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1/2 line check 1/2 line check

12-05-2012 , 03:07 AM
playing at the local poker room. the nightly tourney had just started and the games tend to dry up for an hour or so the table had been pretty tight.

UTG: straddle

EP & MP: limp

Hero (LJ): (~150) raises to 15 with KJ. This isn't an auto-open for me but with my iso's had been getting respect and the villains that liked to flat me a lot were both out of position. also $15 in dead money to attack

HJ (covers): calls

SB ($73): calls

UTG (covers): calls

EP folds MP calls with $12 behind

Flop ($79) - KQ8

SB shoves $58

UTG calls

MP calls calls $12 all in

Hero: calls

HJ: folds

Turn: 3 ($265) UTG shoves

Hero (~70): calls getting ~4.8/1

I felt like my preflop play was fine. Wasn't sure about the other two streets, however. I don't know if i should just be getting it in OTF since I have so little behind. The only player I was really worried about was UTG. I feel like he raises all monsters on this flop and the only real monsters in his range are 55 and kq. he def has ak in his flatting range pf. he had been running bad in big pots and it was definitely causing him to get tentative in spots. If I'm beat OTF i'm still getting a great price to call, and I think I'm ahead here a good % of the time as well. Anyone folding this turn? Are most of you not getting to the turn without it getting all in bc of stack size? I felt like he'd check worse kings and missed draws. I just felt like i butchered something and i wanted to hear everyone's criticisms.
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12-05-2012 , 03:18 AM
pre is ok

flop you either need to fold or shove what you have left, calling is awful.. i would prob prefer a fold after an all in, and 2 calls, but its villain dependent
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12-05-2012 , 04:15 AM
I agree with Suq I think a push or a fold here on the flop are the only options.. IMO pushing is better than folding. you only have 140 you are better off pushing while you have some fold value, utg calls his straddle, it would be good to know his stack size to see how invested he is cold calling an open push on that board, smells like a flush draw
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12-05-2012 , 11:56 AM
Flop has to be shove or fold. If you call the flop you can't fold that blank turn.

$15 is probably not a big enough raise preflop here with a straddle and 2 callers. You're giving people strong odds to call you.

Really, your hand should be a fold pre with under 40 bb effective, though.
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12-05-2012 , 12:08 PM
All those callers once flop has me do worried especially at a tight table deffinitly fold or shove with fold not being a bad option I think I might let this one go unless I think I can get the side pot from UTG for sure
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12-05-2012 , 12:29 PM
fold flop
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12-05-2012 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
Flop has to be shove or fold. If you call the flop you can't fold that blank turn.

$15 is probably not a big enough raise preflop here with a straddle and 2 callers. You're giving people strong odds to call you.

Really, your hand should be a fold pre with under 40 bb effective, though.
What would you open to hear then?
So kj is just a fold when shorties are at the table?
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12-05-2012 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by oneleggedemu
What would you open to hear then?
So kj is just a fold when shorties are at the table?
When people are straddling to $4 and you have $150, you have 37.5 bb. You're short stacked, not just other players. You need to adjust to the straddle. You should tighten up pretty significantly here. With 2 limpers already plus the blinds and straddle, you are going to have to play a multiway pot here fairly often, especially with a raise to only $15. If I wanted to enter here, I'd probably make it something like $25-$30 and I'd be prepared to ship a lot of flops.

Also if MP only has $27 total, you need to be prepared for MP to shove back over you and reopen the betting.

KJ is probably too light here. I'm probably only opening with 88+/AJ+/maybe KQ, and I'm prepared to get any of those in by the turn on a significant % of hands depending upon the board and the villains in the hand. This is short stack poker.
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12-05-2012 , 12:56 PM
Goootcha. Thank you. I've been thinking about the straddle incorrectly. Appreciate it.
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12-05-2012 , 01:03 PM
raise more pf

probably puke ship the flop
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12-05-2012 , 01:03 PM
folding KJ pf is awful imo
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12-05-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
folding KJ pf is awful imo
In MP when we're 37.5 BB effective as is and we're likely to be playing a multiway pot in middle position? I think fold isn't awful at a lot of tables. This isn't that strong a multiway hand to be committing 15%+ of our stack (which is what both you and I think he really should be raising to here).

I'd like the raise better if there weren't two limpers already, which increases the likelihood we see a multiway pot.
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12-05-2012 , 03:55 PM
I think I just fold preflop. I think there's simply too many people yet to act behind us that could wake up with a crushing hand and we're playing quite short due to straddle. With a straddle and two limpers already, I think we also need to be raising it up a LOT more if we are considering raising; going to the flop 5ways here absolutely sucks.

We have to make up our mind on the flop if we're in or we're out. There's no point in just flatting this drawy board and leaving a lol amount behind for the turn. With 3 interested parties, I'm out.

If we're calling the flop, I don't see how we can fold the turn for this price on a blank.

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12-05-2012 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
folding KJ pf is awful imo
We're playing with only 38 BBs, already have 2 + a straddler interested, have an easily dominated hand, plus have SIX people still to react behind us preflop. Folding is super standard here, imo.
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12-05-2012 , 04:26 PM
If you want to raise, I think you have to go closer to $20 total (your $4 plus the pot). There is already $15 a raised (straddled) pot. However, in a tight game with two callers to a straddle (so, something more than just limps) I am thinking about folding this hand preflop.

Beyond the preflop game, you have mentioned this is a tight table. You have an all in and then call and call. You have top pair with a middling kicker on a super textured board. It seems very unlikely to me that you are leading all three of them. In the off event that you are, you have a ton of outs to fade. I am folding this hand on the flop and cutting my losses at the $15 I put in pre.
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12-05-2012 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by oneleggedemu
If I'm beat OTF i'm still getting a great price to call, and I think I'm ahead here a good % of the time as well. Anyone folding this turn? Are most of you not getting to the turn without it getting all in bc of stack size? I felt like he'd check worse kings and missed draws. I just felt like i butchered something and i wanted to hear everyone's criticisms.
If you are beat on the flop, then at best your outs are the remaining two kings and three jacks. However, if you are up against K8 you have only 3 jacks. If you are up against KQ (or worse) you need running jacks. If you think you are behind at all, this is a clear fold. The pot odds don't justify the call, imo.
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12-05-2012 , 06:25 PM
I think I'm only behind to ak. With this wet of a board he's not just flatting those hands otf.
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12-05-2012 , 06:33 PM
I think given my position and stack size I like folding pre after what everyone has said.
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12-05-2012 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
We're playing with only 38 BBs, already have 2 + a straddler interested, have an easily dominated hand, plus have SIX people still to react behind us preflop. Folding is super standard here, imo.
It is a ****ing cash game
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12-06-2012 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
It is a ****ing cash game
I agree, folding pre here is way nitty
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12-06-2012 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
It is a ****ing cash game
I have zero clue what you mean by this.

This is a pretty easy fold preflop due to at least 3 factors (horrible stack, horrible position, horrible hand), but I guess we'll agree to disagree.
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