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1/2 Interesting Spot against Donkey Kong 0 pot PF 1/2 Interesting Spot against Donkey Kong 0 pot PF

01-24-2016 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Wealth$
Getting towards the end of my session and would like to book a profit.
didn't read the hand.. but ill comment on this part. simply expressing this sentiment exposes a fundamental flaw in your understanding of the mathematics that govern poker. this lack of understanding will be extremely hard to overcome in the long run, imo. if you don't understand why this thinking is "wrong", please find out.
01-24-2016 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
pushing is ridiculous if you've decided you're committed as you'll fold out some of the range of hands you beat that he would otherwise barrel

just call this down and shove anything remaining on the river
How much money are we talking about pushing, fw?
01-24-2016 , 09:32 PM
just read the hand. 3bet is too small.. make it 100 or so. commit. he won't fold.. let him call bigger. don't shove.. he may fold to a shove.. just make a very big committing bet.. 104 sounds good
01-24-2016 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
How much money are we talking about pushing, fw?
ah yes, my apologies - thought we were 500 effective

I'll sneak off back to the chat thread
01-24-2016 , 09:56 PM
I would just shove flop perhaps if you do not want to fold to a bet when you check. Makes it easier, although donkey may get away from weaker PP's if you do that. But on the other hand, he may bet a hand like 10 10 if you check, so...

If you don't have a specific read it is very hard to put villain on a hand. You just have to accept the situation for what it is, maybe he has a king and maybe he doesn't. Don't call if you don't want to risk rest of your stack. You're only in $60. Sometimes it's not worth it.

You will get to see his hand for what it is worth.
01-24-2016 , 09:58 PM
Shoving flop seems donkeyish.
01-24-2016 , 10:14 PM
Hero has less than 1 PSB behind.. can't be terrible.
01-24-2016 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by sethnoorzad
Hero has less than 1 PSB behind.. can't be terrible.
Ok. Fair point. Why not check/call instead?
01-24-2016 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by browni3141
sewktbk, IMO you shouldn't be afraid of playing QQ mw OOP with an SPR of <1. V's are making a mistake with almost their entire range by calling the $60.
I'm not exactly afraid to play QQ mw OOP with an SPR of <1, but simply put, its not my goal and is not ideal IMO, thats all.
01-24-2016 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by TeamKB
Ok. Fair point. Why not check/call instead?
Yeah that may be a better option if Hero is not considering folding on the flop. However V's $105 bet puts hero in spot where he might consider folding. Shoving is good if you don't want to be put in weird spot where maybe you fold the best hand.
01-25-2016 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Wealth$
I understand pot odds. I need to be ahead about 25% of the time to break even. And I should have thought more about that during the hand after he bet. About $100 to win $300 and only have another 40 behind, so I should have just shoved the flop. I just didn't want to risk not leaving with a profit, I played for like 8 hours.
You didn't belong at the table. It was past time to quit.

IMO, you were still playing in the hopes of seeing flops cheap & hittin' a B.I.N.G.O., or, you were waiting for your buddy to rack up & didn't want to sit around idle, or, you were really hoping to crack open Donkey Kong's head b4 headin' out, or, you just couldn't say "goodnight" to playin' poker & were trying to play with only 1/4th of the stack in front of you.

In any event, you need to learn how to quit when you're suppose to quit.
01-25-2016 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt
You didn't belong at the table. It was past time to quit.

IMO, you were still playing in the hopes of seeing flops cheap & hittin' a B.I.N.G.O., or, you were waiting for your buddy to rack up & didn't want to sit around idle, or, you were really hoping to crack open Donkey Kong's head b4 headin' out, or, you just couldn't say "goodnight" to playin' poker & were trying to play with only 1/4th of the stack in front of you.

In any event, you need to learn how to quit when you're suppose to quit.
There is some truth to this. This was the first time I ever played 1/2 here and it was so soft and I knew I was playing my A game, so why leave? At one point I was up about $380 and ended up leaving up $199. I got it in good a couple times and got sucked out on to lose some profits.

My thoughts were the games were so soft and I was playing well and making good reads so why leave.

