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1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair 1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair

07-20-2014 , 10:18 AM
I'm in MP with about 250 and have a tightish image. Villain has a loose image and def has a wide range but seems to be somewhat sensible in that he won't play trash oop. Villain has over 300.

I pick up KJo. Old lady UTG+2 jams for 13. Villain calls, I call, a semi-aggro guy also calls.

Flop is K23, two spades.

Villain opens for 15. I call, a semi-aggro calls.

Turn 3 and Villain insta-bets 20. As if he had 20 in his fist and would check if the turn didn't help him but bet if it did. Not sure if that was his plan though. But I tank about Villain's range and I can't think of a 3 he'd call a $13 all-in pre with or fire 15 on the flop with. So I call.

River is a J giving me two pair. Villain bets 45.

1. Is this a call or a raise on the river?
2. Was my call on the flop a mistake?
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07-20-2014 , 10:22 AM
Fold PF?
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07-20-2014 , 10:36 AM
I wouldn't mind having some good incite on this aswell.
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07-20-2014 , 10:47 AM
If 3 otf is not a spade we should incl at least one combo of A3ss in vs range.

Vs tiny flop bet if less than 1/3 pot could be spade draw making a blocking bet. Since we called pf w/ KJo in mp and the guy we have position on is leading out small I prob raise him here to get value from his draws. I know he's Agro but we have to fold to his reraise tho.

AP OTR I'm not sure what hands he will call a raise with other than KQ since your read doesn't include any reads other than he's Agro. Since I see KQ betting more otf multiway I'm less convinced he has a strong K and he bet into us on 3 streets. If he's bluffing busted spades he's folding to a raise. If he's got A3 or a boat obv he's re raising and we fold. I like to go for value and if v had bet more otf I would consider raising to get value from his Kx hands but honestly here I think I'm just calling.

Last edited by cAmmAndo; 07-20-2014 at 11:06 AM.
1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair Quote
07-20-2014 , 12:49 PM
Let's look at the bet sizing.

Flop is 15 of a pot of 52, or 29% pot. Turn is 20 of a pot of 97 or 21%. The river is 45 of a pot of 157 or 29%. While the bet sizes are small, the fact that they are going and especially going up as a percentage is a sign of perceived strength.

To me, the question is what type of bad is this villain. Is he slow playing a monster because he's afraid he'll lose you? Or is he only looking at the absolute value of his hand? I'd call to find out. Whatever +EV you might have raising is worth finding out the answer to those questions now. Call.
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07-20-2014 , 12:58 PM
^ I also thought his bet-sizing was suspect. He's capable of betting much larger in other situations.
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07-20-2014 , 02:30 PM
How aggressive is v? That betting looks so weak to me. V would have to be pretty passive for me not to call him down all the way here
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07-20-2014 , 02:44 PM
Fold pre from mp. If you wanna play loose do it from the btn
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07-20-2014 , 02:50 PM
Raise flop to 40. Bet 60 ott. Bet/ship river

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1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair Quote
07-20-2014 , 02:51 PM
Assuming the other two v's fold flop raise

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1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair Quote
07-20-2014 , 04:49 PM
I fold pf with that action in front.
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07-20-2014 , 04:54 PM
How can you profitably expect to play KJo unless you know the answer to your questions:

Originally Posted by dozer
1. Is this a call or a raise on the river?
2. Was my call on the flop a mistake?
If you're not feeling sure of the answer, then fold pre.

If this isn't a raise on the river then you should fold pre.
1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair Quote
07-20-2014 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by au4all
How can you profitably expect to play KJo unless you know the answer to your questions:

If you're not feeling sure of the answer, then fold pre.
Or play the hand and post questions in a strat forum in hopes of getting HELPFUL advice.

If this isn't a raise on the river then you should fold pre.
I would love to hear an explanation of this logic.
1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair Quote
07-20-2014 , 05:26 PM
as played it appears to be an easy calldown. Strongly consider raiseing the turn for value.
1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair Quote
07-20-2014 , 07:01 PM
Not that I love KJo but I don't mind my call here pre, particularly with two people already in. I don't need to have my questions answered before playing the hand in order to play it properly.

Anyway ... results ...

Villain had 63cc

I sent a copy of this to a friend of mine who said my play is a microcosm of how I play poker. He claims I'm too passive when I get a flop that's vulnerable in any way. So I'd really like to focus on the flop play here. How many of you raise the $15 here (forget that you know the result of this hand)? Do you do it to know where you're at in a hand? Or do you not do it unless you have TPTK?
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07-20-2014 , 08:36 PM
Raise raise raise raise! 3b flop for value.

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1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair Quote
07-20-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by dozer
I sent a copy of this to a friend of mine who said my play is a microcosm of how I play poker. He claims I'm too passive when I get a flop that's vulnerable in any way. So I'd really like to focus on the flop play here. How many of you raise the $15 here (forget that you know the result of this hand)? Do you do it to know where you're at in a hand? Or do you not do it unless you have TPTK?
Sure, I definitely want to chase people out of hands when they have 5 outs.
1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair Quote
07-21-2014 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
Sure, I definitely want to chase people out of hands when they have 5 outs.
That's sort of results-oriented. We didn't know whether we were ahead on the flop. We could have been drawing to three outs (or less). If we didn't improve and Villain continued to bet we probably would have folded the best hand.

It was a spot we didn't need to get involved in. KJo is a very easily dominated hand; it's not a hand to call raises with. At least 36s tends to hit flops in an unexpected way.

Of course the friend's advice is no good, ...

Play weak hands and when you get lucky (because that's what it is) chase everyone away.
1/2: Let's talk about top pair & rivered two pair Quote
07-21-2014 , 12:38 PM
As I mentioned previously I raise flop to get value from his draws given the sizing of villains flop bet.
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