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1/2 KK in the CO 1/2 KK in the CO

02-27-2012 , 09:35 PM
I just came to this table about 2 orbits ago so my reads aren't super strong but I have some tendencies identified and the softer spots on the table targeted.
V1 has been sitting on a shortsgtack, calling PFR and then shoving the flop with any piece of it.
V2 is a donk. He just folded for $3 in a $100 plus pot on the turn with $20 already invested. Likes to call a lot. V3 is a thinking player I think. Relatively tight but aggressive.

Hero $230
V1 $55
V2 $200
V3 $220

Hero is in CO with KcKh
V1 is SB
V2 is MP
V3 is BTN

Preflop there's 2 limps including V2 and I pop it to $12 V3 calls, V1 calls, the limper and V2 follow suit


Flop: 3s 9s 7d.
V1 shoves for $29
V2 calls $29
Hero raises to $100
V3 shoves instantly $220
V2 folds.

Hero vomits and ???

My thinking here is that V1 has any pair, 2 pair, set, draw etc and I
'm crushing his range. V3 could have a set, prob not 2 pair on this board as he's been tight thus far and I doubt he called with 97. Or a big spade draw
1/2 KK in the CO Quote
02-27-2012 , 09:42 PM
you have priced yourself into a call. you should have had that plan in mind when you raised to $100.
1/2 KK in the CO Quote
02-27-2012 , 09:44 PM
I don't think folding is an option after raising to 100
1/2 KK in the CO Quote
02-27-2012 , 09:44 PM
Is a smaller raise or flat call a better line here? I just feel like calling is way to weak and invites the button to call with any draw/pair in a big pot.
1/2 KK in the CO Quote
02-27-2012 , 09:51 PM
No. its fine. I just ship the first time probably but it doesn't make much of a difference.
1/2 KK in the CO Quote
02-27-2012 , 10:51 PM
I think shipping first is the best move too
1/2 KK in the CO Quote
