ. UTG+2 raises it to $8. MP and LJ flat. Hero flats. Blinds call.

Flop: $48
UTG+2 bets $20
2 folds.

I'm a limit fish trying to learn about sizing raises so thoughts please.

My thoughts: obv not going to slow play, this drawy flop is all over BB's range and UTG+2 likely has an OP still betting into the flop this many ways. Seems like I should make it... $85ish? Does it make sense to just bet more than half my stack and shove any turn or should I simply let it rip now?

Last edited by reaper6788; 08-29-2019 at 03:30 AM.
1/2 Multiway set sizing help Quote
08-29-2019 , 03:31 AM
I mean there is not enough room for you to get clever here. If you are asking the amount you'd have to make it to give a flushdraw from UTG2 a bad price its probably somewhere around 110 but with IO and stack sizes and other people in the hand it gets complicated.

Ive found that shoving in these spots in my game is the most +EV play since most think you are on some kind of draw and a shove might get called off with 88 type hands or even worse. Ive seen huge overbets with made hands getting snap called with combo draws and nut flush draws so I would elect not to get fancy here and just dump your entire stack in.

You might be upset when everyone folds but you just won a bunch of money uncontested with no chance for someone to draw out on you.

Last edited by AAJTo; 08-29-2019 at 03:37 AM.
1/2 Multiway set sizing help Quote
08-29-2019 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
10-handed. $170. Everyone has hero covered. UTG+2 plays loose passive pre but sometimes just decides he wants to gamble. MP is loose and kind of randomly clicking buttons post. BB is really loose, got the gamble. Others seem ABC or good.

My image is likely TAG, players have commented that I 3-bet pre a lot. "Oh there he goes" etc.

Hero gets 4d4h in the HJ. UTG+2 raises it to $8. MP and LJ flat. Hero flats. Blinds call.

Flop: $48
UTG+2 bets $20
2 folds.

I'm a limit fish trying to learn about sizing raises so thoughts please.

My thoughts: obv not going to slow play, this drawy flop is all over BB's range and UTG+2 likely has an OP still betting into the flop this many ways. Seems like I should make it... $85ish? Does it make sense to just bet more than half my stack and shove any turn or should I simply let it rip now?

Ship it. Balance it out with A hi flush draws and 33.

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1/2 Multiway set sizing help Quote
08-29-2019 , 10:06 AM
How many blinds deep would we have to be to raise instead of shove and how much would we raise.
1/2 Multiway set sizing help Quote
08-29-2019 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
How many blinds deep would we have to be to raise instead of shove and how much would we raise.
Id say around 250-270 stack size so we can raise to 100 on the flop and have a 2/3 bet on the turn assuming only the original raiser calls. If my next street shove is under 2/3 pot and I cant comfortably make the current streets raise size any smaller I usually elect to overshove.
1/2 Multiway set sizing help Quote
08-29-2019 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by AAJTo
Id say around 250-270 stack size so we can raise to 100 on the flop and have a 2/3 bet on the turn assuming only the original raiser calls. If my next street shove is under 2/3 pot and I cant comfortably make the current streets raise size any smaller I usually elect to overshove.
Given villains that like to gamble or are suspicious of overbets this makes sense.

Are you also balancing with combo draws or nut flush draws?

I'm thinking how much I'd incorporate those for balance should depend on how much fold equity I assume I get. If villain loves to call off and sweat a run out I'd probably only add in combo draws with lots of equity. Then add in the nut flush draws as my read of villain's fold range grows.
1/2 Multiway set sizing help Quote
08-29-2019 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
Are you also balancing with combo draws or nut flush draws?
Of course but saying Im "balancing" my range in a calculated way is a stretch because at donkey limits you dont need to be anything close to perfectly balanced. Maybe if you constantly have good players going after you'd need to think about this in a more technical way. Showing up once in a while with a shoved As4s/AsTs in this spot is more than enough.
1/2 Multiway set sizing help Quote
08-30-2019 , 12:49 AM
I’d personally raise to $60-65 and shove most rivers. It’s a disaster to get an overpair to fold.
1/2 Multiway set sizing help Quote
08-30-2019 , 08:56 PM
just shove now.

lol at balancing your flop shove range 20-way vs a bunch of donkeys
1/2 Multiway set sizing help Quote
