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1/2 - KK utg multiway 1/2 - KK utg multiway

02-01-2020 , 10:21 PM
Main villain is in the big blind - we are 260 effective. He is a fish playing hands like q3o, 72 and random garbage hands. We have a history and he is just returning to poker after a hiatus because of running very badly.


Hero utg KK: raise to 10

Mp BTN and BB calls

Flop (41): Q 6s 2s

X I bet $27 BB calls.

Turn (95) 7o

Villain leads $48

Hero ??
1/2 - KK utg multiway Quote
02-01-2020 , 10:53 PM
Think it comes down to your read - you said you have history. Would villain lead if he had say 67 on the flop or would he check to induce a bet? Could villain have a hand like Q10 and be trying to get to a cheap showdown? Would he ever take this line if he flopped 2 pair or better? These are the questions i would be asking myself.

I am not folding here. I ask myself above questions and if I think a made hand is likely I call, if I think draw raise probably just ship it going for max value.
1/2 - KK utg multiway Quote
02-02-2020 , 06:51 PM
Raise bigger pf with this player in the bb. As played call and plan on calling river.

If you have a history with the villain you should give us more info about him.
1/2 - KK utg multiway Quote
02-02-2020 , 07:59 PM
Think we have a clear call. Raising seems like an overplay. There’s no straights out there, though, and I’m not willing to give this guy a set straight away. Could just as easily have turned a combo draw or have 7sXs and be setting his own price on the turn.

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1/2 - KK utg multiway Quote
02-03-2020 , 12:00 AM
Clear call. What's the river?
1/2 - KK utg multiway Quote
02-03-2020 , 03:46 AM
Bigger pre when we're UTG and this guy is in BB. $15 minimum, maybe even $20.

Bigger OTF. With a whale in the hand, I'm potting ($40) for max value against Qx, spade draws, and other bullshit he's inclined to call with.

AP, if you have history you should have a read on the most important thing: is he only aggressive with strong made hands, or does he mix it up and bet/raise bluffs or marginal holdings?

Without more info, easily calling turn. This can be a spade draw trying to set their own price or another draw with additional equity, Qx trying to get to showdown, or turned 2-pair/flopped set. Raising is an overplay for sure.

1/2 - KK utg multiway Quote
02-03-2020 , 10:02 AM
At least $15 pre. I actually like jamming vs this guy, because I expect him to call with all of his spade draws that he's trying to set a price for, and all Qx that he's blocker betting.
1/2 - KK utg multiway Quote
02-03-2020 , 12:06 PM
From our history, villain mixes it up.

I flatted his turn bet - river was 10s and he leads $100. I table talk abit - and he says he has the flush and I should fold. He said this same type of thing a few months ago where he 4bet me allin where I had QQ, and he told me he had Aces and he did lol.

I folded and he shows 98ss for the flush.

Knowing that he VPIPs way too high made me quite concerned of turned two pairs.
1/2 - KK utg multiway Quote