I will say that the dollar amount does matter though. When I played 1/3 at the Wynn regularly, I had no trouble leaving quicker if I was up 1K+ which I did regularly. Playing 8 hours and only being up 380, I still wanted to keep running it up. I guess mentally once I get up over 1K it's easier for me to leave. But this probably won't happen much playing 1/2 so I need to make some mental adjustments.
01-25-2016 , 04:13 PM
PF: OK, when we 3bet this hand, we have to know we are going with it. We aren't going to put in 1/3 of our stack and fold. The $60 is a bit low. We have a 10x raise, and then a called by an older guy (OMC? His stack size?). We should either raise to $100 (with the intention of shoving any flop) or just shove.

F ($190): SPR is <1. Well, if we are checking becasue we think the V will bet anything, then fine. But we must know, based on stack size, pot size, and the history with the V, we are never folding.

As played, at this point I'd just call down. If he has a King, he'll win, if he's bluffing, I'll let him bluff.
01-25-2016 , 06:49 PM
The other thing to keep in mind here on why I wanted to stay is the buy-ins are between 20-50BB's. So if I have 100BB's + I can really bully everybody at the table and put them in marginal spots for all their chips, as they will be pot committed fairly quickly, especially if I start raising bigger pre which is what I was doing.
01-25-2016 , 07:00 PM
^^^I really don't understand how that' going to work for you?^^^

Specifically, how are you going to "really bully everybody" and put them in "marginal" spots just becasue you are playing 100bb and they are playing, let's say 35bb?

Can you post an hypothetical hand example that doesn't have you having a premium hands like QQ+ or AQs+ or cooling someone?
01-25-2016 , 08:17 PM
yeah,,, really a tournament strat to bully a shortie
01-25-2016 , 08:19 PM
I was make it bigger pre - between $15-$20 and getting callers because my image was laggy.

Couple different examples - I make it $20 pre and get called by guys with $60 stacks, (40 behind after calling PF raise).

I flop flush draws. They check to me, I make Cbet, they move AI, I'm getting correct odds to call. (Rivered flushes both times).

Basically by making it bigger pre and getting callers with small stacks, I was getting correct odds when they jammed flop because they didn't have enough behind, or they would miss the flop and fold to my cbets when they were pot committed (I would just jam the flop when they checked to me because their SPR's <1).

There's definitely ways to use your big stack to your advantage when everybody else is very short stacked. I was getting them to make mistakes from the start by not just jamming pre if they wanted to play when I was 5xing regularly and getting 1/2 callers
01-25-2016 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
yeah,,, really a tournament strat to bully a shortie
It really does play kind of more like a tournament with how short everybody is. Way different than when I played 1/3 at the Wynn and 5x more soft (I thought 1/3 there was soft).
01-25-2016 , 08:22 PM does not. You can bully because you bust them out in a tourney. You can't bully when they can rebuy.
01-25-2016 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew does not. You can bully because you bust them out in a tourney. You can't bully when they can rebuy.
Ya but when they rebuy, they were re-buying for $40 or $60. Barely anybody was even buying in for the full 50BB's...

Have you ever played the small cash games in LA?

And some of them couldn't re-buy, (not the most affluent crowd).
01-25-2016 , 08:47 PM
btw, ur not playing TAG, ur playing tight-passive, not 3betting aqo vs described player is borderline criminal and horrible play in general. If u have a mindset of "booking a profit", just leave already, as you are not gonna be playing winning poker.

As played ur obv jamming the flop ainec.
01-25-2016 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Wealth$

Have you ever played the small cash games in LA?

We will just have to agree to disagree on playing a small cash table like a tourney.
01-25-2016 , 08:55 PM
Uhhh, I'm pretty aware of my image, the AQ hand was the first orbit since I had sat down at the table, I was OOP and he had already 10xed it pre, so ya, thanks coach..... appreciate your insight.
01-25-2016 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew

We will just have to agree to disagree on playing a small cash table like a tourney.
Gotcha, it seemed like it kind of did with where I was playing it's definitely not ordinary cash game poker and a lot different when nobody is deep stacked
01-25-2016 , 09:11 PM
Even though it is quite laughable, if people are buying short with no intention to rebuy or limited rebuys then it could play like a bit like a tournament. They will not want to lose all their money to OP so OP can push them off of marginal hands. Big stack bully.. even though OP only has 100 BB.

So did you fold?

It's not a perfect world. Ideally you don't want to ever fold against donkey bomber but sometimes you just do it because that's the intuition you get while playing. Can't always get the right answer thinking about the hand in a vacuum.
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