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1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro 1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro

01-23-2016 , 07:49 AM
V1 ($250): 70ish white guy. At first I thought he was a super-nit as he didn't play any hands for almost an hour, but now I've seen him raise pre a couple of times (once w/ AJs) so maybe he's just nit. He definitely tightens it up post flop and never gets out of line.

V2 ($225): 35ish latino guy. Probably playing 70/20 and post flop he's quite aggressive but really more of an "opposite" player (or has FPS). I've seen him bet and raise with a lot of weaker hands like bottom pair or draws, but then slow play his good hands (saw him check the flop, the turn, and bet small on the river when he flopped trips against multiple opponents).

Hero ($325). 30ish white guy, true TAG image as I've played few hands and won my pots mostly w/o showdown. Been at the table about 1.5 hours.

Pre-flop: V2 limps UTG, 3 other limpers, Hero limps on the button w/ 89, V1 completes SB, BB checks.

Flop ($11): 1073 V1 leads out $4, BB folds, V2 raises to $15, folds to Hero who calls, V1 calls

Turn ($53) 6 V1 leads out $20 (in an aggressive "get out of my pot" way), V2 makes it $90. Hero?
1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro Quote
01-23-2016 , 08:30 AM
all the chips in the middle
1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro Quote
01-23-2016 , 11:47 AM
Ship it now

If either V is chasing a flush (now 2 FDs on the board), need to charge them for drawing, plus you won't get paid on a brick river.

I either V has a set or 2-pair, need to get paid before a flush card or 8/9 on the river scares them.

Lots of hands that are betting / raising can call a shove, including FDs, combo draws (flush + gutshot), sets and 2-pair. In a limped pot, ranges are wide and there is no need to try to figure out exactly each V's range, as you HAVE THE NUTS. GII.
1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro Quote
01-23-2016 , 12:02 PM
Get your money in the middle. It's important to put on a show of thinking about this a little first. Don't knock over your own stack pushing all your chips before V2 is done betting.

There is a good chance your facing two hands that are drawing to beat you. This is likely your last chance to make any money. It is only annoying when it turns out V1 folded a flush draw and V2 had 89 also but against that combo all you can do is chop or lose anyways.
1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro Quote
01-23-2016 , 12:13 PM
It's almost never wrong to shove with the nuts.
1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro Quote
01-23-2016 , 12:28 PM
This is the most obvious shove in the world. V2 isnt folding

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1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro Quote
01-23-2016 , 03:48 PM
Fair enough, seems unanimous.
I shoved and both folded
1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro Quote
01-24-2016 , 12:41 AM
Call the $90. This will convince the nit with his set that you're drawing heavy (combo). He'll then ship and you'll take them both out.
1/2: Maximize nuts w/ a nit and loose aggro Quote
